tell me more about this... i missed the keynote yesterday and really forgot about it until i got the adk email about trying ios 8 beta. So whats new good, needs improvement etc.... the lowdown

Asthetically, the icons look similar to iOS 7/8, the notification center is revamped, new dock, safari is a lot faster, you will be able to "connect" your iPhone to the Macbook and answer calls/text (even non-iphone users) etc. Public release is slated for Fall. Also, no update to iTunes yet...I suspect they will update that with the new devices. Here's what I'm working with so far.

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alot of fanboying and denial in some long posts in here lol. people like what they like. some people like order and structure (iphone) others like freewill and customization (android) why keep coming for each other's necks? the thing i notice is... android people dont hate the iphone itself, they hate the iphone users who swear they have the hottest tech out.

in my opinion, apple changed the phone game forever when they first dropped. up until the galaxy s2 came out, apple reigned undisputed king of the cell phone. but SINCE then, theyve played catchup and renigged on so many things that its unattractive TO ME. apple and its users (like many in here) said bigger screens were overrated for years. then every year since the screen gets bigger. said flat backs was stupid.... till they got a flat back. said wifi calling was unnecessary, until they added wifi calling. said its not our fault your phone doesnt make calls, you're holding it wrong.  i just cant rock with things like that man. now people are hyped about 4.7 inch screens (still .3 inches behind the standard) i give apple this, because their systems are so locked down, lag is nonexistant. I personally havent experienced lag on my HTC One M7 (last years model) but i know it exists on some older android devices.

Just try to use some facts in these arguments people. On a separate note, Does ANYONE have a functioning beta up yet? Cuz all i see is negative impressions. I know theres some developers in here....
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Exactly what "free will" does android give you? :lol:

You're still limited to what they offer. People act like with an android the sky's the limit :lol:

Mans who judges who by what kind of phone they have ?? That's just sad and pathetic :rofl:
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dude is delusional even dudes in the Android thread say google has been lackin

:lol: I'm actually curious to hear the response. What exactly are you liberated from with using an android? What are you able to customize more?? What's the significance of said customization that is so "freeing" as opposed to apple tech?
I went back to ios after trying out android. Guess I don't like being liberated. [emoji]128526[/emoji]
I'm actually curious to hear the response. What exactly are you liberated from with using an android? What are you able to customize more?? What's the significance of said customization that is so "freeing" as opposed to apple tech?
we have the ability to change every single aspect of the phone. but, that comes from rooting. SANS rooting, we can change all design and upfront behavior of the phone through settings and apps. For instance, if i wanted to make my phone look exactly like an iphone, itd take maybe 4 minutes. 2 of which going to finding and downloading the icons from ios. if i wanted to add gestures (which i did with my htc m7) i literally told my app to do so. change keyboards (which u guys just caught on to) vast choice of HARDWARE with android compared to apple. not constrained to itunes. drag n drop. like cmon be for real. i wont say the sky is the limit, but to pretend android isnt significantly more open? this is what i meant by use facts...
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Mans who judges who by what kind of phone they have ?? That's just sad and pathetic :rofl:

Exactly man. Its just a phone. At the end of the day, they all literally do the same **** :smh:

People take this stuff too seriously.

Everyone argues about which phone is superior, yet all 90% of them do is use instagram/twitter/text.

Same type of people who argue which video game console is superior, but all they buy every year is madden/COD.

At the end of the day, most people could use any phone because they're doing the same things on both.
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Exactly man. Its just a phone. At the end of the day, they all literally do the same ****

People take this stuff too seriously.

Everyone argues about which phone is superior, yet all 90% of them do is use instagram/twitter/text.

Same type of people who argue which video game console is superior, but all they buy every year is madden/COD.

At the end of the day, most people could use any phone because they're doing the same things on both.
cosigned. and i dont know where he got judging people by what the phone they have. i never mentioned anything about it. now i go HARD for consoles! lol i jumped ship to the ps4 this time around and im extremely happy. but yea, the all people do is gram/twitter/text thing is 100% true. same thing for buying top of the line computers to do the same thing. thats why i said its THEIR choice, just...use facts in the arguments.
I personally prefer android because I can set my default apps and I use Google services a lot. In this day and age, both do similar things, with a different approach . Take your pick.
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Sure. So no bezels?

I own an M7 btw.
m7 (except this godforsaken camera)

and yea. 0 bezel. phone industry has said its been coming for awhile, samsung teased a phone with a wraparound screen too a year or so ago. i know they got the technology but are only trying to release things in increments to squeeze every dime out of us.
Asthetically, the icons look similar to iOS 7/8, the notification center is revamped, new dock, safari is a lot faster, you will be able to "connect" your iPhone to the Macbook and answer calls/text (even non-iphone users) etc. Public release is slated for Fall. Also, no update to iTunes yet...I suspect they will update that with the new devices. Here's what I'm working with so far.

View media item 1006278

Info on your wallpaper? :smokin
we have the ability to change every single aspect of the phone. but, that comes from rooting. SANS rooting, we can change all design and upfront behavior of the phone through settings and apps. For instance, if i wanted to make my phone look exactly like an iphone, itd take maybe 4 minutes. 2 of which going to finding and downloading the icons from ios. if i wanted to add gestures (which i did with my htc m7) i literally told my app to do so. change keyboards (which u guys just caught on to) vast choice of HARDWARE with android compared to apple. not constrained to itunes. drag n drop. like cmon be for real. i wont say the sky is the limit, but to pretend android isnt significantly more open? this is what i meant by use facts...

Rooting does not even touch JB
Exactly man. Its just a phone. At the end of the day, they all literally do the same **** :smh:

People take this stuff too seriously.

Everyone argues about which phone is superior, yet all 90% of them do is use instagram/twitter/text.

Same type of people who argue which video game console is superior, but all they buy every year is madden/COD.

At the end of the day, most people could use any phone because they're doing the same things on both.

Co sign mostly but dat iMessage doe
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