Anyone Else Feel Like This About Work And Life In General?

Felt the exact same way as you OP but the weather is contributing to that too.
This is why my main objective right now is to get loaded.
I feel you 100%.

Life sucks without abundant amount of money.
Whoever says that money doesn't make you happy is a liar.

Get your money!
yeah... it makes you think about what the meaning of life is... are we here just for material possessions and racing to see who is the wealthiest and most powerful? It isn't worth the effort to me and not everyone needs money to be happy. But we do it anyway because thats how the system works.. which I hate. I read Ishmael and it changed the way I feel about this global culture we live in.
Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

read this:



I outsource 90% of my work. I might actually do 4 hours of actual work. I wake up whenever I want, work from whenever I want, do whatever I want. I'm not self-employed, but the way I have my work structured it feels like it.

The handcuffs are off and life is good.
Like someone said, it really makes you think about the purpose of life. I've been thinking about this more than ever, lately.When I sit back and think about everything I do, I just wonder, "Why?"

Ithas even been running through my mind while I do activities that I should be doing, or activities that would normally take my mind away from certain things. I'd stop for a brief moment, and wonder why I'mdoing whatever it is that I'm doing.

What do I get out of these things I do in life, whether good or bad? There are no definitive answers, and it's mind-boggling.

It's sort of hard to explain how I really feel about it.
def in the same boat. 
couple of thoughts:

1. When adults ask u what u want to be when u grow up, they are just looking for new ideas b/c they are feeling lost

2. Money = Freedom = Happiness. But working hard for money makes u a depressed slave. If u cant achieve it through money, find another way (spirituality, having kids, drawing pictures w/e) 

hang in there
I never understood how my mom or any adult for that matter could live like this.... everyday same thing over and over... I would have to find some other way
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i feel this way to an extent. epecially when it feels like i've been getting rewarded for not working.

i worked at a job i hated, dealt with all that company first mumbo jumbo they try to brainwash upon you and was misrable. i got fired for the most pettiest of things last april and have been collecting unemployment since then.

ever since i've been collecting unemployment i've bought a flatscreen tv, bought a ps3, went to san francisco twice, went to new york for about 2 months combined between 2 seperate trips, bought a ps3, went to a 49ers game and two jets games and had midfield lower level seats each time i went, and i've just been out enjoying life for what it is.

i know this routine won't last forever, the longest i can max it out for is until the end of this summer but getting fired from my last job was a blessing in disguise in the fact that it changed my expectations in what im looking for when it comes to work. i need to find a place i can work at where im happy and enjoy what i do as oppsed to just being some everyday worker whos misrable every day.
Me and Ceballos have been living the same life.  Definitely feeling you OP (nomo), and this is something I've thought about a million times.  This is why it's important to find our true purpose.  Still searching myself. 

I can def see where OP is comming from because I knew close friends in the same situation and I cant picture doing the same, eventually one day Ill snap and something terrible will happen

but Ive never worked under anyone except for my dad, and when I do Im 2nd in charge
Im currently trying to do my own thing though, but Im fortunate to have never been stuck in a job with a pissy boss, my dad wouldnt even let me apply at wendys when I was 16

strong role model ftw
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

This is why my main objective right now is to get loaded.
I feel you 100%.

Life sucks without abundant amount of money.
Whoever says that money doesn't make you happy is a liar.

Get your money!

Not necessarily.  I work around people who make a lot of money, and a good percentage of them of them are miserable. They put in long hours, and are away from home a lot in general.

Being wealthy > being rich

The wealthy have the time to enjoy their lives/money. Your time should be just as important as the money.

Make a plan to get rid of your bills or minimize them to what you REALLY need. Eat cheaper, cut out eating out, and save as much money as you can. Do you have a dream? Good. INVEST INTO IT.

Take all of the extra money you saved over a week, a month, a year, and use it to start your own business/ideas/etc. Dont wait, do it now. Working for someone else is how we all get our start, then take that money and have others work for you.

and, take a vacation. Save the money youd use to go out to a club and take a road trip.

I was thinking about this yesterday and its been 6 1/2 years since I started working at the age of 16 and ive taken one vacation that lasted 3 days to vegas, before my trip I had to leave my job and recuperate for 3 weeks because of a car accident.

We gotta realize were not here just to work 40 hours, eat and sleep. Before starting a family and when youre a young adult you gotta enjoy life as much as possible.
Working too much all the time will make you old quick and drive you insane.
I felt like a slave last semester...

But yeah as somebody said, you need to meet a girl...
This is a timely thread because I woke up feeling like this.

I was at a crossroads between going to grad sch or starting a business. I am going to go ahead and start the business by any means possible.
My mission is to teach for 4 more years so I can get some loans forgiven then I'm done with the work force.

However I think working does have its pros, but at the end of the day, when you're too tired to think, working is full of cons...but its the way of the world God help us all!
Originally Posted by GucciMane

Meet a woman. Seriously. Not trying to be funny or anything, but you remind me of the main character from the movie 500 Days of Summer.
His life looked just like yours until he met a girl name Summer.

Watch 500 Days of Summer.
Then go hit a bar.
 son i just watched it and it made me mad
i understand what you mean. i work mon-fri. from 5am-5pm. get home around 7pm. eat, shower, sleep. then do the same thing the next day. I hate it.
little by little the world will wake up and realize.. everything we actually do in life like work school etc.. is pointless in the game of life thats there are some who are happy when they die and others miserable, only because they have fulfilled there life which few of us rarely do.
i have the easiest job and i still find a shortcut to my shortcuts....shame..

i hate being here, but its like an 8hour internet cafe with 90minute lunch breaks(yeah unofficially extended lunches)
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