Anyone watching the Mars rover entry stream?Edit: Its landed! First picture on mars uploaded

I love how the dude who does finance for NASA refers to anyone thats not a part of that organization as ' normal civilians ' LOL sorry not everyone else is on your level. Based off that response, im going to have to assume the smugness level from NASA employees is through the roof if the guy who pushes pencils in the back room is on a high horse.

Curiosity= Waste of time , money , and effort. There are young children roaming the streets of the U.S. starving to death yet these scientists are all hyped they landed a robot on mars, SUPPOSEDLY. Those BILLIONS of dollars would have been spent better elsewhere; not to attain some photos of a barren landscape millions of miles away.

The government should just eliminate the space program. Its basically useless. Hire a few guys to make sure no asteroids are on a direct course to obliterate the planet , and thats all you need. Stop with the goverment-funded space exploration.
I love how the dude who does finance for NASA refers to anyone thats not a part of that organization as ' normal civilians ' LOL sorry not everyone else is on your level. Based off that response, im going to have to assume the smugness level from NASA employees is through the roof if the guy who pushes pencils in the back room is on a high horse.

Curiosity= Waste of time , money , and effort. There are young children roaming the streets of the U.S. starving to death yet these scientists are all hyped they landed a robot on mars, SUPPOSEDLY. Those BILLIONS of dollars would have been spent better elsewhere; not to attain some photos of a barren landscape millions of miles away.

The government should just eliminate the space program. Its basically useless. Hire a few guys to make sure no asteroids are on a direct course to obliterate the planet , and thats all you need. Stop with the goverment-funded space exploration.
Forgive them Horus, they know not what they do...

[h1]20 Everyday Things We Have Because Of NASA[/h1]
Dina Spector [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  Aug. 7, 2012, 5:28 PM  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  [color= rgb(243, 80, 42)]5,239[/color]  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  11



Tiger Woods can thank NASA for improved golf clubs.
NASA  is often criticized for wasting taxpayer dollars. The $2.5-billion rover that recently landed on Mars  has brought this issue to center focus once again.   
But the Space Program's research and advancements extend well beyond spaceflight into everyday life. Since the agency's creation in 1958, technologies originally developed for space missions have been adapted for commercial products and services on Earth. 

To prove this point, every year since the mid-1970s, NASA has published a list  of space technologies that have been integrated into everyday items. The tangible benefits span from life-saving medical devices to protective eyewear. To date, NASA has documented nearly 1,800 "spinoff" technologies. Here's a short list. 

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So are you suggesting if we eliminated nasa from government funding we wouldnt have cellular telephones , sunglasses, or artificial limbs any longer ? Golf clubs though? What a joke.

NASA has run its course. More important things are happening right here on our very own planet .Give it the axe.
Things that make the list of top-20 NASA accomplishments: baby formula, ski boots, braces, and cell phone cameras.

Thanks, NASA.
So are you suggesting if we eliminated nasa from government funding we wouldnt have cellular telephones , sunglasses, or artificial limbs any longer ? Golf clubs though? What a joke.

NASA has run its course. More important things are happening right here on our very own planet .Give it the axe.
Thats EXACTLY what I'm saying because you can't say "oh we would have discovered this stuff anyways." 

Read this


Watch these.

The CULTURE ALONE of space exploration keeps the economy afloat in more ways than you can imagine. 
Things that make the list of top-20 NASA accomplishments: baby formula, ski boots, braces, and cell phone cameras.

Thanks, NASA.
Yeah, thanks NASA for improving infant nutrition, improving recreational efficiency and safety, improving and advancing dentistry and our understanding of human anatomy and physiology, and for allowing for the progression of the miniaturization of electronics. 

Oh, and modern golf clubs themselves are an advancement in our understanding of materials science and composition that has allowed for stronger and lighter materials to be made.

So yes, Thanks NASA for modern golf club technology. 
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made me shed a single tear drop

picture if anything was living on mars with no clue of life out there and right in front of your face when you look earth!!

funnything when you go outside and look out at the stars

it is 3 big lights lined up in a triangle is saturn ...the other is mars...& the other is big star?(i think)

when you really take in that you are looking at "huge" planets instead of "tiny stars"

you really open to whats is out there
Bro you attempted to prove NASAs importance by posting a big picture of Tiger Woods and his shiny new golf club . Forgive me for thinking thats ridiculous.

