Anybody Ever Use A Ouija Board??? Anything Happen?

Sounds like a job for
Real talk they should do this.

There ain't many myths left for them to bust
hell nah! im scared as hell of that bruhhh

my sister used it once said some weird ishhh happened, she also always claimed to feel someone sitting on her bed when she slept :smh:

i dont mess with anything that has to do with contacting the dead, fortune tellers, any ishhh like that
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Real talk they should do this.

There ain't many myths left for them to bust :lol:

are they busting myths or are they just testing to see if random stuff is plausible via experimentation?

i remember them testing cell phones and its use in airplanes. not really a myth just a bs restriction that has no scientific justification. they tested it and found that it does absolutely nothing, not to mention phone won't work at altitude anyways...

wasn't a myth per se i think...
Like five years ago when I first went to college. Lived in the student homes that had 4 rooms and what not. On move in day I was chillin with my new room mates, just getting to know each other and what not. We crack open a case of beer and one of the guys asks "who bought the ouija board"? The rest of us looked around like wth you talmbout. He brings us to the hall closet and sure enough it was right there. We all look around like FTS, I'm not touching it. We leave it there for most of the semester until one night we had a party. Got some people over and drinks are flowing. Some random girl I never saw before (not once have I seen her since that night) brings the ouija board out to the living room and convinces two of my room mates to play. My life was never the same after that night. I never believed in stuff like that until that happened. Can't believe I actually wrote that much about it. Haven't really spoken about it since it happened.
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Like five years ago when I first went to college. Lived in the student homes that had 4 rooms and what not. On move in day I was chillin with my new room mates, just getting to know each other and what not. We crack open a case of beer and one of the guys asks "who bought the ouija board"? The rest of us looked around like wth you talmbout. He brings us to the hall closet and sure enough it was right there. We all look around like FTS, I'm not touching it. We leave it there for most of the semester until one night we had a party. Got some people over and drinks are flowing. Some random girl I never saw before (not have I seen her since that night) brings the ouija board out to the living room and convinces two of my room mates to play. My life was never the same after that night. Can't believe I actually wrote that much about it. Haven't really spoken about it since it happened.

Go on...
Like five years ago when I first went to college. Lived in the student homes that had 4 rooms and what not. On move in day I was chillin with my new room mates, just getting to know each other and what not. We crack open a case of beer and one of the guys asks "who bought the ouija board"? The rest of us looked around like wth you talmbout. He brings us to the hall closet and sure enough it was right there. We all look around like FTS, I'm not touching it. We leave it there for most of the semester until one night we had a party. Got some people over and drinks are flowing. Some random girl I never saw before (not have I seen her since that night) brings the ouija board out to the living room and convinces two of my room mates to play. My life was never the same after that night. Can't believe I actually wrote that much about it. Haven't really spoken about it since it happened.
Deets of the aftermath please.
Back in college, we use to play that sucker every night for a couple weeks. Then strange crap started happening like cabinet doors swinging open suddenly, strange noises heard on the roof, etc. We even went to a Indian burial ground and played it... candles and all. I believe in it cause it would move and answer our questions in a strange fashion. Like we ask the spirit how old it was.. and it moved to numbers. Then we asked it's name, and it would spell out a name. What freak me out was the last time we had used it.. it spelled the name.. N-A-T-A-S. We're like... NATAS? OH CRAP... It's SATAN spelled backwards. :lol: We finally stopped and burned it in a bonfire.

People that don't believe it? Well I dare you to play with it alone at home, burn some candles, and tell me that planchette doesn't move on it's own. I mean is it the magnetic energy in our bodies that moves the planchette? What's the scientific explanation? The ideomotor effect?
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Like five years ago when I first went to college. Lived in the student homes that had 4 rooms and what not. On move in day I was chillin with my new room mates, just getting to know each other and what not. We crack open a case of beer and one of the guys asks "who bought the ouija board"? The rest of us looked around like wth you talmbout. He brings us to the hall closet and sure enough it was right there. We all look around like FTS, I'm not touching it. We leave it there for most of the semester until one night we had a party. Got some people over and drinks are flowing. Some random girl I never saw before (not have I seen her since that night) brings the ouija board out to the living room and convinces two of my room mates to play. My life was never the same after that night. Can't believe I actually wrote that much about it. Haven't really spoken about it since it happened.
Details or ducktales.
Like five years ago when I first went to college. Lived in the student homes that had 4 rooms and what not. On move in day I was chillin with my new room mates, just getting to know each other and what not. We crack open a case of beer and one of the guys asks "who bought the ouija board"? The rest of us looked around like wth you talmbout. He brings us to the hall closet and sure enough it was right there. We all look around like FTS, I'm not touching it. We leave it there for most of the semester until one night we had a party. Got some people over and drinks are flowing. Some random girl I never saw before (not have I seen her since that night) brings the ouija board out to the living room and convinces two of my room mates to play. My life was never the same after that night. Can't believe I actually wrote that much about it. Haven't really spoken about it since it happened.
Deets of the aftermath please.
thats what im saying how u gonna leave us hanging.
worse than a high school girl that will give u head but not let u stick it in :smh:
Back in college, we use to play that sucker every night for a couple weeks. Then strange crap started happening like cabinet doors swinging open suddenly, strange noises heard on the roof, etc. We even went to a Indian burial ground and played it... candles and all. I believe in it cause it would move and answer our questions in a strange fashion. Like we ask the spirit how old it was.. and it moved to numbers. Then we asked it's name, and it would spell out a name. What freak me out was the last time we had used it.. it spelled the name.. N-A-T-A-S. We're like... NATAS? OH CRAP... It's SATAN spelled backwards. :lol: We finally stopped and burned it in a bonfire.

