Anyone watching the Mars rover entry stream?Edit: Its landed! First picture on mars uploaded

You all are forgetting how important the government is.

Government often leads advances in unknown tech because all private industry does is exploit discoveries, not create them.

We won't know if there is a MARKET in Mars if we don't go there. 

We didn't know about the market in space satellites until governments went up there.

Are governments efficient? No. Hell no. But they are effective at pursuing goals.

If you want to make profit, THEN bring in the work done by capitalists to exploit and hack the system. 

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Bill Nye the science guy, though?

It doesnt matter how much is being spent on other ( important ) things like national defense , social security, education, etc. the only thing that matters is that any amount of money is being spent to send a robot with a cell phone camera to a planet that doesnt have anything on it. Billions of dollars. Billions. Thats not a large amount of money to you? People are dying out here because they cant eat, but its acceptable for a bunch of nerds to throw away billions of dollars so they can get a few snap shots of space rocks .

Lets cure cancer, find a cure for AIDS , and feed the hungry before we all get a nut over some ( possiBly fabricated ) pictures of a planet none of us will ever inhabit or benefit from . For all we know that **** disinegrated months ago and noe theyre trying to save face by throwing the public a few pictures and yall eat it up like its somehow important. Pathetic

NASA = useless, waste of money.

You wont be saying that when they find
I'm pretty sure NASA knows something...and to think they would release anything to the public is crazy.

Not gonna happen...

Waste of money imo.
Dude is acting like science and the pursuit of knowledge is a vacuum of independent knowledge in distinct and well defined categories and understanding between disciplines. 

Experiments ON THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION have advanced our understanding of the extent of biology and chemistry farther than we could have done here.

Ya'll just don't get it. 

Experiments in ANY frontier lead to a greater understanding of how to try new things.

So yes, that revolutionary cancer or AIDs treatment MIGHT come from us understanding how to precisely manipulate nanomachines OR our funding of CERN might lead to us designing even faster and accurate computers. 

On top of that, this dude just throws around numbers like he knows what they mean. "billions are wasted...billions"

But yeah, lets cut NASA. Not the TSA. Not reforming Social Security. Not reforming Healthcare. Not cutting defense budgets (which NASA is linked to because ICBMs don't just wake up at their targets). Not cutting corn subsidies. Not cutting tax breaks. Not cutting bloated every day industries that DWARF NASA...but no, since YOU don't see the daily benefit, lets cut it. That's the most arrogant thing you could say as a citizen. 

Billions is NOTHING to the government son. 


NASA is doing REMARKABLE things with the amount of money they have right now after all the cuts we've undergone. The sheer intracacy of the planning to go to Mars will make it safer for industries to start mining asteroids or even Mars itself. 

We don't even have SPACE SHUTTLES ANYMORE.

America is falling behind! We have to hitch a ride with Russian rockets just to get out there now. Do you realize what that spells for the future of the American ability to stabilize its economy? 

Private industry is starting to realize the possibilities themselves based on stuff done with space research. They're learning how to manipulate it and make money off of it. 

Exploration creates economies. 

You wouldn't have half the stuff you enjoy right now if it wasn't for NASA and other government organizations like DARPA advancing the frontier of engineering and chemistry. 

You want to help the down-trodden? I'm all for it. But not at the expense of us pursuing ways to do that.

Hell, advances in freezing and drying by NASA alone ALLOW us to feed millions more mouths that wouldn't have been capable without this sort of research. 
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Amazing stuff but this thread has taken a turn for the worst.

I also wonder what the RSA is up to. They have always done more with less.
I love how the dude who does finance for NASA refers to anyone thats not a part of that organization as ' normal civilians ' LOL sorry not everyone else is on your level. Based off that response, im going to have to assume the smugness level from NASA employees is through the roof if the guy who pushes pencils in the back room is on a high horse.

Curiosity= Waste of time , money , and effort. There are young children roaming the streets of the U.S. starving to death yet these scientists are all hyped they landed a robot on mars, SUPPOSEDLY. Those BILLIONS of dollars would have been spent better elsewhere; not to attain some photos of a barren landscape millions of miles away.

The government should just eliminate the space program. Its basically useless. Hire a few guys to make sure no asteroids are on a direct course to obliterate the planet , and thats all you need. Stop with the goverment-funded space exploration.

This is why I refer to you as a normal citizen. It is not meant to be derogatory but i just don't understand why people at NASA get this reputation. Everyone that works here in underpaid vs private industry. They work extremely hard and get incredible things accomplished and still get the "you are wasting my tax dollars". If you could subjectively look at your return on investment NASA would be the highest in the government.

NASA's budget is less then 1/2 of 1% of the total government budget. And if you think we are wasting money you should see what your tax dollar go to over at the Department of Defense.

NASA is looking for about 17-18 Billion for FY13 funding....but yet we lost $60 Billion the Afghan war for nothing....

small rant in spoiler
I know i am a lowly financial analyst and I don't ever think my job is better then anyone's. But it seems all anyone does is complain about the space program. We use our resources here on earth frivolously and no one has the foresight to say "what will happen if earth becomes unlivable". Well at some point we may need to colonize another planet. And Mars may be that planet. Yet NASA engineers complete an unthinkable feat and people still shrug it off. Less then 1 penny comes out of your pay check and goes to NASA. But that's too much....
I love how the dude who does finance for NASA refers to anyone thats not a part of that organization as ' normal civilians ' LOL sorry not everyone else is on your level. Based off that response, im going to have to assume the smugness level from NASA employees is through the roof if the guy who pushes pencils in the back room is on a high horse.

Curiosity= Waste of time , money , and effort. There are young children roaming the streets of the U.S. starving to death yet these scientists are all hyped they landed a robot on mars, SUPPOSEDLY. Those BILLIONS of dollars would have been spent better elsewhere; not to attain some photos of a barren landscape millions of miles away.

The government should just eliminate the space program. Its basically useless. Hire a few guys to make sure no asteroids are on a direct course to obliterate the planet , and thats all you need. Stop with the goverment-funded space exploration.

NASA's budget is less then 1/2 of 1% of the total government budget. And if you think we are wasting money you should see what your tax dollar go to over at the Department of Defense.

:smh: all that needs to be said
F pics, bring back specimens. All these years foolin w/ Mars, let's make some progress.
:lol: do you even know how much fuel a go and back mission would take?

Btw Nasa just released the first high-resolution colour photos of Mars


The gravelly area around Curiosity's landing site is visible in the foreground. Farther away, about a third of the way up from the bottom of the image, the terrain falls off into a depression (a swale). Beyond the swale, in the middle of the image, is the boulder-strewn, red-brown rim of a moderately-sized impact crater. Farther off in the distance, there are dark dunes and then the layered rock at the base of Mount Sharp. Some haze obscures the view, but the top ridge, depicted in this image, is 10 miles (16.2 kilometers) away.



Yeah because solving world hunger is just "throwing money" at something, right? 

Being sarcastic because NooEra thinks that instead of going to Mars we should be prosecuting bankers over the Libor Scandal. :rolleyes

THis argument is pointless.

I'm still blown away by that "sky crane" landing maneuver.

I don't think people really appreciate how difficult that really was.  They pulled off a silky smooth landing with a 14 minute communications delay between Mars and Earth.
I'm still blown away by that "sky crane" landing maneuver.

I don't think people really appreciate how difficult that really was.  They pulled off a silky smooth landing with a 14 minute communications delay between Mars and Earth.
Its seriously a damn shame too.

Thats easily the illest thing i've ever heard of. 

Bar none.

Not because its an idea, but because IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. 
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