Anyone Else Feel Like This About Work And Life In General?

i feel all ya, like i said i go to collage mon- fri and work mon through thurs. im good with need to work sat. just because.....
I've felt this way my whole life. I've never really respected authority, rules, etc. so working in a structured environment is not really for me.

My problem is that I have no idea how to start my own business.
Originally Posted by dashoekid21

i feel all ya, like i said i go to collage mon- fri and work mon through thurs. im good with need to work sat. just because.....

Na it's deeper than that, we're talking about the whole idea of being made into a slave/robot like we have been trained to since we were young.
I feel yall on the strength of the fact that yall atleast recognize this, but a lot of yall still won't make that next step.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.
8-10 hours is not alot

try 12-14
F that

real talk

i dunno how people or some of you dudes on here do it.
Story of my life. 

It feels like my life is ran by the clock.  I wake up in a rush, only to pull out from our subdivision into traffic moving at a snail's pace.  It then takes me 20 minutes to move 5 miles, and by the time I get to work I've spent almost an hour in the whip.  I then rush into work to beat the clock to sit in front of a computer screen all day.  Some days I get there and just look busy for the first 3 hours because I hate it so much (word to Office Space).  By 2pm, I'm ready to walk off the job and at 5pm, I'm the first dude clocked out and in my car only to make the hour long commute in traffic back home.  By the time I get home I've just spent 12 hours between getting ready for work, driving to work and doing my job. 

The worst part is that I have no internet access at work, so unlike my past jobs I can't look for other jobs whilst getting paid.  But what's the point of looking for another job?  To slave for someone else?  What I HATE is that merit raises are frozen until December of this year, meaning even when I do get a good evaluation, I don't get compensated for it.  Oh, word?!  **@+ disgusts me to no end. 

I reaaaaaaaally need to find a new path soon because I'm not even remotely close to the same dude that I used to be.  Tonight I was thinking about this and I realized that I rarely smile and laugh like I once used to.  But what do you do?  I gotta eat, pay a mortgage and help support my family.  I definitely feel stuck.  

What kills me the most is just the whole going through the motions thing.  I feel like a robot who does the exact same thing every damn day, Monday-Friday.  And then the weekend comes and I'm too damn tired to do anything worthwhile so I just do my laundry and clean the house.  This can't be life. 


Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

damn son.......

yea man

you gotta woman? you go to the gym? what you do on off time though?

  Damn, I just read what I wrote and I guess it isn't THAT bad. 

Yeah homie, I'm married.  The problem is that my wife has worked the weekend, night shift since I've known her, so we have opposite schedules.  Fortunately she found a new job which she'll be starting March 1st and she'll be working during the week like I do.  But yeah, I see her from 6pm to 9pm during the week, and most of that time is spent eating dinner, cleaning up from dinner and messing with the kids.  I enjoy it, but I swear there just isn't enough time in the day to handle what I want to handle and live like I want to live. 

Life is good outside of work--didn't mean to make everything look that bleak. 
  But I spend so much time at work or going to/from it that I've kind of forgotten what the other part of life is all about.  And yeah, you ever had a job that you literally get NO satisfaction out of?  Well, it sucks.  I need to start hittin' the gym again, or at least run around the neighborhood.  Maybe that will help some. 
yea my girl works 3rd shift so i can relate to you, she hates its itll be a year next week actually she wants a new job bad its drivin her crazy

yea i can relate, lifes a dash..........24 hrs in a day seems like nothing

like i said before i dunno how people do the 60+ work weeks
You know what's funny about money is that EVEN when you have it and you never want for anything and your path is straight(or so people think) IF you don't have a purpose or you haven't figured out where are going OR that you have acknowledge that you don't know what the hell you are doing but you are open you can have all the money in the world but you will never be satisfied. For example, I have a cousin that went to a top private boarding school, college then she decided to travel. Met her husband while abroad and now they travel teaching from one 3rd world country to the next. These are black folks and I had never known anybody personally who would be willing to take a chance and run with it in terms of there livelihood(it's very un-American) but she really is free now and I remember her feeling lost and stuck before. She is AN EXTREME CASE to leave her whole life behind(she really didn't tho) but she feels that she has a purpose and a change of scenery never hurt anybody. She doesn't live by anybody else constraints but she is still able to make do and she doesn't live large.

Your happiness matters OP. Don't let them kill your spirit. Good luck.

She and I are very different. She left as an ode to breaking the conforming rules. I can't leave even though I want to because my plan/purpose has already been locked in and if I don't follow through that's not a good look either. Pressure is a %!+%% best believe. I've learned to look at it as a means to an end but even I have to look for the light.
OP..nice thread..definitly feel u..i feel like our society created this whole routine..most of us hav to bust our %%# jus so sum other CEO can lay back n enjoy LIFE the way all of us HUMAN BEINGS should hav the right to live aswell...but at the end of the day most of us jus hav to slave 2 support our fam..SOMETHINGS GOTTA GIVE!
i just got accepted to law school and now thinking about this 40k+ a year tuition plus living expenses, applying to scholarships and all but still probably gonna graduate 6 figures in debt... future looks bright but at the same time, near all my thoughts on money
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Story of my life. 

