anyone going dairy-free? I wanna go for a month vol. almond breeze

meth, i got a sample of the chocolate vega and mixed it with water. my goodness, quite possibly one of the worst tastes ive ever experienced.

what the hell can i do to make it more palatable and taste good so i can actually down it?
Like I said, I use hemp milk, which may add a little sweetness and helps with the texture a bit, but it sounds like you just need to try a different flavor.  You should be able to find a single serving sample at a health food store.  
I've almost completely X'ed out dairy from my diet. I feel stronger, healthier, and I I've lost fat.
I'd love to go dairy free for a month or two for my sinuses and persistent cough, since dairy puts mucus in your body, but I cant go a week without some pizza

watch the movie or read the book

cows milk aint the business 

and damn monta, 8-9 glasses a day??!!
I grew up on cows milk.but have been resorting to almonds milk lately mainly because it doesn't spoil as quick..gets the job done..
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

hemp milk is extremely expensive and coconut milk has guar gum

what the  heck can i do?
Coconut milk from Trader Joes only has water and coconut, no guar gum and it's 99 cents a can.

this stuff? i want the full fat creamy stuff.....not watered down

i might have to check the asian grocery stores or buy frozen young coconut meat to make it myself
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