Anybody doing Fantasy Football? VOL. Too Many QBs, let's get it on!

We need a SUB because one guy left. The thing is, his team was on AUTO DRAFT. He bailed at the last minute.
If anyone wants to compete w/ this auto draft team in our league, let me know! I might waive your fee!

cool, BTW you can keep my money, don't even care.

it's the principal of the matter, I'm not going to participate if you're going to half-*** it. I do my best to accomodate those in my league, I scrambled when people had to drop out, I do my part, why can't you?

hope someone enjoys my auto-picked team. have at it fellas.
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Whatever...Not a big deal to me, so I won't stress or hold grudges.

Don't tell me to shutup though boy. 'Nuff said.
Whatever...Not a big deal to me, so I won't stress or hold grudges.
Don't tell me to shutup though boy. 'Nuff said.

Don't call me boy.


No hard feelings from me either, I'm just not going to put up with it. Now I'm going to go about my morning and I'm sure ya'll will go about yours.

Have a good day.
cool, BTW you can keep my money, don't even care.
it's the principal of the matter, I'm not going to participate if you're going to half-*** it. I do my best to accomodate those in my league, I scrambled when people had to drop out, I do my part, why can't you?
hope someone enjoys my auto-picked team. have at it fellas.

What are you talking about? ALL OF US tried our best in making to the draft. Some guy didn't even mind being on auto draft because they had things come up, but you keep pointing fingers on everyone and talking about some logic that has no empirical backing.
What are you talking about? ALL OF US tried our best in making to the draft. Some guy didn't even mind being on auto draft because they had things come up, but you keep pointing fingers on everyone and talking about some logic that has no empirical backing.

no empirical backing? so I'm not talking from experience?

G.T.F.O.H....It doesn't matter anymore, I gave up my spot, you can put my money towards the next owner, team is paid for.

Everyone is happy, I'm happy, you should be happy too.
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this is fantasy football... smh

alright, so how bout you take the time and head up another NT league bruh....and then when people don't show, take the extra time to rectify the situation.

then you can talk to me.

'til then you can't tell me nothing.
What the hell happened? :lol:

Basically a participant flaked at the last minute, saying how an auto draft by some would 'ruin' things. Obviously it doesn't, because individual ranking of players differ from others, as well as yahoo's default ranking. The trump in this, is the fact that all participants paid their due diligence and $25 buy in. So even if a player wants to AUTO DRAFT, why not let him? Even if some allowed their teams to be auto drafted, there should be no opposition in it.

How does one person's decision ruin another person's team? It makes absolutely no sense.

For whatever reason, that person felt like it was material enough. Maybe it was an excuse to be angry because he had the 10th pick. He left, in an attempt to ruin it.
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everyone just let it go

better things to worry about...and this "problem" should be solved in in a few hours regardless
I hope my strategy of drafting Kick Returners pays off.

SneakerHeathen - should've stayed the course bruh. You autopicked Stafford, Forte, Richardson, Lloyd, Bryant. Very high ceiling core. As it turned out, only 2 teams autodrafted excluding yours. Even in leagues where I know the people, 1 or 2 usually autodraft. I got Brady with the 8th pick (you got Stafford at 10) so I hope it wasn't because of your slot. This draft was wide open.

Why not just manage that team? 8 out of 12 make the playoffs where anything can happen. I just think there's more important variables at play besides autodrafting. 
You guys think Sneaker heather will let me join his other NT leagues?

I apologize for all the other MEN in the league for ruining the draft.
edit. didn't know the 25 dollar buy-in was still needed :rolleyes

I'll pass

EDIT: If no one buys in I'll manage the team legit. If by some fluke I place for money I'll forfeit the winnings to the next place. But I don't feel like paying for a team I didn't draft.
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edit. didn't know the 25 dollar buy-in was still needed :rolleyes
I'll pass
EDIT: If no one buys in I'll manage the team legit. If by some fluke I place for money I'll forfeit the winnings to the next place. But I don't feel like paying for a team I didn't draft.

Looking at at discounted buy-in. The only reason is because I need to protect the other managers and maintain integrity of the league.
You guys think Sneaker heather will let me join his other NT leagues?
I apologize for all the other MEN in the league for ruining the draft.

It ain't your fault. Even if you wanted an auto draft, there should be absolutely no opposition to it.
Fishy, just give Hybrid my team, I paid for it, I'm giving it to him.

