Any sports management majors on NT?

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I wasn't a Sports Management major, but ended up in the field anyway.  Network your !%# off, it is key.  It's who you know, but you also have to know what you are doing.

It can be a stressful environment, check that, it will be a stressful environment.  It is very fast paced depending on what sport you end up getting into.  A lot of people find their way into the field only to get burned out.  It is deadline and result driven.

If you go to a major university with a decent athletic dept, try to work for the department, either as a Student Manager (Equipment) or in operations.  It is something that is valued on a resume when you are trying to get that entry level job with thousand's of applicants.  Easiest way in is through sales, it will get your foot in the door, but that foot will kick your !%# out just as fast if you don't produce (

I didn't go to a major university, I met some folks that got me a job in USC's athletic dept even though I wasn't a student there for undergrad.  It's where I got some experience and managed to land internships with the Avengers (Media/PR) and the Clippers (Media Relations) which eventually led to my first paying job in sports (Dodgers/Stadium Operations).  I left the industry on a full time basis due to the lack of growth at the moment and to pursue my grad studies back at square one (USC).  It is demanding, and still work there part time to get my sports industry fix and keep the door open  (Part time game day personnel is another good way to get in.)  I have no doubts about returning when the time is right, I left with my head high and didn't burn any bridges (the asked if I wanted to stay part time, couldn't pass up the perks).
Once you're in the door (say, part time game day personnel/stadium operations) do you have any advice when it comes to moving up?

I went into undergrad for sports management at a school with a good program. after a year i realized that a sports management degree is very concentrated and not very transferable, but if you get a degree in management you can still do sports management. if you do management you can still take sports management electives, but in order to actually get a job in sports management your gonna have to do an internship
If you wanted to be like a broadcaster or work in public relations would you manage in communications? Also does anybody know exactly what teams public relations do?
I was a Sports Management major and it definitely is all about networking and getting to know a lot of people and creating longstanding business connections.

I'm not into doing all of that so i ended up in a completely non related field, but I'm happy so.
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