Anytime A Girl Shows Interest In You Show Her Less

I think MOB is generally true. I don't interpret it as specifically having to be money, but more focusing on yourself, goals and ambitions. it all translates back to confidence.
Originally Posted by Put em up

foreveryoung wrote:
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

MOB is a real philosophy to live by....just most %+$#$% hollering it dont.

For real.I didnt figure this out till after college

At yall arguing about this tho. If you make money, you will NEVER have to worry about spittin game, playin games, or saying/doing the right thing.


yep you can tell in this thread whos in high school, college, lame or just broke. All these spitting game and taking long to text back...etc crap is nonsense and corny.

if she not down for the cause you keep it moving, might sound cheesy but youll never lose women chasing money. or however it goes.

these chicks out here choosing. either your it or not.
When a girl likes you, you can do whatever you want. Take a dump on her face and she'll still think you're amazing. Girls have no rules or standards when it comes to this.

I think all the good advice being given really boils down to being confident/secure and having a good life to offer (not just money but a career, experiences, friends, etc.). When someone says, "don't text her back right away," what they really mean is, "have your own life so that you're not sitting by your phone all day waiting for a text."

It's almost as if what we mean by "games" is "cover up for the fact that you suck at life."

edit: I kid you not -- I read Wisepharoah's post AFTER I posted what I said above.
Great minds think alike.

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Oh and MOB is the GOds honest truth. The meaning of it has just been tainted by broken hearted tainted lames. I've never met a dude with bread that had trouble getting head. The harsh reality is women want a man that can provide experiences. Experiences= new restaurants,traveling, gifts,surprises etc. Provide those things and be funny and of course stern and you can doo doo on her face, literally. Good night chaps
Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by awwsome

As stated before in the thread, women is choosing.
She knows if she wants you in her pants or not from the minute yall start talking 95% of the time.

See, I don't get why it can't be the other way around.

Why don't more guys just try and turn the tables so the women have to impress them?
It's been that way since the beginning of man, there is no changing it. Unless she's ugly
Nearly any guy can get girls to chase them. It's not something you can force though. When you have things going for you, girls notice. And girls talk, more than guys do. They have their targets. All you have to do then is leave your door unlocked (figuratively speaking) and she'll wander in.
Like others have said you have to do what feels right

But do not play someones games that #@!$ is crazy

I've played one girl's games so many times i stopped caring

that #@$% is aggravating
Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS

I think MOB is generally true. I don't interpret it as specifically having to be money, but more focusing on yourself, goals and ambitions. it all translates back to confidence.
Originally Posted by man listen

Originally Posted by scshift

See, I don't get why it can't be the other way around.

Why don't more guys just try and turn the tables so the women have to impress them?
that's what choosing is time you go out, really pay attention to the chicks. they're all dressed to impressed, trying to get attention from the kinda guy you're making yourself into. once you get it all together you don't have to do a damn thing and chicks will start throwing it at you. whereas a guy will see a chick he likes and go up and talk to her, girls will see a guy and just float around him and wait for him to basically take her down. I don't know how young you are maybe you can't tell yet but there's a difference between "seeing" a chick and "noticing" a chick. the one where you kind of turn your head on accident and just happen to notice is the one trying to get your attention (choosing..). the one that's hovering within arms length of you for no apparent reason...she wants you to talk to her. you got the right idea, don't work on the chicks, work on yourself and the chicks will flock.

I'm 17, and yeah I guess I'm not too familiar with that concept about "seeing" and "noticing".

But see the thing is that the average fairly attractive man might get one or two females hovering around him trying to get him to lay it out (I'm talking someone on top of their game, but not top status), whereas an attractive female (again, not the most attractive, but still good looking), will have far more guys to choose from.

And for the average man himself, he just won't have to many females looking for him to make a move. Like I said earlier, people don't like to settle for average. They want the best that they can get. The thing is, is that a lot of men chase attractive women, and I don't think it should be that way. In my eyes, the guy should better himself and max out in all the categories he feels is necessary for success in his own life (money, job, car, connections, dress, physique, strength, etc.) and let the women chase him.