It feels like my life is ran by the clock.  I wake up in a rush, only to pull out from our subdivision into traffic moving at a snail's pace.  It then takes me 20 minutes to move 5 miles, and by the time I get to work I've spent almost an hour in the whip.  I then rush into work to beat the clock to sit in front of a computer screen all day.  Some days I get there and just look busy for the first 3 hours because I hate it so much (word to Office Space).  By 2pm, I'm ready to walk off the job and at 5pm, I'm the first dude clocked out and in my car only to make the hour long commute in traffic back home.  By the time I get home I've just spent 12 hours between getting ready for work, driving to work and doing my job. 

The worst part is that I have no internet access at work, so unlike my past jobs I can't look for other jobs whilst getting paid.  But what's the point of looking for another job?  To slave for someone else?  What I HATE is that merit raises are frozen until December of this year, meaning even when I do get a good evaluation, I don't get compensated for it.  Oh, word?!  **@+ disgusts me to no end. 

I reaaaaaaaally need to find a new path soon because I'm not even remotely close to the same dude that I used to be.  Tonight I was thinking about this and I realized that I rarely smile and laugh like I once used to.  But what do you do?  I gotta eat, pay a mortgage and help support my family.  I definitely feel stuck.  

What kills me the most is just the whole going through the motions thing.  I feel like a robot who does the exact same thing every damn day, Monday-Friday.  And then the weekend comes and I'm too damn tired to do anything worthwhile so I just do my laundry and clean the house.  This can't be life. 
story of my effin life
It's one reason suicide is such a huge problem, in a lot of countries.

"You are a slave Neo... You were born into bondage"
there are a lot of books out there that people can read that'll really let you see what it's like to live "free" and not be enslaved by a 9-5 job that you're unhappy with. You just have to be ready to take the plunge and remove yourself from the mentality of having to work to earn money.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA


Make a plan to get rid of your bills or minimize them to what you REALLY need. Eat cheaper, cut out eating out, and save as much money as you can. Do you have a dream? Good. INVEST INTO IT.

Take all of the extra money you saved over a week, a month, a year, and use it to start your own business/ideas/etc. Dont wait, do it now. Working for someone else is how we all get our start, then take that money and have others work for you.
and, take a vacation. Save the money youd use to go out to a club and take a road trip.

I was thinking about this yesterday and its been 6 1/2 years since I started working at the age of 16 and ive taken one vacation that lasted 3 days to vegas, before my trip I had to leave my job and recuperate for 3 weeks because of a car accident.

We gotta realize were not here just to work 40 hours, eat and sleep. Before starting a family and when youre a young adult you gotta enjoy life as much as possible.
Working too much all the time will make you old quick and drive you insane.

QFT!!!! I made the decision about a decade ago that i was gonna break these chains, and rmove myself from the common mans systematic slavery. It was becoming so monotonous,drab, so same ole same ole. I never understood nor agreed with the concept of working hard school etc while young, then loving living life in the latter yrs of your life.

I mean look at it for what it is traveling enjoying the world etc in your 20's> enjoying life,traveling experiencing life in 60's so on. Like lets be realistic, south beach, rio de janero at 20 something>then 60 something. To be honest i dont even see how you could enjoy those things because you will be so burned out,worn down from work and just age in general.

I would deff suggest to OP, find something that you like to do that is rewarding, that provides excitement and new challenges. Once you do, exert all your energy into obtaining that dream. Will it be hardwork and a constant grind to achieve this...YES. But short term hardwork, for a lifetime of enjoyment/freedom>a lifetime of same ole same ole,tedious mind-numbing,continuim of boredom.

I started my independence over a decade ago. And now i dont even see how ppl could do a everyday structured inclosed, rule of thumb same oh same oh lifestyle. I dont think at this point i could ever work the typical brooks brothers suit and tie,40 hr, tell me when i can eat,break.smoke, being two different ppl(the work persona, and the who i really am persona) again.

Also having kids( i aint suggestion go run out and knock a random j/o up) but having kids gives excitement variety in life. I mean its like reliving my youth. Went to hawks game last night and had a blast. Got home camped out in the backyard, played dodgeball on our trampoline. We just do a variety of spontaneous crazy silly stuff.

But nah i def feel you, and trust me our young it is only gonna get worse, thing is if you dont break away soon, the longer you stay stagnant, the more inclined you will stay that way, and life in general will just become this endless,boring hamster wheel, that ends when you just to old to run and keep the wheels moving.
i really want to be a teacher and i have this idea that i want to save kids and encourage them but i can't see myself teaching until i retire...i refuse to do so...i have an idea for my own business...hell i might end up not teaching at all cuz i just cant see myself doing the same thing for the rest of my life
I copped "The 4-hour work week" today after some of you guys suggested it.

I'm hoping it's the best $25 I'll ever spend.
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