Anyone Else Not Give a **** About the Troops?

Lot of bubble talk going on in here. We’re a very small step away from tribes with rocks and spears in constant battle.

Military = civilization = biggest stick

I have no respect for any individual military person (unless they’ve earned it) but i certainly respect the concept of the military.

It is what keeps us living in a civilized society and stopping some random psychopath dictator from trying to take over the lands. It’s a preventative function more than anything else.

I liken the military to a really strong lock or alarm system. 99,999/100,000 times there’s no need for them but the one time they are needed makes it worthwhile. If a country were to attack us we have the military infrastructure in place to come out okay.

That said we’ve warped the value they bring and have focused these resources externally instead of domestically. If anything, they should be focused on helping domestic problems. They have the respect of a lot of people and could do a lot of good by serving under domestic programs. We really don’t need to be sending thousands of troops anywhere at this point.

this is the comment I’m looking for. Underrated tweet sir
Let me also point out that firefighters actually START a ton of the fires out here

Then they put them out and claim the glory for being a "hero"

Google it

Where do you live that firemen are starting fires?
‘The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards. The evil men are the power–the rich men, and the politicians, and the fanatics of religion–whose decisions rule the world, and set it on its course of greed and destruction.’
‘There are only one million of them, the truly evil men, in the whole world. The very rich and the very powerful, whose decisions really count–they only number one million. The stupid men, who number ten million, are the soldiers and policemen who enforce the rule of the evil men. They are the standing armies of twelve key countries, and the police forces of those and twenty more. In total, there are only ten million of them with any real power or consequence. They are often brave, I’m sure, but they are stupid, too, because they give their lives for governments and causes that use their flesh and blood as mere chess pieces. Those governments always betray them or let them down or abandon them, in the long run. Nations neglect no men more shamefully than the heroes of their wars.’

‘And the hundred million cowards they are the bureaucrats and paper shufflers and pen-pushers who permit the rule of the evil men, and look the other way. They are the head of this department, and the secretary of that committee, and the president of the other association. They are managers, and officials, and mayors, and officers of the court. They always defend themselves by saying that they are just following orders, or just doing their job, and it’s nothing personal, and if they don’t do it, someone else surely will. They are the hundred million cowards who know what is going on, but say nothing, while they sign the paper that puts one man before a firing squad, or condemns one million men to the slower death of a famine.’
‘So, that’s it. The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards. The rest of us, all six billion of us, do pretty much what we are told!’
The main threat to the “freedoms” in this country had been domestic and the govt for decades now...But the military boyz ain’t even checking for that

The fighting for your freedoms argument ain’t hold much weight since Pearl Harbor or Hitler got out the paint...1 big terror attack in 20 something years and they couldn’t eem stop that one, but they damn sure used it to ramp up spending and presence elsewhere in the world
only minorities say this dumb ****
specifically black folks
white men dont say this

You did intentionally strip away all the nuance from his post. White people don't say that because the game is rigged in their favor. I know you know that, but he did acknowledge that we're up against it.

On the other hand, I'm not down with labeling anyone in our community as complaining for bring any point to any discussion about the system.

Much less for not gaming a system that's systemically racist against us.
Honestly someone being an old veteran just makes me less likely to send them a card.

I need a background report so I know I'm not sending a Thank You card to some old evil dude.

I'd rather send a birthday card to an old woman who was a baker or sumfin.
I notice its always the broke dustiest,,,,no goals having folks bashing military dictating what people have earned or not....
When you are about your business in shouldn't be too worried about what paths others have taken in their life to achieve goals.
Especially how other black people in America find a way...
Bashing the way some black folks have found success and have even become successful employers through military leadership background experience
to provide jobs for other black Americans.
I also shows what lack of real fatherhood folks have had in their lives
A hater is a hater and misery loves company....
You come to NT to bash these folks...meanwhile you won't confront your employer who's a military veteran because you would be afraid to loose your job.
Oh and there are a ton of employers with both military and college background.

Last thing.....could you just imagine the irony....of some of the same folks in here with these strong sentiments against veterans being the same people in the Official NT Broke and Jobless thread?
Some of the same folks who have PM'ed you desperately looking for work.
Man NT is too funny...
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