It's always guys trying to chase girls... yes the opposite happens but it's rare. I feel like instead of being like a hamster trapped in a wheel trying to holler at women, he should just make himself more "attractive" and throw the women into the hamster wheel.

At the end of the day, being as slick as you can with your mouth and having the smoothest game won't really matter if you have no substance behind that mouth. Why not let your success, goals and achievements speak for you? Then you don't even need to think about how to run your mouth or what to say. You could treat the females like any random stranger on the street. Or the guys you play pickup with. Or the dudes at the barber shop. I don't think it's productive to spend so much time trying to lay out a gameplan to get a female's approval, when one has the power to turn the tables and get the females to push for HIS approval.
scshift, you completely got the right idea just let go of the thought that you can't reach that level until after you get everything together. the fact that you're even focused on bettering yourself as your first priority means you can be there right now. you probably already have tons of chicks eyeballing you and don't even realize it. you can get them to chase you while at the same time you chase your dreams. your lack of thirst is your greatest asset young padiwan
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by scshift

See, I don't get why it can't be the other way around.

Why don't more guys just try and turn the tables so the women have to impress them?
It's been that way since the beginning of man, there is no changing it. Unless she's ugly
Speak for yourself man. I take it you've never had an attractive girl thirst for the D? Must suck man
Not even tryna mean but what shift said is not only possible but it happens all the time. I'm sure most of the guys posting in here have at least one girl they smashed and put in little to no effort at all. And if a girl ever feels like she HAS to impress you, theres a very good chance shes DTF as well
This cornball

The majority of the male population since the beginning of time have been in the role of the
hunter, trying to impress the female. Certain instances, I'll use Kobe as an example, men definitely have the upper hand. Obviously regular dudes can obtain something that
females are attracted to but the as a majority we want them more than they want us.

Btw, what "attractive girls" is thirsting for you looking like this

Being the a-hole works because of simple psychology. Like someone said in here, girls act on feelings, not necessarily logic. By being hard to figure out and unpredictable they get intrigued, and ya know what that means. But then again, some people over do the a-holeness and that's no bueno either. Bottomline, have a backbone, find a balance and don't go to the extremes ( too nice, too mean), and most importantly be yourself. If you have simp tendencies just tone that down lol
the great ignore her trick worked for me this weekend.
went out w/ 2 chicks this weekend gave 1 all my attention all night
next day get a call from the other wanting to "hangout" hulked it.
So you find me unnattractive? 
Thanks for taking the time to post my twitcon, the link to which is in my sig. Great detective work....

But nah you just seriously seem like you don't smash breh. YOU might want them more than they want you, but don't speak for the entire male population. Dudes who only rely on the P that gets thrown at em/stumble into say stuff like you. I just left some girl in Pacha last weekend with a pouty face bc she ain't have enough friends for my crew. Right before we got there she texted me that  I could crash at her place in Queens if I came. She was bad too, but when you get girls, you don't stress over the next nut. Dude like you woulda prolly been tryna eat her butt right there on the dance floor.

"We want them more than they want us"

You probably still think they got cooties fam
Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by AME416

It's been that way since the beginning of man, there is no changing it. Unless she's ugly
Speak for yourself man. I take it you've never had an attractive girl thirst for the D? Must suck man
Not even tryna mean but what shift said is not only possible but it happens all the time. I'm sure most of the guys posting in here have at least one girl they smashed and put in little to no effort at all. And if a girl ever feels like she HAS to impress you, theres a very good chance shes DTF as well
This cornball

The majority of the male population since the beginning of time have been in the role of the
hunter, trying to impress the female. Certain instances, I'll use Kobe as an example, men definitely have the upper hand. Obviously regular dudes can obtain something that
females are attracted to but the as a majority we want them more than they want us.

Btw, what "attractive girls" is thirsting for you looking like this

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

So you find me unnattractive? 
Thanks for taking the time to post my twitcon, the link to which is in my sig. Great detective work....

