Anyone not doing anything for New Years?

Just staying home with my girlfriend because she doesn't want to party and it's super cold and windy. Rather just stay home and buy a movie on Comcast.
Going to church to usher in the new year and then probally head home afterward and get some sleep after hanging out late last night and working all day today.
Overrated holiday with no real significance (besides so called 'new year resolutions'). Personally, I'm waiting for Asian New Years
At work. I'm normally in church for night service. I'm mad I couldn't continue that but when the punk a%$ bosses schedule u, u have no choice butto go
Chillin at the apartment... my dudes comin over with beers later, weather is too bad to drive back to where i grew up at smh
I've always just stayed at home and watched the ball drop with the family so I can't imagine going out and not being with them...can't breaktradition!! I also got a rabbit a few days ago and wanna spend some more quality time with the little guy.
I'm on a bus from NYC to New Mexico (60 hour drive). I think I'll be somewhere in the Pittsburgh area when its 2009 lol.

I would have flown but I saved over 200$ and I'm going to need that for school. Recession and financial aid not coming in on time FTL!
im z0o0ted. writing lyrics. i also put my shorty to bed if you know what i mean. im bout to wake shorty up again and put her to bed again prolly twice beforethe clock hits 12... then back to writing. happy new year people !
Nope, nothing special at 12 am. Just gonna sit in front of my laptop and sip on some NUVO. Here's proof:
Originally Posted by SharpiePoint

Overrated holiday with no real significance (besides so called 'new year resolutions'). Personally, I'm waiting for Asian New Years

chinese new year u mean? if so, red pocket money is the ##*! always get at least a few stacks of red pocket.
Going to stay in and watch movies. Don't feel like driving such a far distant to party tonight with all of the drunkies driving out there.
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