Anyone Else Feel Like This About Work And Life In General?

One of the main ways to prevent that feeling would have been finding a job that you actually enjoy doing and then putting in the work to obtain that job, but of course without the right resources not everyone can accomplish that so you get trapped. There's a lot you should be able to do in this world but with the way things are structured today it's tough to even have the time to discover yourself.
Truth be told, I felt great sadness when I read this a few days ago in the "College sucks" thread...

You follow ascript, you retell this script, and you act on that same script. It'swhat administration makes it for. At the end of the day, people are incollege to make money when they graduate. Forget the BS about I came tocollege to learn and learn about the humanity of life, you can do thatat the park or the YMCA on Sundays.

So once I realized that college is a quaint existence of humanity pleasings, then I realized what I was doing.

 If one can recognize that eventually, lifeis a system that must all follow. It's a cycle. Who breaks thatcycle?... we'll never know. If you follow the script, you'll do fine.Just do not try re-writing the script, or you'll end up with lifelessboundaries (read: 9th year senior).

With that being said, I love college.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Quote me on this: "Money is a good down payment on happiness, but it will never in fact, guarantee happiness...." [/color]

(Think about that statement for a while).

i feel the same way....but not the pay part

i work and go to school

i work mon-thurs get up at 6 am every day and go to school mon-fri and get out at 10 pm

my cousin who i work with wants me to come in sat. and work which i dont want to because first i go to school and work

cmon hw and then work its stressfull i need time for me to go out and hangout...

we gt into a argument b/c he wants me to come in tomorrow but i was like naw and than starting talking like if i dont come in on sat. he gonna hire somebody else to take my spot.. i was like @*@ but idc

school first ... he only 22 and hes not the owner he think he runs !%$$ but he dont. my other cousin is the owner and ima call him today ...and let him have it..
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

go to work, go to church, let your dreams die...


Just listened to this today... I just zone out completely when I hear it.

What song is this?
Eternal Sunshine by Jay Electronica
i feel u, i feel like a slave, doing the same !+* every 3 days to make them happy but not yourself, its like u give them 5 days of your life to be a slave and only have 48 hours to actually get ur life back until you back to another 5 days.
Originally Posted by gil23

it becomes a routine
Yeah, I know how you feel OP and it really does become a routine. You got to find a way to change it. But def meet a girl though.
i posted this on my facebook, its kinda work related but i feel that its very very true.

looking on craigslist for available jobs. wowwwwwww most these places have unrealistic expectations and wants for $11-12 a freakin hour. get the hell outta here.

and to add to this too many "yes sir" weak minded people are the cause of this in my humble opinion. dudes gettin that corporate nut in their face acting cut throat to their co workers to move up in a job that doesn't give a flying 747 $%@% about them.
All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.

thats some truthful stuff right there.   some people take it as life and being acceptable.  working like a dog from their 20's until their mid 60's and spending limited time with their families and friends and watching life pass them by.

i'm sorry but i rather make less money and be able to support myself and feel free then make more money but be a prisoner to the work world.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.
8-10 hours is not alot

try 12-14
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.
This is me. I work 9 hours every single day (two diff. jobs), and I feel awful 24/7. It's not even worth it in the end. I'm 23, and I'm carrying a workload that is making me miss out on life majorly.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.
8-10 hours is not alot

try 12-14
Either way, I still aint trying to be that dude

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

AllI know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live mylife. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost everyweek and it drives me crazy.
This is me. I work 9 hoursevery single day (two diff. jobs), and I feel awful 24/7. It's not evenworth it in the end. I'm 23, and I'm carrying a workload that is makingme miss out on life majorly.

I feel ya dude. I feel like I have wasted away the prime of my life working for a poorly run company.
Whoever believes money buys happiness is a damn fool... all money does is make more things accessible.[h1]
I'm 24 and I work 48hours a week and sometimes it feels like never ending cycle but you must fight through it and try to do extra activities whenever you can. I am one of those cats that just hustles 24/7, my goal is to retire before 45. Anything is possible, always remember that.
At my last job, my boss would actually expect us to stay longer than 8 hours when it wasn't necessary, to show that we were "dedicated." (no one except his %*# kissing crew did it)

Then about once a month he would spring a last minute project on us on a !%###$! Friday and we would be there a few extra hours scrambling to get %#+$ done before he left town for a business trip.

This dude would walk around the office drunk cracking bad jokes and talking %#+$ and expected us to laugh like it was all good. Then he would take 3 hour lunches with his %*# kissing crew to go get drunk, but would try to get an attitude if someone had to leave early.

That dude was piece of work.

He made me hate graphic design.

As for the slavery OP, I've been in that boat and have felt your pain. My advise to you would be to get into a career/business that will allow you to afford the lifestyle you want to live. If that means going back to school or starting your own business, do it.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet


Make a plan to get rid of your bills or minimize them to what you REALLY need. Eat cheaper, cut out eating out, and save as much money as you can. Do you have a dream? Good. INVEST INTO IT.

Take all of the extra money you saved over a week, a month, a year, and use it to start your own business/ideas/etc. Dont wait, do it now. Working for someone else is how we all get our start, then take that money and have others work for you.

Co sign
man, i feel you OP. that's why in my next life, i'd like to come back as badass grizzly bear or tiger. chill all day, eat whatever i want, @@%+ whenever i want, live for like a 100 years, and when i die, i'll take down 60 humans with me, women and children included.
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

All I know is, I will not become one of those workaholics that work 6-7 days a week for 8-10 a hours a day. That isnt how I want to live my life. I am in a job right now where I work 6-7 days a week almost every week and it drives me crazy.
This is me. I work 9 hours every single day (two diff. jobs), and I feel awful 24/7. It's not even worth it in the end. I'm 23, and I'm carrying a workload that is making me miss out on life majorly.
Yeah that was me, burnt myself out.  If you don't need the dough, cut that %**$.  Hell i don't even do OT now voluntarily.
"fun as a kid for a few years, then go to school for 16-20, and after that work until you die."
-C.S. Lewis
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