Anyone see all this talk of riots if Obama loses?

my response lacked brilliance, but what i was listening to as opposed to what i could have been reading, was brilliant... so i was happy with the decision
i'd be more concerned about rioting if obama wins...radical republicans been stackin guns and ammo....

i had a convo with a friend of mine; his premise was basically what would stop 10,000 armed radicals from driving over the 14th st and memorial bridges, blowing them (to cut access to the pentagon) and taking Washington DC? Obviously they're gonna get crushed, but all they'd have to do is overrun a bunch of federal buildings, set them on fire, kill civilians, etc....then wait for the gov to demolish all of them to incite others.

I don't think theres much of a chance of that happening, but still, it wouldn't be too hard to F some stuff in DC if you have sufficient force
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