Anyone here that does not keep their phone on them?

yeah.. I like to forget about it every now and then... some people get heated when you don't respond to a text right away... its kinda dumb
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by davizzy

no lie...

i put my phone on silent when i'm texting the breezys... dont want to seem too desperate...


i thought i was the only one that did this.

anyways, I have it on me when I'm out but when at the house i leave it in the living room.

You would not believe how often this backfires on me..

I completely forget I was texting someone if there is 10mins without a text.. So when they text me and I don't see it and don't respond at all.. I get the wrath of Khan  for not responding... 

depends on who its coming from though...
if its your main, that's understandable... but any other chick.

i guarantee that its just making them thirst for your attention more.

the fact that they get upset shows that you draw emotion. drawing emotion from someone is like press...

good or bad... its still emotion....

I keep it on me all day long when I'm out and I charge it whenever I'm home so it's still near me. It's always either on me or near me.
It's on me most of the day. My girl doesn't keep hers on her (surprising for an 18 year old) so whenever we have text conversations the lag is tremendous. It's even worse when she starts the conversation because I feel like what's the point if you don't even respond under 10 mins.
Usually just leave it somewhere and I won't find it till the next day.

Check the screen and zero messages.

oh well...
If I go out somewhere I will it have on me, when I'm at home I keep it plugged into my computer or next to my computer.
I always have my phone next to me when I'm at work. But I mainly use it to listen to music. When I get home, my phone stays on my bed side table.
My phone is never charged and almost never with me.

I have no idea where it is right now and I can't call it to to find it cause it's dead.
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