Any runners on Nike Talk????

Originally Posted by Air JustinXI

Brooks Trance 8s

What do yall run with
Brooks Beast II

Brooks are one of the best for heavy set folks, my knees dont hurt as much when i switched to these for running.

and its better to do roadwork with some friends with the same mindset and goals. some folks say you will burn more calories if you run in the morn w/out eatingbut imo it doesnt really matter as long as you get your time in. i usually eat something light.

hey what are some good headphones/earbuds that stay in place? the ipod ones keep falling out, very frustrating.
i like Shure headphones. they also have ones that go over your ear.
Originally Posted by y2kingsfan

hey what are some good headphones/earbuds that stay in place? the ipod ones keep falling out, very frustrating.
I've been using the Sony ones that clip onto the ear but thereare probably way better ones. Just needed something cheap that sounded decent and wouldn't fall out of get messed up by sweat. They don't reallycreate that seal in the ear but I think that might be a bad thing especially if running near or on the road.
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

And here's a hint for the future, boys: I know when you're young everyone want to be brolic. But you hit thirty years old, you're nice and lean and have a cut up mid section WOMEN. WILL. LOVE. YOU.

Advice on starting running.
1. When you're starting off, do less than you think you can. If you think you can run three miles today, then do two miles. You can always run again tomorrow or the next day, but it's a lot harder if you do too much one day.
2. Don't be afraid to shut it down early. You're not doing this for anyone but you. If you're out of gas then you're out of gas. There is nothing productive about making your legs slog through the last couple miles just because you decided that morning that you would do a particular distance.
3. Take days off. If you're starting out, your muscles and joints are probably not going to be ready for the rapid recovery needed for hard, daily workouts. Try running every other day for a couple of months. Limit yourself. You've got a lifetime to do more but you can spoil it for yourself by doing too much too early.
5. Remind yourself that even on the days you don't feel like running, you know you will feel better afterward.
6. Enjoy running. Leave the timers and high tech equipment at home. Like I said, you've got a lifetime to grow into those things and in time you will. Don't get caught up in an idea or image you have of running. Find out what running is for you.

Can I get an Amen?

Co-sign to all of that. When I was 18 I was really focused on lifting weights and really getting strong. While that still is important, what really matters ishow much you can run. I have always loved basketball but even when I was playing it at a varsity level I did have problems with endurance because I did not runany more than I had to.

Now that I am 24, I still do some strength training (mostly with a focus on my core muscles and posterior chain) but I mostly focus on running. When you canchurn out mile after mile, you look good, feel good and you will be better at the other sports that you play. Stuff like football, basketball, hockey, surfingand boxing are so much about endurance, especially when it is just pick up games or rec league. When I play ball now, I am able to take over games near the endand it is not because I am so much better. I am just the last one to get tired.

Running is all about persistence, patience and consistency and for me those virtues have moved into other spheres of my life.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

just pray you do not get shin splints.

I was just about to make a comment involving that. I wish I couldrun to lose my belly but I get shin splits that hurt like hell.

Ill be playing basketball for a little bit and my shins will start hurting like crazy.

Shin Splints FTL!!!
I always hated running but I think it had to do with the fact that I would try it on a treadmill. I then started jogging outside and it's much better andeasier. I think the most important things have been emphasized already but if I had to recommend one thing is do get a running shoe that fits you. I was usedto running in basketball sneakers (when I played on teams) and just kept it that way but running shoes are the way to go.

This is what I'm using now.. not the highest priced sneaker but they're comfortable and work for me.
Weather is clearing up here in Toronto. Once it gets better, im going to do morning runs before school.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Running long distances for fun, in and of itself, is extremely gay.

Good day sirs.
Get outta here.

Running is great, I have some Mizuno's that I got fitted at an Omega Sports.
me and my girl juss started to go runnin, but im so outa shape i have to take it slow man, but i will get back
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

I always hated running but I think it had to do with the fact that I would try it on a treadmill. I then started jogging outside and it's much better and easier. I think the most important things have been emphasized already but if I had to recommend one thing is do get a running shoe that fits you. I was used to running in basketball sneakers (when I played on teams) and just kept it that way but running shoes are the way to go.

This is what I'm using now.. not the highest priced sneaker but they're comfortable and work for me.
Interesting. I think running on the treadmill is a lot easier than in real life because there's no slope, and other obstacles like you gottawatch out for, ie dog doo doo.
Cool shoes, man. The real running shoes don't really need advertisement, the runners already know what to get.

Also for those who have already started running for a little bit...trying doing intervals, ie walking for 2 minutes and run as fast as you can for 1 minute,and repeat. You're suppose to burn more calories this way. I have no idea if this is true or not, I just do it to spice things up a bit.
I can't break this 1.5 mile barrier..

I want to get up to 3 miles in 30 mins before mid summer, but it seems like my legs or lungs take turns failing on different days..

