Apple 2012 keynote : live blog link pg 1

I need to see Retina Display in person. My 2010 Macbook Pro is beginning to show its age, but I won't jump the gun on an upgrade until I'm certain that it's worth it.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I might cop the NEW macbook pro with the student discount. Hell you can even finance it if yall want

Financing goes through a Bank in England, Barclay if I remember correctly. 
Its not hard to get approved but it is more tedious compared to banks over here. I used to help people at the Apple store all the time and there were some sad campers after they applied. 
I just got my macbook pro when they updated them in spring 2011

but damn i've been waiting to see the retina display on these since it was rumored.

2200 + tax is tempting... i gotta check these out in person.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

I just got my macbook pro when they updated them in spring 2011

but damn i've been waiting to see the retina display on these since it was rumored.

2200 + tax is tempting... i gotta check these out in person.
You copped those Yeezy's fam... If you cop this joint within a weeks span, I will be extra jelly 
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by omgitswes

The more I think about the more I realize how overpriced these laptops are.
Apple should just license out OSX to other companies so you can bet better features and a better deal. Because that is the only reason I'm buying this thing.

You're right, that IS the only reason you're buying this thing.... and that's exactly how apple wants it. 
Why in the world would they license their OS when they're printing money with their business model. 
Their OS is the the biggest competitive advantage apple has over the market.

Not a jab at you, but this is for people that are wondering why apple doesn't add this or why it didn't have bluray etc.... 
But that's also why they sell the OSX separate... At the conference they said they were selling at $19.99 because they want their OSX in more people's hands. They won't license it to other companies, but they will allow customers to stick their feet in the water...

But it's not just the OSX, it's the architecture of their hardware. PC companies lack quality-control, versus Apple actually having design architecture for their hardware that has performance benefits. So by just having the OSX you're still missing out on quality hardware design.
Yep. My 08 Macbook is still going strong whereas pretty much everyone I know who got a PC around then has either upgraded or depserately needs to. Its not all about software.
not even a redesign 
what do they have johnny ives doing over there? just working on iphones? they havent changed the mac pro case SINCE THE G5! that was in like 2005.

the only reason to buy this would be the higher resolution screen but $2200. ive been using macs forever because of the OS but now run a hackintosh, apple hardware really is overpriced for the specs. its become a hypebeast item too with all these lame "sneakerheads" i see all over the mac forums. the company no longer seems to care about power users.

most pathetic/insulting is when i saw it came with a 720p facetime camera......not even full HD. i have a small 720p hd camcorder i bought for 50 bucks a long time ago. doesnt the old macbook pro have a full 1080p one? a $2200 laptop that still includes a 720p camera on a retina display to boot.

only a 650M but im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say the top of the line geforce are too hot to run in the mbp.

its just a shame that PC laptops all look like crap even when they try to "imitate" the mac ones
not gonna cop the new MBP, sticking with the 2011 model. I have the iPad 3 so that's enough retina for me
I get a real nice discount on Apple products so I'll be picking up the 2.3ghz with the new retina display.
Siri for iPad!!!!!


I'm kinda disappointed because there was no iMac update though.
Was waiting for an update before copping one this fall.
Originally Posted by KlassSickFresh 87

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Anybody else think $2200+ tax is extremely OD?

Yes to the trillionth degree.

not at all. the amount of headaches and time wasted that came with a PC, hell, even with an old mac, is WELL worth 2200 to me. Plus, the things that this powerhouse will be able to do...I'll pay it off in a weekends time.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Anybody else think $2200+ tax is extremely OD?

raises hand...

bout to cop a refurbed 27" imac n put a protection plan on it

eh, I'm still good with my MBP I got in 09.. even though I had to change the hard drive. The new ones look sick but I'll stick it out with this one for another year.

Def. needed a new phone this summer but I guess the fall will do as well.
2200 is a bit ridiculous for a starting point to be quite honest.

I'm also disappointed no new information on a newer Macbook air.
The new macbook is
 but the price is 
. I'll stick with the one I copped last year. I gotta hop on the applecare still though. For those who have apple care, what are you really entitled to when you're macbook breaks down or something and is it worth the purchase?
Originally Posted by sreggie101

those new macbooks are fire but that $2200 price is

ima rock out with my 13" core 2 duo mbp for another 8 yrs...dat 10hr battery life
Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

The new macbook is
 but the price is 
. I'll stick with the one I copped last year. I gotta hop on the applecare still though. For those who have apple care, what are you really entitled to when you're macbook breaks down or something and is it worth the purchase?
I have a 15 inch fall 08 unibody pro.  My 3 year protection plan ended in October of 2011.  I took it to the store 2 weeks before it expired and they:

changed the mother board
gave me a new DVD drive
gave me a new screen
changed the cables that connected everything
and something else that was pretty minor.

