APPLE is a great example how the Free-Market is suppose to work.

Will they force Steve Jobs to share his ideas with the lower quality Windows based and other OS?


Is stupid. Windows is designed to run on a wide array of products/machines. At least 90% of the world's computers/OS-operated systems run Windows

OSX is designed to run on one type/brand of machine. About 7% run on OSX. What advice would Apple be able to give Microsoft about multi-platform OSs?

i guess i could get inferior versions of the same songs from wimelire.

Or you could just rapidshare/rapidsearch/blogsearch tons of even higher quality songs for free. Gotta love the internet.
who cares...if i'm pleased with apple products why should I want to hate them and say they're "hype" ?

People need to stop confusing their bias with actual representations of the quality of items.
What does anything any of you are saying have to do with the fact that Apple made a free market work for them? This is not a debate thread about who makes abetter product.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Mac's have a illusion that make it seem they have the greatest product when they dont. They have great commercials and word on the street. Apple products have no clear advantage over most products besides its can also be used as a fashion accessory.
This. It also seems like a lot more females have macs compared to males, and also douche-bag type of guys (not to stereotype/hate on youmacheads...going by what I see on campus). They all seem happy with their choices does everything they need it to do, browse the internet, typedocs in word, and have a webcam. Its just odd that they couldnt have paid half the price for the same thing with a PC. At least it looks pretty?
Originally Posted by J Burner

What does anything any of you are saying have to do with the fact that Apple made a free market work for them? This is not a debate thread about who makes a better product.

There is no free market. Since there's no free market, there's no reason for this topic to exist. Time for a topic change.

Also greater examples would be ASUS and HP anyway. They've leapfrogged competitors with ease.
I am a software engineer at a DOD contractor.

We develop Windows based software and use Visual Studio all day on XP dev Dell machines.

On my team of 15 developers (mix of races, ages, gender and educational backgrounds), all 15 of us have Macs as our home computer (iMacs and MBPs mostly).

No Visual Studio native on Mac OSX, but you can run VMWare or dual boot into Windows for that.

Doesn't work the other way around.

No hype.
actually..Apple did get a bailout of some sorts one(really a stock investment)...from of all companies?...Microsoft.
I've been in need of a new computer for about a month now. I was already thinking about a Mac....and after seeing the new one with the 27" screenthat was released I might be making a purchse sooner than expected.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Apple controls a small percentage of their market, yet they continue to make a higher profit. No unions, no bailouts, no regulation. They simply make a better product than everybody else.

I have 3 5th generation iPods and all 3 have failed hard drives. You sir, have no idea what the @!*! you are talking about.

Edit: A better product? seriously? SERIOUSLY?
I never did understand why a good amount of the NT population absolutely despises Apple

They make a good, quality product that just works. I've never had any problems with any of my Apple products. To say that people just buy their productsbecause of "hype" is ridiculous.

Those new iMacs are gorgeous and that Magic Mouse is
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

I am a software engineer at a DOD contractor.

We develop Windows based software and use Visual Studio all day on XP dev Dell machines.

On my team of 15 developers (mix of races, ages, gender and educational backgrounds), all 15 of us have Macs as our home computer (iMacs and MBPs mostly).

No Visual Studio native on Mac OSX, but you can run VMWare or dual boot into Windows for that.

Doesn't work the other way around.

No hype.

Honestly. Just go buy Parallels for $80--had to do this to run Visio on my MBP for work but it's a snap.
Apple products are great for non savvy, regular internet users. But anyone who's into IT, or programming know that its actually overpriced for absolutelyno reason. Windows 7 running on a quad core machine will run better and faster than a $1600 macbook pro for 600 dollars less. Believe that.
free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC'sPERIOD!
Originally Posted by micheal623

free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC's PERIOD!

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by micheal623

free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC's PERIOD!


reliability, ease of use, macs lack of harmful viruses, operating system, it's all better.
Originally Posted by micheal623

free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC's PERIOD!
no hype in that statement whatsoever. nada.
People who say Macs are hype are just salty or too cheap or broke to dish out the money

Apple stock is at $200.. shame I didn't get in when it was $100 a year ago.. gotta take a big L on that right there
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