Apple 2012 keynote : live blog link pg 1

Originally Posted by PRIME

Why is everyone bugging out about the price? If you add a SSD to a regular priced 15in MBP it makes it $2300...

The screen isn't whats making it go over in price... Its the SSD.

Not to mention, it comes with 8 gb of ram just like the $2200 version of the regular 15inch and the graphics card has 1gb of ram instead of 512mb of ram...

So add the SSD + the updated Ram + updated graphics card + the new display... You guys are expecting it to cost the same as the one that has less than it? Hell, if you were to add these upgrades yourself through the site you'd still be paying a little more over $2200...

Apple alrdy got you bruh...

the old MBP doesnt cost anything close to 2k to produce, but thats the price they deemed acceptible in todays market...

ppl paid it.

New MBP rolls out... better parts= apple make slightly less profit or sell for more... you see which way they opted.

For some reason ppl thought the gouging wouldnt be as severe this go around but nah they jus make yall believe these new additions are worth paying even more than you used to.

A good 240 hz smart tv is 2k... does that mean next year when the hz jump a lil we should pay 2k+ ?

the older model genrally drops in price and the newer model stays consistent w/ electronics.... not so much with Apple.

If i still had apple stock id sell before the i5 drops. failure after failure with this company but they have their customers so brainwashed they continue to not only get away with it but be one of the most profitable companies in exstiance...

theyre due to fall off.
Thanks to everyone wanting to upgrade, was able to find someone who was selling their MB Air 13" 128gb ssd laptop (2011 model) for $800 flat, and even threw in wireless keyboard and mouse, and two cases for it.
Guess I'm not the only one....but damn why didn't they make a retina 13 inch.......?
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by Biggie62

I have a 15 inch fall 08 unibody pro.  My 3 year protection plan ended in October of 2011.  I took it to the store 2 weeks before it expired and they:

changed the mother board
gave me a new DVD drive
gave me a new screen
changed the cables that connected everything
and something else that was pretty minor.

I got my laptop back after a week. Now even though those parts are pretty cheap now.  That's probably around $300-$500 worth of things that I paid $200 for when I bought the warranty at the time.

Why did they do that?
Did those things needed to be fixed or were you just getting your money's worth outta the plan?
Why didn't they just give you a new mac, if they're gonna do all that.

Also, did they sent it back to you or did you have to go back to the store?

I had screen flickering and the battery was giving me problems so I decided to take it in since the warranty was about to expire.  Went to the genius bar and the guy said well I do see a problem with the screen and your battery looks a little bloated.  He gave me 2 options.  Either they do things in house and they only fix it the problems that he sees, or he'll send it out to a service center (it was in Kentucky I think) and they'll do a thorough diagnostic and fix everything and anything that is potentially wrong with it.  But the kick was that I would be without a laptop for a week.  I wanted to give this laptop some more life before I decide to update to a new macbook pro so I chose to do it.  I had to go to the store a week later to pick it up and they gave me a list of all the things they replace.

But to answer the question of why they didn't give me a new laptop if it had that many problems?  I have no clue but eitherway I got my money's worth from the warranty.

Thank you. I have 60 days remaining on my Applecare and will take mine in on Sunday. Bawse. 
Here's my opinion on what Apple has done with the New Macbook Pros with Retina:

Back in the day, we used to have the white/black plastic MacBooks that everyone was buying that were in the $1000 range. Then, they also had the Pro line that really only professionals were buying, mainly due to the higher price. Around 2007 when I bought the white plastic Macbook, I think I saw 1 or 2 guys at my college that had the Aluminum Pros.

Eventually, Apple got rid of the plastic Macbook and brought the Aluminum Macbook Pros down for the everyday consumer. Ranging from $1100-$2000+.

Now, Apple has gone back to their old business model. Macbook Pros for the everyday consumer and Macbook Pro with Retina for the professionals/ballers
It's a justified price considering the components it comes with stock.
Apple products just aren't that SRS to me anymore. I really want to like them and feel like I have to have their products, but I can't. They're too expensive, too slow to adopt other tech (USB, HDMI come to mind), tech can't be upgraded, software is getting dumbed down, and eco-system is too closed.

Their design is fantastic and they really put a lot into their look and feel of the physical product, which I commend them for. But the kind of hype they get is getting ridiculous. People are beginning to believe that they can't do wrong.