Inventing ski boots= improving recreational efficiency and safety :rofl: Im not impressed by your big words or your excellent sentence structure. Ski boots are ski boots. They are not important.

NASA is not important. Landing on Mars does nothing to improve the quality of the average Americans life.

Axe that **** asap.

Earth, Jupiter and Venus from the skyline of Mars
How is that earth, venus and jupiter when mars is in between earth and jupiter? u wouldnt be able to see all three planets lined up like that with mars in the middle. Am i over thinkin this or am i right :nerd:
Bro you attempted to prove NASAs importance by posting a big picture of Tiger Woods and his shiny new golf club . Forgive me for thinking thats ridiculous.

Inventing ski boots= improving recreational efficiency and safety
Im not impressed by your big words or your excellent sentence structure. Ski boots are ski boots. They are not important.

NASA is not important. Landing on Mars does nothing to improve the quality of the average Americans life.

Axe that **** asap.
I love the "we could be spending money on XYZ" argument.

Do you know how small NASAs budget is compared to everything else in government? 
[h2]Wait, how big is NASA’s budget again?[/h2]
I have mixed feelings about NASA, as is obvious  if you’ve read my posts about it. But I think that they have done a simply fantastic and amazing job given how small their budget is. You might think NASA gets a huge amount of money — a lot of people do  — but in fact they get only a tiny fraction of the federal budget.

The New York Times made this very very clear recently when they posted an interesting graphic depicting the national budget allocations. Take a peek:

[Click to enporkbarrelate.]

Can you find NASA on there? It’s actually listed under General Science, near the bottom right. That rectangle’s not very big, is it? And NASA is only a part of that section, so the space agency’s lion’s share is starting to look more like a kitten’s nibble.

Now, wanna have fun? Close your eyes and click randomly on the graphic. Did you click on NASA? No? Shocker. But this gives you another way to think of the amount of money NASA gets, compared to, say, the military[sup]*[/sup]. Statistically speaking, your chance of randomly picking NASA’s footprint on that graphic are about 1 in 125.

I’m still working out what I think about Obama’s new plans for NASA. I’m happy about the increase he plans to give them, but we can easily afford to increase NASA’s budget by a lot more. We spend more on pet food every year  in the US than we do on NASA. What we spend every year  on tobacco products  is five times  NASA’s annual budget, so I’m thinking the money is out there.

It’s not a matter of finding the money. It never is, and never has been. It’s a matter of finding the money in a way that isn’t political suicide for a politician. And that, I suspect, is because those of us who support space exploration haven’t made it politically expedient for everyone else to support it, too.

I don’t have a remedy for that. I’m just a guy with a blog, so I blog about it, trying to show people that space is exciting, interesting, and worth a few more tax dollars a year. The more people who know that, reallyknow  that, the better off we are.

Tip o’ the change purse to Fark.

Posted at 04:22 PM ET, 07/03/2012[h1]Bill Nye on why NASA’s budget shouldn’t be cut: Who will stop the killer asteroid?[/h1]
By Emi Kolawole


Bill Nye studied mechanical engineering at Cornell and has deep ties to the space community. (MICHAEL OKONIEWSKI - AP)Bill Nye has a really good reason for why President Obama should not cut funding for space exploration:Who will figure out how to deflect the asteroid that could wipe out civilization?
“If the Earth gets hit by an asteroid, it's game over. It's control-alt-delete for civilization.”

Nye, who is best known for his public television show “Bill Nye, The Science Guy,” has some deep ties to the space community, including being taught by Carl Sagan  while studying mechanical engineering  at Cornell. He is also one of the founders of The Planetary Society.

And, as chief executive of the Society, Nye is taking on none other than the Obama administration over proposed cuts to NASA’s budget.

In an extensive interview with CNN  published June 2, Nye outlines myriad reasons why NASA’s budget should not be cut, not least of them being that “investment in space stimulates society.”

