Apple plans to crush carriers and offer direct mobile service, expert says (article)

Originally Posted by THE SAUNA

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Cool! I bet they wont have dropped calls the same way Macs don't catch viruses.

but macs do catch viruses tho. Just not a widespread as microsoft. But trust me, the more mainstream apple becomes more viruses will emerge. 
i believe he was being sarcastic bruh.

My b. I honestly do hear people that really believe this about macs tho. I forget my NT fams is smarter than peeps i see in real life. 
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Clearly Apple read my "*#+# SPRINT" thread...'re welcome, you're all welcome.

i read your thread brah! 
It reminded me to post the article 

I was gonna post this there but decided to do this instead.
I assume it will be more expensive. But I bet you itll offer unlimited data and will have the best service. You get what you pay for. Why else do people buy ipods, ipads, iphones, and macbooks. It's good quality...
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

pardon my ignorance but, where are they going to get the wireless spectrum from?

This, and then they would need to acquire the same spectrum frequencies all over the world to make it a smooth transition. Even with Apple's cash flow they couldn't afford this, unless they plan on piggy backing on a carrier until the next big spectrum is available.
Originally Posted by TripleXL Vol 2

Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

pardon my ignorance but, where are they going to get the wireless spectrum from?

This, and then they would need to acquire the same spectrum frequencies all over the world to make it a smooth transition. Even with Apple's cash flow they couldn't afford this, unless they plan on piggy backing on a carrier until the next big spectrum is available.

Im not the most familiar with the whole spectrum thing, but how much could it be? Just read the other day that Apple could become the first trillion dollar company. As they keep growing I feel like they can do anything.
Originally Posted by Jay02

I assume it will be more expensive. But I bet you itll offer unlimited data and will have the best service. You get what you pay for. Why else do people buy ipods, ipads, iphones, and macbooks. It's good quality...
Apple got ya.
No lie, I wouldn't be surprised if apple made it's own planet shape like the apple logo.
I can see them making a $100 unlimited everything plan with $20 worth of download credits per month.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Jay02

I assume it will be more expensive. But I bet you itll offer unlimited data and will have the best service. You get what you pay for. Why else do people buy ipods, ipads, iphones, and macbooks. It's good quality...
Apple got ya.

how so
Pricing will be the deal breaker (or no contracts)...4G technology pretty much destroyed any other carriers "better service" advantages...just make sure there are enough towers to handle the heavy traffic.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

what if apple ends their iphone "lease" with everyone and they become the sole provider of the phone?!
I'm pretty sure this is what they're aiming for.

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Jay02

I assume it will be more expensive. But I bet you itll offer unlimited data and will have the best service. You get what you pay for. Why else do people buy ipods, ipads, iphones, and macbooks. It's good quality...
Apple got ya.

how so
They make inferior products knowing it'll sell anyways and so they can come out with a "S" version a year later which is what the original should've been in the first place. Remember when the 4s was announced? People were HEATED. But low and behold, they still bought it.
Yea, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with this "expert."

Look at his record

Veteran wireless industry strategist *##*!# Bluestein, who has managed strategic deals for the likes of AT&T Fail, Intel, T-Mobile Fail, Verizon Fail, Microsoft Windows Phone Fail, Nokia Really? and Best Buy Guess he had to round out the fails, says Apple will soon begin to offer wireless service directly to iPhone and iPad users.
Seems more likely that they're going to lease space on someone else's spectrum. Its one thing to say your going to do a start your own Wireless service. Its a completely different beast to say you're going to "Go It Alone"
Apple have established a very loyal customer base over the past decade. They could wait for their contracts with the major carriers to end and just sell the iPhone independently. I'm sure they would have done it before if they had the capacity. All they need to do is sign a contract to piggyback a MVNO like Verizon and use their towers. Genius really
an dee 51o wrote:

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Apple got ya.

how so
They make inferior products knowing it'll sell anyways and so they can come out with a "S" version a year later which is what the original should've been in the first place. Remember when the 4s was announced? People were HEATED. But low and behold, they still bought it.

How does that mean they have me? If people want to pay again for Siri let them. Its business, if Apple knows people are going to buy things anyway theyre going to sell it. Isn't that what anyone would do? I just got the iPhone 4 this winter, my first smartphone. Trust me, im not getting another iPhone until I see that the upgrades are worth it. But if there's people out there that wanna buy every 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s, than whatever. 
Seriously though, lets not kid ourselves Apple puts out a good product. Thats the reason they are as dominant as they are today. Thats the reason people dropped microsoft to switch over. Thats the reason they've completely taken over the mp3 industry. And thats the reason when I go out in public everyday and literally 1 out of every 3 people have an iPhone in their hands. My opinion on computers..I owned a mac desktop for 6 years. Bought a Vaio for college (using it right now) and this thing is just done. Completely went to *@@@. Everyday I have to hold myself from throwing it out the window. My 6 year old Mac runs better than this piece of crap that ive only had for a year and half. So im not "fanboy" im just going by experience with the product. If I prefer all apple and that makes me a fanboy than whatever. If they have me like they have everybody else then fine. As long as they keep putting out a good product. 

Back to the topic on hand, I have no reason to believe they wont put out a good service. Because they always have. 
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