I'm top heavy and my legs are pretty skinny could that be the problem?

I probably need to start boxing or some other forms of cardio.
I started running in February. The first time I ran, I almost died running 1 mile. I kept on adding 1-2 laps and about 5 weeks later I was able to run 4 mileswithout any problems.

Anyone find the first mile to be the hardest? After the first few laps I feel like giving up but after 1.5 miles it becomes a breeze.

Now, I try to run 4 days a week but I split everything up so that I dont feel sore the next day. Rather than running 4-5 miles and feeling sore for 2 daysafterwards, I just run 2-3 miles 4x a week along with weights.

I've been using the Brooks Beast and the shoes are awesome. I dont understand why people wear Nikes for running...Nike does not make good running shoes.

Running on the treadmill is the worst thing ever. I think I know why I avoided running all these years...its too boring, repetitive and seems dangerous to meon the treadmill (I'm always worried I'll lose my footing and fall
). I run at an indoor track at school and it is amazing, you can pace yourself, its easy to breath and I keep my mind busy by watching other peopleworkout
i hit the track in the spring/summer.

i cant wait to copp those air max + 2009s for this season.
I had some knee problems (2 torn acl's) and I'm trying to take some weight off that I put on while I was out. I don't really have much to do nowafter basketball season finished. I just started running like a month ago. I try to do 1 1/2 miles every morning before school.

About the shoes, running shoes do make a big difference. No need to go out and get the new Air Max 360s, but you can find some good asics for $80 andyou'll be straight.

In fact, I'm gona take a jog right now
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I can't break this 1.5 mile barrier..

I want to get up to 3 miles in 30 mins before mid summer, but it seems like my legs or lungs take turns failing on different days..

I'm top heavy and my legs are pretty skinny could that be the problem?

I probably need to start boxing or some other forms of cardio.
You need to build up stride. My step dad is a pretty heavy guy...around 250 lbs and he's done 12 L.A. Marathons. Like stated before, I do3.5 miles in 30 mins to warm myself up before I start lifting, and in that 30 mins, it's not even's more like jogging. I noticed that alot of guys, a lot are skinny ones, can't hang either. They'll be huffing and puffing after 10 or so minutes on the treadmill..which is why I thinkyou gotta work your way up.

Doing boxing, in addition to a good diet, will have you dropping pounds fast.
Just started about a month ago and I love it.. i run 3 days out the week just get started..I only run about a mile and a start somewhere..
people with shin splits

theres some machine thing at my gym (not sure if anywhere else has it) to help prevent shin splits..basically you put your foot in it and attach weights andraise your toes up .. there was a video on youtube but i cant find it. its called like tibia something . i cant remember
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I can't break this 1.5 mile barrier..

I want to get up to 3 miles in 30 mins before mid summer, but it seems like my legs or lungs take turns failing on different days..
It's good to have goals, but when you're starting out it can be difficult to know how you can set realistic goals and timeframes foryourself. Some people take to running like ducks to water, others take much longer - and that's fine. No one is judging you. Regarding legs vs. lungs(vs. heart rate), any of these things can be the limiting factor for running and each have to be trained. For the most part, legs will come with time,practice, and quality rest. Heart conditioning comes with practicing at different paces. Note that doing runs at different paces usually means doingdifferent distances, too. Your lungs will come with increased mileage, provided you're running at paces that you can comfortably sustain. You don'thave to - and probably shouldn't - try to set a new personal record every week. Running is a personal hobby that you can take at your own pace and do fora lifetime. In that regard, there's no rush.

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Anyone find the first mile to be the hardest? After the first few laps I feel like giving up but after 1.5 miles it becomes a breeze.
Yes. Often I'll be three or four miles into a run before I feel comfortable and loose. I'm sure you know this, but it takes time foreverything to warm up and get ready to go. Just don't rush the process. Take things slow until your body is ready. Nothing good comes from rushingthrough warmups.

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Running on the treadmill is the worst thing ever. I think I know why I avoided running all these years...its too boring, repetitive and seems dangerous to me on the treadmill (I'm always worried I'll lose my footing and fall
). I run at an indoor track at school and it is amazing, you can pace yourself, its easy to breath and I keep my mind busy by watching other people workout
I think the biggest thing for many people is that they don't run at a perfectly consistent pace (which takes a lot of training to do). Overthe course of a run your body might run faster at some points and slower at others. However, when you're on a treadmill it decides how fast you are goingto go, regardless of that little bit faster or slower your body might want to go - and that can be rough if you're doing a lot of miles.

I like being outside where you can relax and think and look at things and you don't have to concentrate on staying in a little 2'x3' box. Evenwhen the weather is miserable, I like it better than running inside.
I have been wanting to run for a long time but I just kept putting it off. This thread is motivation.
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