There, you can't just pocket the guap and just make dude pay for a team he ain't draft? He's doing ya'll a favor.

and btw, I'd have been fine with the auto-picks if maybe you guys showed some courtesy, perhaps set some custom rankings (like I did, at least for your top 50-75) in the event that you couldn't make the draft.

Why participate in a league that lacks basic etiquette, ya'll knew the draft was today. Had ample time to figure out your schedule, no excuse. My bad if I ruined the draft experience for anyone (and my bad if my custom rankings had my team auto-picking some guys active participants were waiting for), but at the same time I gave this dude Fishy the heads up that this might happen.

HE sat on his laurels and didn't do anything, simply sent out an e-mail. In all honestly If I knew auto-drafting was gonna go down I wouldn't of even joined the league, what's the point?

It's not even like ya'll set your own rankings for it to be remotely reminiscent of your draft strategy.

Fishy, you can sit there and act smug like it was out of your hands. It wasn't everyones responsibility to organize the draft and ensure a full-house, it was yours. Don't sit there and deflect responsibility like you ain't know it was coming. YOU even replied to me saying you'd push back the draft in the event of a no-show.

Yesterday at 11:07 pm
Hey, just a suggestion, we should do a check-in an hour and a half prior to draft time, this will allow you to perhaps find a replacement if we have a no-show/drop-out.

Everyone has a vested interest, so I doubt we have any issues, but just from drafting the other NT league tonight, we had a couple last minute no-shows.

Yesterday at 11:10 pm
I see. Like you said, those people paid right, so how come they didn't show?
I really don't have a back up plan, but if people do flake, I guess we'll have to redo things. Crap.

So yeah, I mean it's not like you couldn't have gotten some sort of confirmation e-mail going or something.
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or give TennHouse my team, I don't understand why you gotta make em pay ANYTHING when it's still MY TEAM. I still OWN IT. I'm GIVING IT AWAY. It's not like the money I paid is suddenly deemed worthless, just hand that squad over to someone else bruh, don't worry your league's "integrity" will remain intact.

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If Heathen's paid up shouldn't he just be able to give the team away? Not sure why anyone else should need to pay if everyone else is getting their cash at the end of the season.

I was under the impression when I said I would take over that there was $25 missing from the pot. But if the pot is full then I should just be able to take over for Heathen's team and go forward.

::Kanye Shurg::
Fishy, just give Hybrid my team, I paid for it, I'm giving it to him.
There, you can't just pocket the guap and just make dude pay for a team he ain't draft? He's doing ya'll a favor.
and btw, I'd have been fine with the auto-picks if maybe you guys showed some courtesy, perhaps set some custom rankings (like I did, at least for your top 50-75) in the event that you couldn't make the draft.
Why participate in a league that lacks basic etiquette, ya'll knew the draft was today. Had ample time to figure out your schedule, no excuse. My bad if I ruined the draft experience for anyone (and my bad if my custom rankings had my team auto-picking some guys active participants were waiting for), but at the same time I gave this dude Fishy the heads up that this might happen.
HE sat on his laurels and didn't do anything, simply sent out an e-mail. In all honestly If I knew auto-drafting was gonna go down I wouldn't of even joined the league, what's the point?
It's not even like ya'll set your own rankings for it to be remotely reminiscent of your draft strategy.
Fishy, you can sit there and act smug like it was out of your hands. It wasn't everyones responsibility to organize the draft and ensure a full-house, it was yours. Don't sit there and deflect responsibility like you ain't know it was coming. YOU even replied to me saying you'd push back the draft in the event of a no-show.
So yeah, I mean it's not like you couldn't have gotten some sort of confirmation e-mail going or something.

Man, you're on some crazy tantrum.

I don't think you understand the purpose of a 'buy-in'. The purpose of a 'buy-in' is to maintain integrity, continuity and participation in the league. Why would someone sign up and then flake? Do you want me to 'baby-sit' every single member? We all know what we're signing up for, and we're all trying to compromise. If players want to just 'throw' their money into the pot and not give a crap, I am all for it. Easy money and better chances for the others as well.