I got my laptop back after a week. Now even though those parts are pretty cheap now.  That's probably around $300-$500 worth of things that I paid $200 for when I bought the warranty at the time.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

The new macbook is
 but the price is 
. I'll stick with the one I copped last year. I gotta hop on the applecare still though. For those who have apple care, what are you really entitled to when you're macbook breaks down or something and is it worth the purchase?
I have a 15 inch fall 08 unibody pro.  My 3 year protection plan ended in October of 2011.  I took it to the store 2 weeks before it expired and they:

changed the mother board
gave me a new DVD drive
gave me a new screen
changed the cables that connected everything
and something else that was pretty minor.

I got my laptop back after a week. Now even though those parts are pretty cheap now.  That's probably around $300-$500 worth of things that I paid $200 for when I bought the warranty at the time.

Was this from Apple? I'm looking to upgrade soon. I bought my black book from Best Buy, employee discount on service, but maybe I'll get it from Apple this time.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

The new macbook is
 but the price is 
. I'll stick with the one I copped last year. I gotta hop on the applecare still though. For those who have apple care, what are you really entitled to when you're macbook breaks down or something and is it worth the purchase?
I have a 15 inch fall 08 unibody pro.  My 3 year protection plan ended in October of 2011.  I took it to the store 2 weeks before it expired and they:

changed the mother board
gave me a new DVD drive
gave me a new screen
changed the cables that connected everything
and something else that was pretty minor.

I got my laptop back after a week. Now even though those parts are pretty cheap now.  That's probably around $300-$500 worth of things that I paid $200 for when I bought the warranty at the time.

Was this from Apple? I'm looking to upgrade soon. I bought my black book from Best Buy, employee discount on service, but maybe I'll get it from Apple this time.
Yea the apple store did this from their 3 year warranty.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Anybody else think $2200+ tax is extremely OD?

Hell yeah it is.  But that doesn't mean I don't want it.  

Honestly, OD price points pretty much sums up Apple.  That being said, paying extra for a smooth experience, which mine has been so far, is worth it to me.  I've had this MBP for about 21 months now and it runs just as fast as it did the day I got it.  Our HP laptop?  That joint takes literally 10-15 minutes to boot up/shut down.  And within about 5 or 6 months of purchase, the slow down was very noticeable.  

I'm not a technical dude, so configuring crap on a Windows-based machine isn't an option.  Just give me something that works smoothly and consistently out the box and I'm more than willing to get taxed for it.  

Also, I always remind myself that should I want to sell my shiny, new Apple product down the line, I'll most definitely get a decent price for it.  I could throw our HP up on Craigslist right now and maybe get $100 for it.  
Originally Posted by bns1201

KlassSickFresh 87 said:
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Anybody else think $2200+ tax is extremely OD?

Yes to the trillionth degree.

not at all. the amount of headaches and time wasted that came with a PC, hell, even with an old mac, is WELL worth 2200 to me. Plus, the things that this powerhouse will be able to do...I'll pay it off in a weekends time.

macbook pros are engineered extremely well but the msrp on these are OD. i own a macbook pro and love it but don't get it twisted. I kno a good amount of $$ is for the name. case in point, the mac pro desktop. that bullsh1t is just an expensive aluminum unibody cheese grater. fk outta here with all that quad core madness and whatnot, gimme half of what it cost to buy it and ill build u a windows 7 beast, guaranteed to body at a bargain price. once w8 comes out, there is no competition, word to fabolous.

i will admit tho, that the laptops are well built. my mbp 13" was rated at 10hrs of battery life and was the thinnest joint out there. as a matter of fact, its still one of the best packages out now. all these other competitors try to engineer something with a battery attachment
cmon son. keep it real or keep it moving.

technology moves fast, and my core 2 duo is lookin like kevin garnett nowadays with all these ivy bridges and sandy bridges and w.e..but it def gets the job done.

...that new iphone is ugly as *%$@ tho
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