Anyone see all this talk of riots if Obama loses?

Might be a tad bit disrespectful - but weren't there talks of rioting in "support" of Tayvon Martin? Nothing happened.

*Also...AA, look at those IDIOTS you quoted. You honestly think their words hold any weight? :lol: C'mon, can't be serious to think people are going to riot if Romney wins.
exactly this generation of young ppl for the most part aint ish.... they wouldnt bust grapes in a food fight... at worst you would get a massive overload on the facebook/twitter servers about ppl complaining with incoherent/rachet stupid talk about what they would (but really wont) do... especially black folks.. which is why i find it funny that these ppl are so scared about what will happen if obama losses...

Hell id put everything i love and own if obama was assasinated cold bllooded point blank range blacks and other obama supporters would do ish... they just complain/*****/moan/act all wild via online. and be all hushed mouth as they tapdance and shoe shine in their corporate uniforms at their 9-5 around white ppl.

Now that's the only part I completely disagree. It would be a full-on ruckus on both sides if something like that were to happen.
Actually I expect an all time low in voter turn out, especially in young ppl. Apathy Rises.
I agree with this.

Also, WHY would people riot over Obama losing? Makes ZERO sense.
I understand your new to politics champ but best believe Obama has real supporters out here and if he loses I can definitely see something happening. Not just because of who he might lose to but how he lost. Republicans are going all in with the racist talk and dog whistle comments.
Social media has made people complacent in some respects. Its called slacktivism. Its easy to "like" a status rather than mounting up and mobilizing. 

At least overseas if they spread a video or retweet something, it'll physically rile people up. 
Now that's the only part I completely disagree. It would be a full-on ruckus on both sides if something like that were to happen.
um sorta like ppl said they would with the jena 6... trayvon martin, the black guy in mississippi who was drugged by a pickup truck and ran over, the 92 grandma in atl who cops busted a full round into... the girl shot cold blooded in a transit rail station in seattle... i mean i cold go on but i just wanted to show u just a small list of recent events black folks/minorities said they would protest/riot etc.... stand against and then when ***** to grass are nothing more then armchair revolutionist... who become passive and meek if you give them a office job/9-5, a fairly decent house/car they are overpaying for, and a few monitary trinkets and a few atta boys from white ppl.
I'm not Black, I'm an Obama supporter - I'm almost 95% sure there will be no rioting, but I still don't understand

So Black People are going to Riot because we're the first Majority-White country to ever elect a Black Man as President? Not just President, President of the Free-World. 40 years ago America was segregating in the South, in 2008 Obama was winning in a Landslide.

Now if Obama doesn't win, Black people are going to think it's race related? All of a sudden it's racism now? That would be the only reason to Riot, right? Black people weren't rioting when Al Gore had the election stolen from him. They weren't rioting when Bush won re-election.

If Obama loses, he loses because of the public perception of his 4 year track record and his lackadaisical debate performance (which he completely blew, and was leading the polls before)

When Obama won the election in 2008, I thought it was the most socially-progressive action to ever happen in the world. Black people had a right to be proud and in my eyes it was 100 steps forward. If rioting does happen its 1000 steps back.
Now that's the only part I completely disagree. It would be a full-on ruckus on both sides if something like that were to happen.
um sorta like ppl said they would with the jena 6... trayvon martin, the black guy in mississippi who was drugged by a pickup truck and ran over, the 92 grandma in atl who cops busted a full round into... the girl shot cold blooded in a transit rail station in seattle... i mean i cold go on but i just wanted to show u just a small list of recent events black folks/minorities said they would protest/riot etc.... stand against and then when ***** to grass are nothing more then armchair revolutionist... who become passive and meek if you give them a office job/9-5, a fairly decent house/car they are overpaying for, and a few monitary trinkets and a few atta boys from white ppl.

I don't value one person's life over another, but in terms of perception, I think the death of a president would be different than the death of Trayvon Martin and all the others you listed. For one thing, all the other things you listed happen on a high number of occasion...we as the public just hear about the instances that slip through the cracks. The death of a president doesn't happen everyday.
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i dunno ask this guy

thats just a few examples
seriously? that's what's supporting your thesis? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

also, things move so fast for people in my generation that we/they don't have a chance to get a grasp of it before we/they move on to another topic/injustice/fight.
and i say "we/they" because i never claim to do anything about the injustices i see take place. if i'm having a conversation about it i'll freely express my views on it, but it has to really rile me up for me to decide to riot/protest. something could happen for me to do that, but everything that has been happening lately is not the first of its kind and all it really makes me think is "man, what a ****** up world we live in. "
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I'm not Black, I'm an Obama supporter - I'm almost 95% sure there will be no rioting, but I still don't understand

So Black People are going to Riot because we're the first Majority-White country to ever elect a Black Man as President? Not just President, President of the Free-World. 40 years ago America was segregating in the South, in 2008 Obama was winning in a Landslide.

Now if Obama doesn't win, Black people are going to think it's race related? All of a sudden it's racism now? That would be the only reason to Riot, right? Black people weren't rioting when Al Gore had the election stolen from him. They weren't rioting when Bush won re-election.

If Obama loses, he loses because of the public perception of his 4 year track record and his lackadaisical debate performance (which he completely blew, and was leading the polls before)

When Obama won the election in 2008, I thought it was the most socially-progressive action to ever happen in the world. Black people had a right to be proud and in my eyes it was 100 steps forward. If rioting does happen its 1000 steps back.

