*** Apologizing first...Sign of Weakness, Being the Bigger Man? ***

You did the right thing...
It depends on who you apologize to. A-holes are not worth apologizing to (accidentally or not).

But when you do something bad (accidentally or not) to nice people, it's just rightful for them to hear your apology.

I think it should be selective.
as wack as it is, swallowing your pride sometimes is one of the main keys in a relationship(dr phils a lame), i hate doing it but she does it to sometimes soits gravy in the end
the people who go around testing the patience of strangers, who's limits they do no know, are basically asking to get hurt or worse
some dudes are just angry about life and at their in general, so they try to take it out on other people ....all you gotta do is just sit back and laugh
If you did something wrong, apologize for it. If you did something wrong and you have to wait for someone else to apologize first, you're an arrogantprick.

In your situation, you didn't owe him an apology at all. I wouldn't have said a word to him. If I did, maybe 'My bad, man,' and kept it moving.Clearly, he's one of these types that's just out looking for someone to throw down with, and you bumped into him, so he thought it would be you andhim. Like I said, if it were me, he would have thought it would be me and him, and I would have said 'M bad, man,' and went on about my way.

If that means that I would have had him waiting for me outside whenever left, then... I guess that's why I never go to those types of places.
Unless dude lays hands on you first, there's no point in taking things in that direction.

I'll apologize to try and keep the peace, regardless of who was at fault.

If dude wants to keep barking, I'll simply laugh in his face and walk away.

No need to even say anything and give him a chance to respond.

Like others have said, no need to ruin my night, and maybe more, over some random dude who just wants to act hard.
That dude was just some tool who wants to look all hard in front of his homies and pop off and be the story of that club. True story dudes like that aren'tworth your time, he prob did that same thing with liek 2 or 3 other people that night.
It's cool, man. Sure...your pride may have been bruised a LITTLE BIT...but seriously, at the end of the day, it's not even a big deal. Just gotta thinkthat
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