But nah you just seriously seem like you don't smash breh. YOU might want them more than they want you, but don't speak for the entire male population. Dudes who only rely on the P that gets thrown at em/stumble into say stuff like you. I just left some girl in Pacha last weekend with a pouty face bc she ain't have enough friends for my crew. Right before we got there she texted me that  I could crash at her place in Queens if I came. She was bad too, but when you get girls, you don't stress over the next nut. Dude like you woulda prolly been tryna eat her butt right there on the dance floor.

"We want them more than they want us"

You probably still think they got cooties fam

Okay, you're cool, we get it. The point I'm trying to make is bigger than you or any single man.You sound ridiculous. Have a seat and be quiet when grown folks are talking.

Btw, that girl you left in Pacha can't be all that good looking if she's messing with a MC Hammer look alike.

Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

So you find me unnattractive? 
Thanks for taking the time to post my twitcon, the link to which is in my sig. Great detective work....

But nah you just seriously seem like you don't smash breh. YOU might want them more than they want you, but don't speak for the entire male population. Dudes who only rely on the P that gets thrown at em/stumble into say stuff like you. I just left some girl in Pacha last weekend with a pouty face bc she ain't have enough friends for my crew. Right before we got there she texted me that  I could crash at her place in Queens if I came. She was bad too, but when you get girls, you don't stress over the next nut. Dude like you woulda prolly been tryna eat her butt right there on the dance floor.

"We want them more than they want us"

You probably still think they got cooties fam

Okay, you're cool, we get it. The point I'm trying to make is bigger than you or any single man.You sound ridiculous. Have a seat and be quiet when grown folks are talking.

Btw, that girl you left in Pacha can't be all that good looking if she's messing with a MC Hammer look alike.

alright i'm gravedigging like a *+!!* but i don't feel like making a new thread since its related to this topic. i met this girl at my boy's party about a month ago and got her number. she's good friends with my boy's gf so i was like yo put me down with your we ended up getting something to eat and chillin like a week after that and she's mad cool. we text each other about every other day and i'd say that we each initiated the conversation equally in the beginning but recently i feel like i've been the one doing it all the time and she's the one ending the convo. we haven't talked to each other in like 4 days so do you guys think i should just go ahead and text her or wait a little longer and see if she texts me? bc right now i honestly have no idea if she's feeling me or just being nice bc i'm cool with her friend. i feel like if she texts me that'd be a good indication but at the same time if i wait this out she might think i'm not interested...and if i text her i'm not trying to seem thirsty.
Originally Posted by pacers31

alright i'm gravedigging like a *+!!* but i don't feel like making a new thread since its related to this topic. i met this girl at my boy's party about a month ago and got her number. she's good friends with my boy's gf so i was like yo put me down with your we ended up getting something to eat and chillin like a week after that and she's mad cool. we text each other about every other day and i'd say that we each initiated the conversation equally in the beginning but recently i feel like i've been the one doing it all the time and she's the one ending the convo. we haven't talked to each other in like 4 days so do you guys think i should just go ahead and text her or wait a little longer and see if she texts me? bc right now i honestly have no idea if she's feeling me or just being nice bc i'm cool with her friend. i feel like if she texts me that'd be a good indication but at the same time if i wait this out she might think i'm not interested...and if i text her i'm not trying to seem thirsty.


take the L and keep it movin
OK here it is in a nutshell. Most guys view girls that they like the same way that we'd view our older sister's best friend. Instead, view he like she's your little sister's annoying friend that has a crush on you. It's all psychological. Yourr demeanor around them will be more confident and attractive. Thank me later.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

OK here it is in a nutshell. Most guys view girls that they like the same way that we'd view our older sister's best friend. Instead, view he like she's your little sister's annoying friend that has a crush on you. It's all psychological. Yourr demeanor around them will be more confident and attractive. Thank me later.

True, it's like whoever shows more that they dig the other person the most loses.
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