Anybody doing Fantasy Football? VOL. Too Many QBs, let's get it on!

You're too good for this amateur league man. Don't worry about it. You're afraid that a computer drafted team will beat you.
So how bout you take that $25 I paid, and I don't know, throw it in the final pot.
Don't just pocket it, that's not integritous. Divvy it up amongst the league. You talk about holding up the integrity of the league but yet you can't even make sure everyone is there for the draft.
:lol: this dude....I'm done here, if you guys can't find a member to pay the $25 I'll manage the damn team, if I win you can donate the money or put it towards next seasons pot or whatever. I won't make BS moves either I'll manage it correctly to uphold your precious league integrity.
w/e, this is a one and done, I'll do it this season but then I'm out of this league. Others need not suffer because of some people's ineptitude.

Do you know how silly you are now? :rolleyes Stop trying to instigate and be rude towards me and others. Don't make me go that way.

You went on a tantrum, and instead of drafting live, you have an auto-draft team, which may perform just as well or if not better than what you might've ended up with.

It would not be fair for someone to now join our league w/ a $25 buy in, so I"m trying to gather interest w/ a discount buy in.
You're too good for this amateur league man. Don't worry about it. You're afraid that a computer drafted team will beat you.

if you really want to take it there, we can do a big money league anytime you want bruh..

via leaguesafe buy in while you talking slick, name the buy-in. it's whatever.
if you really want to take it there, we can do a big money league anytime you want bruh..
via leaguesafe buy in while you talking slick, name the buy-in. it's whatever.

I'm not as good as you are bro. You shouldn't look down on your peers. You're so big shot, you should make our pot bigger.
Just PM me if you have further beef, stop spoiling it for others.

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Do you know how silly you are now? :rolleyes Stop trying to instigate and be rude towards me and others. Don't make me go that way.
You went on a tantrum, and instead of drafting live, you have an auto-draft team, which may perform just as well or if not better than what you might've ended up with.
It would not be fair for someone to now join our league w/ a $25 buy in, so I"m trying to gather interest w/ a discount buy in.

yeah an auto-draft team which was drafted based on my custom draft rankings (which I had set days prior to our draft). Had set about 50-70 dudes ranked according to my preferences for this league.

so there's a reason why my auto-draft looked like that, it's probably because it's a reflection of my first few picks would've most likely resembled.

nobody went on a tantrum homie, nobody was trying to hear what I was trying to say so I bounced. ya'll just wanted it over with so I was like w/e, ya'll go ahead with that.

and it's not like the team isn't paid for, if you're going to make someone pay, you should also take the money I initially paid and add it to the league pot.

and I'm not a big shot, but you think I'm acting scary come find out for real.
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Come on. We can lead us to a championship.
Sneaker you stated your point a d no one agrees so lets move on. Are you gonna keep your auto draft team or are you going to give it up? If you are going to give it up pass it over whatever doesnt matter but no need to keep beating a dead horse. The draft is over so lets keep the thread open to league talk.
Sneaker you stated your point a d no one agrees so lets move on. Are you gonna keep your auto draft team or are you going to give it up? If you are going to give it up pass it over whatever doesnt matter but no need to keep beating a dead horse. The draft is over so lets keep the thread open to league talk.

I'm not beating a dead horse, people want to make allegations that aren't true I'm going to speak up. I stand by my actions and my words, not retracting my stance one bit.

Also, by you speaking to me you're just bringing me back in here.

Read my last few replies, I want no parts of the league. If it's necessary that I participate however, for the sake of everyone else in the league, I will.

Otherwise the team is up for grabs. Someone please take it, please. I don't even know why I'm still showing up as the owner, Fishy should've been deleted me as the owner.
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I got a couple of PMs and emails regarding 'why' a discounted buy in is necessary.

Well, a 'buy-in' creates a stake for the manager. The manager now has incentive to do well and manage his or her team. I would not want someone to just walk into this as charity and then end up winning; on the flip side, I would hate for someone with no incentive to 'pledge' what they will do and won't do, but then end up ruining the league. I know there are no guarantees either way, but I'm just trying to motivate competition and friendly fun between us all.

I hope a discounted buy in will attract someone to join, but I hope to really resolve this soon for the sake of the team. 8)

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I'm getting a lot of PMs about what went down here. The whole talk about how an auto draft screwed the order and fairness is entirely baloney.

I'll make this clear. If a manager wants to auto draft, or live draft, it's their choice. It's not for me to say, but to say that an auto draft team 'threw' off another person's draft is totally absurd and comedy. If people want to construct their team via auto draft as they believe it'll help them win, then so be it. Vice versa w/ a live draft. I'm really tired addressing this issue w/ SneakerHeathen.

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Man I really wanna just say **** it and pay to take the team... But sooo many of those guys on my DND list :lol: let me think about it

I'll do it for 10, but only because he has my boy at QB. Let me know
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