Nye is not alone when it comes to pushing lawmakers and the administration to increase, rather than slash, funding for space exploration. In a speech that took the Internet meme machine by storm, astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson made an empassioned plea to congressional lawmakers, advocating for greater NASA funding and asking, simply: “How much would you pay for the universe?”

For Nye, space exploration speaks to two of mankind’s most basic questions: “Where did we come from?” And “Are we alone?”

To quit that exploration, says Nye, is to potentially miss an opportunity to “change the way you think about your place in space.”
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Earth, Jupiter and Venus from the skyline of Mars
How is that earth, venus and jupiter when mars is in between earth and jupiter? u wouldnt be able to see all three planets lined up like that with mars in the middle. Am i over thinkin this or am i right :nerd:


alignment ..... all im gonna say about this

thanks for the clarification my mind was all blank lol.
btw i forgot this year is suppose to be the year for the galactic alignment right? :nerd: :wow:
Bill Nye the science guy, though?

It doesnt matter how much is being spent on other ( important ) things like national defense , social security, education, etc. the only thing that matters is that any amount of money is being spent to send a robot with a cell phone camera to a planet that doesnt have anything on it. Billions of dollars. Billions. Thats not a large amount of money to you? People are dying out here because they cant eat, but its acceptable for a bunch of nerds to throw away billions of dollars so they can get a few snap shots of space rocks .

Lets cure cancer, find a cure for AIDS , and feed the hungry before we all get a nut over some ( possiBly fabricated ) pictures of a planet none of us will ever inhabit or benefit from . For all we know that **** disinegrated months ago and noe theyre trying to save face by throwing the public a few pictures and yall eat it up like its somehow important. Pathetic

NASA = useless, waste of money.
Amazing pictures ... wow...
Nah, those pics suck. 

We could be feeding poor ghetto youths with this. Whats wrong with you wondering about whats not on earth? Are you crazy

Don't you know we have an energy crisis? 

Unemployment is super high right now and you just want to look at other planets? 

Don't worry about the technology that got us there, lets talk about how many single parent homes we have right now. 

We have a chance to tackle obesity and cure cancer! 

Going to Mars won't lower my rent or put gas in my tank!

If we shut down NASA we could all be eating from Whole Foods for life. ALL OF US!

Shutting down NASA could buy every kid a computer and a tutor. 

Who cares about understanding other planets or the extent of cosmic physics? We should be focused on gun control and the water crisis in the Sahel. 
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Earth, Jupiter and Venus from the skyline of Mars
How is that earth, venus and jupiter when mars is in between earth and jupiter? u wouldnt be able to see all three planets lined up like that with mars in the middle. Am i over thinkin this or am i right :nerd:


alignment ..... all im gonna say about this

thanks for the clarification my mind was all blank lol.
btw i forgot this year is suppose to be the year for the galactic alignment right? :nerd: :wow:

your welcome. And yes this year, december 21st.
Nah, those pics suck. 

We could be feeding poor ghetto youths with this. Whats wrong with you wondering about whats not on earth? Are you crazy

Don't you know we have an energy crisis? 

Unemployment is super high right now and you just want to look at other planets? 

Don't worry about the technology that got us there, lets talk about how many single parent homes we have right now. 

We have a chance to tackle obesity and cure cancer! 

Going to Mars won't lower my rent or put gas in my tank!

If we shut down NASA we could all be eating from Whole Foods for life. ALL OF US!

Shutting down NASA could buy every kid a computer and a tutor. 

Who cares about understanding other planets or the extent of cosmic physics? We should be focused on gun control and the water crisis in the Sahel. 

Buying every kid a computer and a tutor would be money well spent IMO. Maybe our kids wouldnt be so stupid. As would curing cancer As would providig hungry "ghetto youth" (your idiotic words, not mine) with food so they can survive long enough to makes somethibg of themselves ( become an astronaut, maybe?)

