Installing both betas now, found it weird that i was able to download the 10.10 beta since im only a registered iphone dev but i guess with xcode 6 there letting every dev install 10.10.
they just dont know what they wanna do. WP has been losing since day 1. they have a bright idea here and there but nothing that sticks. Advertising sucks. Distribution choices SUCK. they need a new creative director, who will take them in a completely different direction design-wise.

Agreed for the most part. Don't think it's garbage though, just kind of shallow with no depth. I think the best features are Here Maps, MS Word, the tiles, and the new wallpaper background. Everything else is not worth mentioning. Perhaps they should let phone companies do some light custom UI options give people a little more variety and at the same time it'll let Samsung, Nokia, and whoever else stand out more.
I find it funny ppl say apples doomed every yr and every yr they shatter previous records. Lol damn just enjoy whatever products you own and shut the hell up
Couldnt have said jt better

Joining in on da Apple/iPhone wagon.
10.10 looks dope with the flatness going on. I'll download it later too see what's up.

After this 4.7/5.5 iPhone really aint no need to own another phone especially when the JB drop

ew i hope they dont make the phone bigger

The current screen and size of the phone is perfect i hate large screens.
Been wanting to put in more RAM and a new HD in my laptop.  What do you guys think about Crucial for RAM/SSD? :nerd:

Crucial RAM is good. As far as SSD, Samsung EVO series and PRO are the best right now. The PRO models are a lil more expensive. You can find some good deals on the EVO right now
Need dat beta like ios 7 last year lmaoo

That craze was nuts

I had to get my phone replaced last year and the genius bar guy who was helping me asked if I had the official version or the beta. I dl'ed the official version the night before just in case.
Alright just installed the ios 8 beta and everyone wanting to jump on dont even bother so many of my apps don't work, it is super buggy also. I'm Installing the beta for 10.10 see how that is.
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have u ever used the google glasses? they just dont work right man. its not seamless, the amount of effort it takes to do everything you want is just not worth it. its COOL! dont get me wrong, but its just not where it needs to be yet. not to mention the price.

now amazon has some serious firepower if they wanted to join in on this tech battle. but i dont think they really want to at all. not to mention they dont make hardware outside of the kindles right? (correct me if im wrong)

they just dont know what they wanna do. WP has been losing since day 1. they have a bright idea here and there but nothing that sticks. Advertising sucks. Distribution choices SUCK. they need a new creative director, who will take them in a completely different direction design-wise. Windows 8 as a whole is just..garbage. And the fact that windows 8 is trash because it mimics WP says alot. i wanna see microsoft push the envelope with hardware. but i feel like theyve got too much pride to admit theyve been messing up and go in a different direction.

Windows phone dropped the damn ball...

That thing had SO much potential...

It was under developed when it came out...

But man... That Nokia 900 as a device was SWEET...

Smooth as butter...
A lot of great stuff showed.

I really can't wait to see the stuff made with METAL for the iPad gaming wise.

Maybe console level graphics

Also OSX ans iOS8 look great too.
I'm not too tech savvy.

But with these conferences, it seems that year after year Apple makes it a point to **** on the competition. I lost it at "Geen bubble friends". :lol:
idk much about today but the main thing i saw was that you can finally leave group chats... THANK GOD
After this 4.7/5.5 iPhone really aint no need to own another phone especially when the JB drop

Exactly. I switched from iOS to android about two years ago. I kept switching back and forth until I realized I preferred iOS. Now that the screen will be bigger, plus the active notification I'm good on phones man. Give me a jailbreak for movie box, unlimitones etc and I'm straight.
Exactly. I switched from iOS to android about two years ago. I kept switching back and forth until I realized I preferred iOS. Now that the screen will be bigger, plus the active notification I'm good on phones man. Give me a jailbreak for movie box, unlimitones etc and I'm straight.
SMS and call integration throughout iDevices and Macs, though. :smokin


Man, I'm pumped about those minor yet crucial features. Also, WiFi calling with iOS 8 will be heavily used...not sure if anyone caught that feature listed amongst all the others when they mentioned all the features they didn't have time to cover.
mind is blown at how much people care about their phones.

inb4 i have a flip phone
Any word on an iPad Pro yet? Also, I really want to try out Swift.

Thats not releasing this year.

I remember reading somewhere that we'll be lucky if that thing even gets announced next year.
mind is blown at how much people care about their phones.

inb4 i have a flip phone

A phone isn't what it used to be. It's a lifeline for some people now since you can do so much more than just call and text people.
SMS and call integration throughout iDevices and Macs, though. :smokin


Man, I'm pumped about those minor yet crucial features. Also, WiFi calling with iOS 8 will be heavily used...not sure if anyone caught that feature listed amongst all the others when they mentioned all the features they didn't have time to cover.
I have horrible reception at my house so the wifi calling will be so clutch
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