People that don't believe it? Well I dare you to play with it alone at home, burn some candles, and tell me that planchette doesn't move on it's own. I mean is it the magnetic energy in our bodies that moves the planchette? What's the scientific explanation? The ideomotor effect?

well damb
Back in college, we use to play that sucker every night for a couple weeks. Then strange crap started happening like cabinet doors swinging open suddenly, strange noises heard on the roof, etc. We even went to a Indian burial ground and played it... candles and all. I believe in it cause it would move and answer our questions in a strange fashion. Like we ask the spirit how old it was.. and it moved to numbers. Then we asked it's name, and it would spell out a name. What freak me out was the last time we had used it.. it spelled the name.. N-A-T-A-S. We're like... NATAS? OH CRAP... It's SATAN spelled backwards. :lol: We finally stopped and burned it in a bonfire.

People that don't believe it? Well I dare you to play with it alone at home, burn some candles, and tell me that planchette doesn't move on it's own. I mean is it the magnetic energy in our bodies that moves the planchette? What's the scientific explanation? The ideomotor effect?

None of this is true doe.

Like somebody else said, EVERYTHING would change in this world if there was definitive proof of an afterlife.

There would be no atheist anymore.
^^I personally don't know wether to believe in god since I cannot show proof, but I have seen things all my life that I can't explain (ghost n stuff, word to deadmau5) If stuff like that exists then who knows if god is out there.. it makes me wonder.. I doubt an atheist is down to even mess with things like that to begin with, they probably have a mind state already that would not convince them to even try it. That's my assumption though..

My level headed old best friend played it with his cousins, he said doors would slam on their own and he randomly looked out the window while playing it, he says he saw someone in a black robe walking by with a big blade.

When he told me that I literally froze, he would never tell ducktails. Believe it or not, but that is some of the wildest things I have ever heard. Be careful kids. There is definitely something out there..
^^I personally don't know wether to believe in god since I cannot show proof, but I have seen things all my life that I can't explain (ghost n stuff, word to deadmau5) If stuff like that exists then who knows if god is out there.. it makes me wonder.. I doubt an atheist is down to even mess with things like that to begin with, they probably have a mind state already that would not convince them to even try it. That's my assumption though..

My level headed old best friend played it with his cousins, he said doors would slam on their own and he randomly looked out the window while playing it, he says he saw someone in a black robe walking by with a big blade.

When he told me that I literally froze, he would never tell ducktails. Believe it or not, but that is some of the wildest things I have ever heard. Be careful kids. There is definitely something out there..
In a black robe walking around with a blade?

That sounds like the Bleach cartoon homie.

I think he was telling you ducktales.

Honestly I think people seeing ghost and believing some plastic board with plastic pieces assembled in a factory somewhere in China only experience these events due to psychological issues. Like you said, most people are already in the mind state, "If I **** with one of these boards ill end up haunted."

So when they do mess with one, every time something makes a sound or they see something they can't really make out they attribute it as a haunting from the board.
None of this is true doe.

Like somebody else said, EVERYTHING would change in this world if there was definitive proof of an afterlife.

There would be no atheist anymore.
And the possibility of an afterlife is a question that will never be answered, because everyone possibly experiencing it has no way to tell us about it.

Science has already answered the mystery behind near death experiences.. Like I said, all in your head fam.
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And the possibility of an afterlife is a question that will never be answered, because everyone possibly experiencing it has no way to tell us about it.

Science has already answered the mystery behind near death experiences.. Like I said, all in your head fam.

I think humans will eventually know.

Might be awhile before we can revive the recent dead though through biotech.

When that happens, it could pan out by them

1.chuckin the deuces out of heaven/hell/purgatory/Valhalla

2. feeling like it was instant

3. be another them, version 2.0
 he randomly looked out the window while playing it, he says he saw someone in a black robe walking by with a big blade.


I'm cool.
I've heard stories but who knows what is true. I definitely feel like these open doors for things we don't understand at all, so I'm good... enjoying reading other people's experiences though.
Never played it...was always too shook, however my dad told me a story years ago of a childhood friend who had a Ouija board..

Supposedly his friend and a few of his siblings tried playing at night. They were trying to contact spirits like most people obviously do. All of a sudden pots and pans started to rattle in the kitchen and the board literally flew off the table.....doesn't help they were playing in the dark at the time and lived across the street from a cemetary...

After that event, his friend would be too shook to stay at home, so he'd stay over my dad's parents house since he lived in a single parent house and his father worked nights. His friend claimed he could hear someone upstairs at night while he was downstairs watching tv, carrying and clanging what seemed to be a heavy chain up in the attic since that Ouija board incident...

No interest to ever get involved in playing....
Some of my friends played and both claimed they aint move it scary thing is that they both had their eyes closed

They asked the spirit its name and it spelld out Robert

I believe in ghost somewhat now plus theres alot of evidence behind it just depends whether you choose to believe

One of the things i never want to do is spend a night in a haunted home
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