You seem to be all knowing and have an answer for everything. Tell me, how does one come to the conclusion that these pictures are authentic? Along with being a future doctor, im sure youre also a photography expert, am i right ? Enlighten me, but only if you think i am worthy.
Why does this dude always get in arguments in every thread he is in. It's like he's looking for arguments so he has a chance to show how smart he is. He's going to get himself banned again
Nah, those pics suck. 

We could be feeding poor ghetto youths with this. Whats wrong with you wondering about whats not on earth? Are you crazy

Don't you know we have an energy crisis? 

Unemployment is super high right now and you just want to look at other planets? 

Don't worry about the technology that got us there, lets talk about how many single parent homes we have right now. 

We have a chance to tackle obesity and cure cancer! 

Going to Mars won't lower my rent or put gas in my tank!

If we shut down NASA we could all be eating from Whole Foods for life. ALL OF US!

Shutting down NASA could buy every kid a computer and a tutor. 

Who cares about understanding other planets or the extent of cosmic physics? We should be focused on gun control and the water crisis in the Sahel. 
Buying every kid a computer and a tutor would be money well spent IMO. Maybe our kids wouldnt be so stupid. As would curing cancer As would providig hungry "ghetto youth" (your idiotic words, not mine) with food so they can survive long enough to makes somethibg of themselves ( become an astronaut, maybe?)

You seem to be all knowing and have an answer for everything. Tell me, how does one come to the conclusion that these pictures are authentic? Along with being a future doctor, im sure youre also a photography expert, am i right ? Enlighten me, but only if you think i am worthy.
Maybe you missed the part about NASA being integral in MRI and CAT scan technology...partially used where I do research.

But thats cool. Who needs to image the body anyways

And how do I know the pics are authentic? Well how do you know the news you get from the AssociatedPress is real, Mr. Truman? 
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Nah, those pics suck. 

We could be feeding poor ghetto youths with this. Whats wrong with you wondering about whats not on earth? Are you crazy

Don't you know we have an energy crisis? 

Unemployment is super high right now and you just want to look at other planets? 

Don't worry about the technology that got us there, lets talk about how many single parent homes we have right now. 

We have a chance to tackle obesity and cure cancer! 

Going to Mars won't lower my rent or put gas in my tank!

If we shut down NASA we could all be eating from Whole Foods for life. ALL OF US!

Shutting down NASA could buy every kid a computer and a tutor. 

Who cares about understanding other planets or the extent of cosmic physics? We should be focused on gun control and the water crisis in the Sahel. 

^ i see your points ..

but somethings it's ok to appreciate these things once in a while ...

life is &^%$ up ... i havent had a job in months ... still .. though struggling .. im happy to appreciate some things

anyway .. go ahead .. and do you .. hopefully your points spark a positive push to address the said problems...
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He was being sarcastic. He thinks landing a robot on mars is more important than feeding young
Children because they are nothing but "ghetto youth" . Dude is obviously book smart but that's where his intelligence ends .
He was being sarcastic. He thinks landing a robot on mars is more important than feeding young
Children because they are nothing but "ghetto youth" . Dude is obviously book smart but that's where his intelligence ends .
Yeah because solving world hunger is just "throwing money" at something, right? 
Nah, those pics suck. 

We could be feeding poor ghetto youths with this. Whats wrong with you wondering about whats not on earth? Are you crazy

Don't you know we have an energy crisis? 

Unemployment is super high right now and you just want to look at other planets? 

Don't worry about the technology that got us there, lets talk about how many single parent homes we have right now. 

We have a chance to tackle obesity and cure cancer! 

Going to Mars won't lower my rent or put gas in my tank!

If we shut down NASA we could all be eating from Whole Foods for life. ALL OF US!

Shutting down NASA could buy every kid a computer and a tutor. 

Who cares about understanding other planets or the extent of cosmic physics? We should be focused on gun control and the water crisis in the Sahel. 
^ i see your points ..

but somethings it's ok to appreciate these things once in a while ...

life is &^%$ up ... i havent had a job in months ... still .. though struggling .. im happy to appreciate some things

anyway .. go ahead .. and do you .. hopefully your points spark a positive push to address the said problems...
Being sarcastic because NooEra thinks that instead of going to Mars we should be prosecuting bankers over the Libor Scandal. 
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