Any Physicians/Doctors out there?

yea im pre med 3.7 and my average is 34 mcats. im applying next year to med school. for those who got in, whats good with the interview process?
Im hoping to become a doctor (Orthopedic surgeon) but Im just a Senior in HS right now. Any advice for what I should make sure to do/not to do in undergrad? Isthere really a difference between what college I attend for Undergrad?
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Im hoping to become a doctor (Orthopedic surgeon) but Im just a Senior in HS right now. Any advice for what I should make sure to do/not to do in undergrad? Is there really a difference between what college I attend for Undergrad?
go somewhere where everyone wont be at your level/as smart as you, major in something easy and only take the prereqs if your primary goal is toget into medical school
I'm about to have my Bachelors in Speech-Language Pathology. I love it so far. Good Luck to everyone who is pursuing a career in the Medical field.
My sister is a lawyer and I think even she would agree that it is easier than med school, especially getting in. The interview process isnt as strenuous. Inaddition to all your schools exams you have national subject board exams after you finish each course and rotation then you have the USMLE STEP 1 at the end ofthe first two years which covers everything then you have the other two board exams in your 4th year ( Usmle 2CK 2CS). Like someone else said you have to doVERY well on these exams to keep the doors open to such specialties as Dermatology, Radiology, Orthopedic surgery, Ophthalmology, and Radiation Oncology.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Im hoping to become a doctor (Orthopedic surgeon) but Im just a Senior in HS right now. Any advice for what I should make sure to do/not to do in undergrad? Is there really a difference between what college I attend for Undergrad?

I'm in the same boat as you. Do you have any idea what you want to major in? Med schools don't really care for major, as long as you take the requiredscience classes. From the research I've done, they like volunteering at a hospital for a span of time (it shows dedication, I guess). I also saw that yourmajor, although not important, can differentiate you from the others. For example, if the admissions officer sees 1,000 Biology majors, another 1000 Biochemmajors and then sees a "Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management" (lol NCSU ftw), they'll see a more interesting applicant. As for me, I'mdouble Majoring in Spanish and Biochemistry. I'm most likely going to need to take summer classes, but w/e. I knew I was going to take them anyways. Mygoal is to specialize in Neurology. I'm looking to get into Hopkins or UNC Med school after I graduate. No more procrastinating :-D
Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Originally Posted by sk23

yea im pre med 3.7 and my average is 34 mcats. im applying next year to med school. for those who got in, whats good with the interview process?

Its going to cost you a grip, start saving now
How do you guys feel about jobs such as CRNA (private practicing CRNA's) making possibly more than physicians and having to do WAY less schooling thanphysicians?
Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

How do you guys feel about jobs such as CRNA (private practicing CRNA's) making possibly more than physicians and having to do WAY less schooling than physicians?

i think it shows what a good lobby can do for a profession and conversely how lacking the ama is
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I took a year off b/w undergrad and med school.

Med school actually look favorably on this. So I've been told. I took time off to get a Masters/work fulltime and do research.
yah taking a year off to complete a masters or research is always looked upon positively, especially if your application is lacking in any way.
Originally Posted by mco85

Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Good luck. First Aid and UsmleWorld can get you over 240 easily well i guess i shouldnt say easily but it is more than enough if you are justreviewing now. The key is questions questions questions.
medical students are douche bags. i dont get along with anyone in my class. and everyone who i get along with seems to feel the same way... so please if youget into med school, make sure you keep your head on your shoulders and dont turn into a douche.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by mco85

Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Good luck. First Aid and UsmleWorld can get you over 240 easily well i guess i shouldnt say easily but it is more than enough if you are just reviewing now. The key is questions questions questions.
hopefully taking my steps late march or early april... ive done uWorld once, need to do it a second time after reviewing first aid. good luckmco85
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I'll be a first year med student this fall. Praying to hear good news about UVa tomorrow.
Me too man. I'll be hearing back from 2 schoolstomorrow. Hopefully its good news.

Good Luck to you!!

And anyone else hate when people talk about taking the "MCATS"? Its a single exam.
Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

I took a year off b/w undergrad and med school.

Med school actually look favorably on this. So I've been told. I took time off to get a Masters/work fulltime and do research.
yah taking a year off to complete a masters or research is always looked upon positively, especially if your application is lacking in any way.
How much of an impact can this have on your application?
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by mco85

Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Good luck. First Aid and UsmleWorld can get you over 240 easily well i guess i shouldnt say easily but it is more than enough if you are just reviewing now. The key is questions questions questions.
hopefully taking my steps late march or early april... ive done uWorld once, need to do it a second time after reviewing first aid. good luck mco85
Wow march and april is really early. Make sure you are ready. I would also recommend taking the NBME practice exams they are good indicators ofwhere you are i scored 15 points higher on my real STEP1 than on my highest NBME practice exam, and pretty much every classmate i talked to scored right aroundor higher than what the practice predicted.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

mco85 wrote:

Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Good luck. First Aid and UsmleWorld can get you over 240 easily well i guess i shouldnt say easily but it is more than enough if you are just
reviewing now. The key is questions questions questions.
hopefully taking my steps late march or early april... ive done uWorld once, need to do it a second time after reviewing first aid. good luck mco85

thanks bro, good luck to you too
The notion of a shoehead/hypebeast doctor is
to me. BDW where can Icop some Nike scrubs?
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by mco85

Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Good luck. First Aid and UsmleWorld can get you over 240 easily well i guess i shouldnt say easily but it is more than enough if you are just reviewing now. The key is questions questions questions.
hopefully taking my steps late march or early april... ive done uWorld once, need to do it a second time after reviewing first aid. good luck mco85
Wow march and april is really early. Make sure you are ready. I would also recommend taking the NBME practice exams they are good indicators of where you are i scored 15 points higher on my real STEP1 than on my highest NBME practice exam, and pretty much every classmate i talked to scored right around or higher than what the practice predicted.

oh,.. i mentioned it on the first page of teh thread but im a foreign student (st. george university in the Caribbean ) so it will be 3 months of studying forit.... i was suppose to take it this week but i lost a lot of mojo around mid feb and got sick of studying for like 10 days or so, thus it pushed me back a fewweeks. Also, we start rotating june first so i have till mid april to take it so im just reviewing my first aid as many times as i can. I am taking my firstNBME this monday, then the rest of the 6 in the following 2-3 weeks and if im happy, then im just gonna go ahead and take it. those kaplan videos got reallyannoying
but now mojo is back so wish me luck
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by mco85

Ill be starting my third year in June, about to start studying for step 1 right now
Good luck. First Aid and UsmleWorld can get you over 240 easily well i guess i shouldnt say easily but it is more than enough if you are just reviewing now. The key is questions questions questions.
hopefully taking my steps late march or early april... ive done uWorld once, need to do it a second time after reviewing first aid. good luck mco85
Wow march and april is really early. Make sure you are ready. I would also recommend taking the NBME practice exams they are good indicators of where you are i scored 15 points higher on my real STEP1 than on my highest NBME practice exam, and pretty much every classmate i talked to scored right around or higher than what the practice predicted.

couple questions:

1) my roommate has a few NBME tests and many questions are 1 line vignettes... how would this serve as a representation of the actual exam? Isnt the actualexam more like uworld with long convoluted vignettes and distractors?
2) Which of the NBME are most legit? I have heard that test numbers 4 and 5 are the most representative... or are people just pulling my leg? i plan on doingall of them....

thanks in advance

What did you match? you start residency soon right? where at?
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