Anyone ever meet a chick online and then meet her in person and she looks nothing like the person yo

never happened to me cause i never tried to meet a girl from the internet unless i already knew/seen her round the way or know sumbody that know her & can vouch for her

this and OP post those deceiving pics.

thirst = bad judgement
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Stop meeting chicks online breh. Try meating them in person. Make sure you take your hands out your pockets tho.
Bout 2 years ago one of my best friends drive 100 miles to see some chick he had been talking to online. He was heated when she opened the door and was fat as hell, cause she kept taking those strategic angle pics and would post them on whatever site that was. He still &@^#(+ her though, and told me on the long drive back that it was the most disgusting thing he's ever done in his life.

I bet son went home and took the hottest, longest shower he possibly could. :lol:
Yes. Worst experience ever. Met up at a bar in Seattle and she came waddling in with a lower body to upper body ratio of 3:1 and not in a good way. She did most of the talking and I would be short and tried to have the exact opposite opinion of her....I'm a jerk. Anyway...She wanted me to walk her to her car, which I relented because I wanted to stay and drink. Took her to her car, quick hug, faked like going to my car, but instead back to the bar to drink away my sorrows.
picked up this chick on myspace that one summer with the 'can i borrow you' line...:lol:...met her at starbucks...she was wack though...she really worked the angle to look cute in her profile pic :smh:

never again
happened to me before. girl hit me up back in the myspace days. she was one of those girls that had dudes hitting her up od! in the comments and picture comments. anyways she and i talk for a bit and we exchange aim sns. then we talk on aim and she sends me pics of herself, so im thinking im lucky as hell to have a chick like this on my sack.

we met up 3 weeks later (she lived in hoboken and i was dorming nearby at college) she looked NOTHING like the pictures! she was ok looking but $%@^ it still got me heated. i dont even use the internet to meet girls. i prefer to meet them in person nowadays, so much better
shorty had hella face pictures but no smiles, so i meet her in person and she had da anthony davis mouth
If NT taught me anything is that you gotta ask for those Tagged/Dated pics. :tongue:

Chicks posting 10year old pics of themselves before they had kids :smh:
Most of the females I meet online look much better in person actually. I guess it's just the quality of females I go for. Im not just staring at Butts and **** and making Not that I dont look at those things. I study a chick before I make an approach online.
yup. got caught on Xanga thats how long ago. met her and she was like 5 shades darker than her pics. face was nothing like it. *** was half the size. it was ridiculous.

i think a black chick took a dominicans pics
usually when i meet a chick from the web it turns out to be not what u expected..but that one rare time, where its better than you expected nd shorty is straight right in person...

soon as u see her straight...

I was 20, went all the way to LI to see some chick, took the LIRR, somehow joined a cypher with her moms, ended up being obese like Della Reese...........lied to me about being a virgin, blood everywhere, looked at myself in the mirror with such shame that day........... :smh:

Once chick, I went to BX for, she was INSANE!!! Anyway, she strategically blocked her face on her pics, but would ask you hypothetical like would you wife, I never would give her an answer, so finally I went to her crib and she was BAD!!! Dominican Chick, anyway, she didnt wanna give up the pie because I wouldn't wife her online...........Never Again

Internet was live back in the 56k days, pics were fairly a new thing, not everyone had a camera on their phones, so you were basically playing Russian Roulette out there, I actually fell in LOVE with basically a "picture" of a chick........... YOLO I guess........
So far so good. I get a catelog of pix nd nudes before i even attempt to meet em.
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