If I had to use a Mac, I could and would, but I cannot justify their price tags as much as I try to.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Apple products just aren't that SRS to me anymore. I really want to like them and feel like I have to have their products, but I can't. They're too expensive, too slow to adopt other tech (USB, HDMI come to mind), tech can't be upgraded, software is getting dumbed down, and eco-system is too closed.

Their design is fantastic and they really put a lot into their look and feel of the physical product, which I commend them for. But the kind of hype they get is getting ridiculous. People are beginning to believe that they can't do wrong.

If I had to use a Mac, I could and would, but I cannot justify their price tags as much as I try to.
I co-sign everything this man just said.

If I hadn't been given an iPhone, I wouldn't be using it. Thing drives me insane half the time because it only has one way of doing things: Apple's way.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by kangaroobombs

You idiot, when did it say iphone 4 was getting siri? 
Only the new iPad is getting Siri

"iOS 6 is a great release for all of our developers, and we're giving out a beta release to all of our developers today."  "It ships this fall, supports 3GS and greater iPhones, 2nd generation iPads and newer, and the 4th generation iPod touch."
[font=Helvetica, sans-serif]The hell does this mean then. Everything but Siri? And why you gotta be so hostile...[/font]

   thank you jay was just about to post the samething
iPhone 3GS and later are getting iOS 6, but only the new iPad and the 4S will have Siri. My guess is that they're going to keep expanding Siri and the more powerful chip will make sure that the products will keep running smooth.. I see my friends iPhone 4's starting to lag a bit already.
Originally Posted by dream5hift

I want to get a 13" MBP. Should I wait until there's a deal or back to school sale?
Back to school sale should already be up. 
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Originally Posted by dream5hift

I want to get a 13" MBP. Should I wait until there's a deal or back to school sale?
Back to school sale should already be up. 
Yea it isn't that great this year.  It's $100 gift card to itunes.  It use to be like a free $100 printer and ipod touch back in the day 2-3 years ago.
Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Apple products just aren't that SRS to me anymore. I really want to like them and feel like I have to have their products, but I can't. They're too expensive, too slow to adopt other tech (USB, HDMI come to mind), tech can't be upgraded, software is getting dumbed down, and eco-system is too closed.

Their design is fantastic and they really put a lot into their look and feel of the physical product, which I commend them for. But the kind of hype they get is getting ridiculous. People are beginning to believe that they can't do wrong.

If I had to use a Mac, I could and would, but I cannot justify their price tags as much as I try to.
I co-sign everything this man just said.

If I hadn't been given an iPhone, I wouldn't be using it. Thing drives me insane half the time because it only has one way of doing things: Apple's way.

agreed the price is a bit steep, however it all depends on what you use it for. I, for one, could NOT do what I do if it werent for this computer. And like I previously said in this thread, the computer will literally pay for itself in a weekend.
Going through the ios 6 beta now, not liking some of the cosmetic ui things that have been changed. Will take some time to get used to, and apple has to get the nearby trains and buses listed again on the maps app, hope to try out the navigation soon, and now siri seems alot better then before.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Anybody else think $2200+ tax is extremely OD?

Yeah, I bought a mbp in January and the battery already needs servicing and the fan is relatively compared to my brother's unibody macbook.  Since it's still under warranty, I was gonna sell it to my friend and let him take it to apple, but with the $2200 price point, I think I'm just gonna hold onto it...

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I'm not a technical dude, so configuring crap on a Windows-based machine isn't an option.  Just give me something that works smoothly and consistently out the box and I'm more than willing to get taxed for it.  
Also, I always remind myself that should I want to sell my shiny, new Apple product down the line, I'll most definitely get a decent price for it.  I could throw our HP up on Craigslist right now and maybe get $100 for it.  

They really aren't much different if you're just web browsing, listening to music, watching movies, etc.  In fact, I'd rather use my toshiba for things like that even though the trackpad on the mac makes life a little easier.  I really only use my mbp for coding and when I'm at school because it's noticeably lighter than my toshiba and more portable.


Oh, and it crashes just as much as my toshiba
I've been in the market for a new laptop for months now and have been patiently waiting for the new MBP. I like to buy tech that's relatively future proof (at least for about 3 years) so I'm going with the Retina MBP.

With that said, has anybody been to an Apple store within the past couple days? Are these on shelves in stores or are they pretty scarce right now? I slept on ordering online so now the wait is 3-4 weeks and I ain't try a wait that long. I'll call around once they open up but wanted to see if any NT'ers had seen any in person.

- Preciate it.
dude just gonna record himself  smashing his boytoy on his new retina macbook pro.
win for him i guess.

wish i could afford one
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