The types of warnings you speak of is 'beyond' anyone's control, including mines. I cannot say for sure whether 1 guy shows up, or whether 10 guys don't show up. But again, logically speaking, anyone that has a 'buy in' would do their due diligence. If they don't care, their $25 can go into someone else's pocket. You would think that someone that has a 'buy in', would rather be in control of their team than not; but that's their choice. EVEN IF a PLAYER wanted to auto-draft, I would not oppose to it, and no one should either. The fact that EACH PLAYER has A BUY IN and a CHANCE TO WIN IT ALL, is ENOUGH.

I still do not understand what type of beef and issue you have with this. If you're afraid that an auto-draft team will out do your team, or screw your team up, then you are absurd and naive.

In terms of your accusations of what I'm going to do or not do, well it depends on the situation. Just like today, Diego had something come up, but all the other players arrived on time. A decision had to be made; I wasn't going to re-do this if the majority was there. Given the situation, Diego was 'man' enough and 'legit' enough to go through with it so that he wouldn't let the LEAGUE DOWN. He didn't flake out.

I don't think other managers would want to take BS type excuses. Again, this goes back to the purpose of the 'buy-in' logic.

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If Heathen's paid up shouldn't he just be able to give the team away? Not sure why anyone else should need to pay if everyone else is getting their cash at the end of the season.
I was under the impression when I said I would take over that there was $25 missing from the pot. But if the pot is full then I should just be able to take over for Heathen's team and go forward.
::Kanye Shurg::

I'm not knocking on you or anyone, but if someone has a 'stake', then that team's performance would better tie into management. A buy in protects the league. I don't want someone to just come in, say they'll do this or that, and then 'give up', or 'ruin' the league. Again, it isn't a knock on you, but for the sake of the league, I have to try my best to ensure that there's competition and fairness.

This would've never happened if someone didn't throw a tantrum with 3 minutes till the draft.

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Man, you're on some crazy tantrum.
I don't think you understand the purpose of a 'buy-in'. The purpose of a 'buy-in' is to maintain integrity, continuity and participation in the league. Why would someone sign up and then flake? Do you want me to 'baby-sit' every single member? We all know what we're signing up for, and we're all trying to compromise. If players want to just 'throw' their money into the pot and not give a crap, I am all for it. Easy money and better chances for the others as well.
The types of warnings you speak of is 'beyond' anyone's control, including mines. I cannot say for sure whether 1 guy shows up, or whether 10 guys don't show up. But again, logically speaking, anyone that has a 'buy in' would do their due diligence. If they don't care, their $25 can go into someone else's pocket. You would think that someone that has a 'buy in', would rather be in control of their team than not; but that's their choice. EVEN IF a PLAYER wanted to auto-draft, I would not oppose to it, and no one should either. The fact that EACH PLAYER has A BUY IN and a CHANCE TO WIN IT ALL, is ENOUGH.
I still do not understand what type of beef and issue you have with this. If you're afraid that an auto-draft team will out do your team, or screw your team up, then you are absurd and naive.
In terms of your accusations of what I'm going to do or not do, well it depends on the situation. Just like today, Diego had something come up, but all the other players arrived on time. A decision had to be made; I wasn't going to re-do this if the majority was there. Given the situation, Diego was 'man' enough and 'legit' enough to go through with it so that he wouldn't let the LEAGUE DOWN. He didn't flake out.
I don't think other managers would want to take BS type excuses. Again, this goes back to the purpose of the 'buy-in' logic.

stopped reading right where you said something about continuity and participation...along with integrity.

contradiction much?
I'm not knocking on you or anyone, but if someone has a 'stake', then that team's performance would better tie into management. A buy in protects the league. I don't want someone to just come in, say they'll do this or that, and then 'give up', or 'ruin' the league. Again, it isn't a knock on you, but for the sake of the league, I have to try my best to ensure that there's competition and fairness.
This would've never happened if someone didn't throw a tantrum with 3 minutes till the draft.

So how bout you take that $25 I paid, and I don't know, throw it in the final pot.

Don't just pocket it, that's not integritous. Divvy it up amongst the league. You talk about holding up the integrity of the league but yet you can't even make sure everyone is there for the draft.

:lol: this dude....I'm done here, if you guys can't find a member to pay the $25 I'll manage the damn team, if I win you can donate the money or put it towards next seasons pot or whatever. I won't make BS moves either I'll manage it correctly to uphold your precious league integrity.

w/e, this is a one and done, I'll do it this season but then I'm out of this league. Others need not suffer because of some people's ineptitude.
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