So before 2008 Black people didn't have the right to be proud?

Social media has made people complacent in some respects. Its called slacktivism. Its easy to "like" a status rather than mounting up and mobilizing. 

At least overseas if they spread a video or retweet something, it'll physically rile people up. 
exactly.... the older generation is simply that older... and because they are set in their cookie cutter, wife/kids/dog/house/2.5 kids set life/job they not going to do anything to jeopordize that... and so they will do nothing... the younger generation lol.... like really you think the gang wars in chitown will cease and come together to riot their displeasement? the young teen mothers working on a 2nd/3rd baby daddy going to hope out of the welfare line to go protest riot... the black folks who after year of college and being typecast/ostrecized for being black in a predominant white college who finally graduated and landed a good job... is going to do anything to jeopordize their struggles and finally arriving making it? or the mid 30's black who finally gotten a percieved acceptance from their white counterparts at the workplace are going to risk it all. Or the pulpit pimp going to miss out on his blessings aka his sunday payday to hit the pavement? i mean it sounds real good but foreal who are we kidding.....
I understand your new to politics champ but best believe Obama has real supporters out here and if he loses I can definitely see something happening. Not just because of who he might lose to but how he lost. Republicans are going all in with the racist talk and dog whistle comments.

There is ZERO reason to riot. You the same dude saying something would happen to George Zimmerman...and nothing did.

AA is quoting fools on Twitter. That's the equivalent of Ninjahood using Yahoo Answers as a source. Social media has given people a voice to pop off and do nothing. I'd also assume that the people he quoted won't even vote in the first place.
I don't value one person's life over another, but in terms of perception, I think the death of a president would be different than the death of Trayvon Martin and all the others you listed. For one thing, all the other things you listed happen on a high number of occasion...we as the public just hear about the instances that slip through the cracks. The death of a president doesn't happen everyday.
true but look at the la riots....i mean aint like rodney king was on the level of a president... nor his incident was something so out of the norm... yet ppl rioted over that... difference is place and time and the mindset of the generation of pp for that time... trust if trayvon martin incident, jena 6 etc happened at the time the rodney king incident happened there wouldve been riots etc and possibly a race war..

i mean if a crackhead black man who gets harrased and beating..not even killed causes an uproar, or a court decision to let a seemingly guilty black man get away with murder would cause a semi racial divide.... if ppl had the same mindset wouldnt taht tend to lead you to believe based on your idea of current generation of ppl they would protest riot over a 17 y/o kid being murdered unwarrant, or a black man being drugged for miles behind a pickup truck and ran over... or a 92 y/o grandma being gunned down point blank range at her doorstep...?

So not a knock to you or your opinion... but in a generation where ppl will standup and unite to buy overpriced shoes, a slightly upgraded cellphone, as oppose to matters pertaining to there life and well beings as a whole... i seriously doubt a good amount of blacks would do anything... Im not saying it would be business as usually... but it would be a far cry from the la riots, or the march to washington is what im saying..

At best i see a huge uproar via social media... a bunch of gifs etc of ppl displeasure... a ish load of religious based post/martin luther king/rosa parks related sayings/clips/excerpts etc on facebook twitter... and a strong 2 or 3 week protest etc... then it would end as soon as some other event occurs, or the latest must have monetary valued consumer released product is overhyped and made available... that or if some other major event comes about to distract the masses 
I understand your new to politics champ but best believe Obama has real supporters out here and if he loses I can definitely see something happening. Not just because of who he might lose to but how he lost. Republicans are going all in with the racist talk and dog whistle comments.
There is ZERO reason to riot. You the same dude saying something would happen to George Zimmerman...and nothing did.

AA is quoting fools on Twitter. That's the equivalent of Ninjahood using Yahoo Answers as a source. Social media has given people a voice to pop off and do nothing. I'd also assume that the people he quoted won't even vote in the first place.
I never said black people have a REASON to riot if Obama loses, I said what could possibility happen, but like I said it's just a possibility that I can see happening. As far as George Zimmerman goes, he's in hiding and a final verdict hasn't been reached on the case. If Zimmerman were to be found innocent I'm certain he couldn't or would't be able to walk the streets.
Well, I personally saw people joy-riot when he ain't ultra farfetched that the opposite would be true.
..but why are people in here talking like riots are good for the community...the country...or the world? innocent people die. business establishments suffer. cities have a large bill to pay. protests...okay. but some of y'all seem to be bashing us for not participating in unnecessary ineffectual violence.
White people still think we gonna destroy them because of what the judicial system has done to us and what they have done to us in the past.They know what they did was wrong and they think Obama would tell us to wipe them out,

This dude...
So before 2008 Black people didn't have the right to be proud?

Wow, you're such a lame. :lol:

Come on, stop picking and choosing word's and then completely spinning them out of control. There's a whole paragraph. Not even going to justify your ridiculously stupid accusation with a correction.
..but why are people in here talking like riots are good for the community...the country...or the world? innocent people die. business establishments suffer. cities have a large bill to pay. protests...okay. but some of y'all seem to be bashing us for not participating in unnecessary ineffectual violence.
i could see rioting OTHERS hoods... but your own... kinda is defeatest and a few steps in the wrong direction at best. but like ive expressed i doubt anything would happen outside of the degenerates and criminals etc who are already slowly tearing down their communities looting/rioting in isolated areas in areas that they were already destroying/tearing down anyways
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