Anyone see all this talk of riots if Obama loses?

al audi

Jun 18, 2009

i hope you dudes are prepared just in case civil uprise and marshall law pops off

NTrs in big cities just be prepared in case
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I see something popping off with one of these militia groups...word to Waco or Ruby Ridge

Their memberships have sky rocketed since Obama got elected in 2008 and so have gun sales in attempts to resist claims that obama would crack down on guns (he hasn't). 

Dudes out here really see Obama as a threat to the entire nation. Sometimes when I log in on FB I see all these old people I knew from high school that didn't really do much who are out here fear mongering and spewing these Fox News talking points as if Obama is a secret terrorist.

People are REALLY scared out here. 
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White people still think we gonna destroy them because of what the judicial system has done to us and what they have done to us in the past.They know what they did was wrong and they think Obama would tell us to wipe them out,
Yea, OK.
lol redic.... a overwhemingly majority group of ppl, who have a overwhemngly majority of the money/power/resources are afraid of a single minority ending/disrupting their unfair/unjust/unwarrant overwhemingly majority disporportioned money/power/resources/influences....

I guess the saying is true the most dangerous and feard thing in the world is an educated black man with an agenda
They said the same thing 4 years ago.

I'm still waiting on all the idiots to move to Canada like they said they would after the first election.

nvm I read that as if he bad
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They said the same thing 4 years ago.
I'm still waiting on all the idiots to move to Canada like they said they would after the first election.


People talk just to talk. Its quite sad really. "I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that!" Then you realize you can't really and go on about your day.
Actually I expect an all time low in voter turn out, especially in young ppl. Apathy Rises.
They said the same thing 4 years ago.

I'm still waiting on all the idiots to move to Canada like they said they would after the first election.

nvm I read that as if he bad

I remember this vividly, all the people talking about "I just went and loaded up at the gun store" :lol: :lol:
If he loses? No way.

If he wins? Maybe some gun nuts going crazy, but no riots.
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Might be a tad bit disrespectful - but weren't there talks of rioting in "support" of Tayvon Martin? Nothing happened.

*Also...AA, look at those IDIOTS you quoted. You honestly think their words hold any weight? :lol: C'mon, can't be serious to think people are going to riot if Romney wins.
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Might be a tad bit disrespectful - but weren't there talks of rioting in "support" of Tayvon Martin? Nothing happened.
*Also...AA, look at those IDIOTS you quoted. You honestly think their words hold any weight?
C'mon, can't be serious to think people are going to riot if Romney wins.
exactly this generation of young ppl for the most part aint ish.... they wouldnt bust grapes in a food fight... at worst you would get a massive overload on the facebook/twitter servers about ppl complaining with incoherent/rachet stupid talk about what they would (but really wont) do... especially black folks.. which is why i find it funny that these ppl are so scared about what will happen if obama losses...

Hell id put everything i love and own if obama was assasinated cold bllooded point blank range blacks and other obama supporters would do ish... they just complain/*****/moan/act all wild via online. and be all hushed mouth as they tapdance and shoe shine in their corporate uniforms at their 9-5 around white ppl.
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