APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 12th 10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT | iPhone 15

Team nekkid or with a case?

  • Team nekkid

    Votes: 119 26.3%
  • Case

    Votes: 279 61.6%
  • Nekkid with occasional case

    Votes: 55 12.1%

  • Total voters
Can anyone who works for apple or knowledgable about apple customer service answer my question? 

I went to the apple store a few days ago because i wanted to get my iphone 5 fixed (unlock button doesnt work literally 95% of the time. i have to just let the screen turn black on its own). The genius worker or whatever u call them told me that I can get a new iphone 5 because the phone is unfixable. So I made an appointment for the genius bar this upcoming friday to get a new iphone. 
My question is - can I return the new iphone 5 I will get and in exchange + the difference $$, can I get the iphone 5s? So pretty much brand new iphone 5 + money for iphone 5s. 

If not, then it's totally fine. 
No, I've had stuff like this happen. Get the replacement... it'll also be better if you choose to resell it because it'll be a brand new casing. Resell it to get the 5s then if you like. But the only way you'd be able to take it back to apple is with their new exchange program. I think the max for an iphone 5 is $265.

Edit: you'd be able to get the max tho because it'll be a practically new phone
Can anyone who works for apple or knowledgable about apple customer service answer my question? 

I went to the apple store a few days ago because i wanted to get my iphone 5 fixed (unlock button doesnt work literally 95% of the time. i have to just let the screen turn black on its own). The genius worker or whatever u call them told me that I can get a new iphone 5 because the phone is unfixable. So I made an appointment for the genius bar this upcoming friday to get a new iphone. 
My question is - can I return the new iphone 5 I will get and in exchange + the difference $$, can I get the iphone 5s? So pretty much brand new iphone 5 + money for iphone 5s. 

If not, then it's totally fine. 

its a replacement, they wont let you return it for full price.

if you want, you can trade it in at the apple store. they will give you $285 for it
yea, i'll just keep the iphone 5 for another year, no big deal lol i dont want to sell it privately and then buy the iphone 5s....seems like such a hassle 

it would be dumb of them to not take that deal tho. They are going to make more money off me and it's not like they would lose money from taking back the iphone 5
We all buy doubles and triples of the exact same shoes every 3-5 years and can't WAIT for the next exact same pair, lol. We even ***** and complain when they aren't they same...

And people are actually gonna try and bust on other dudes for buying the same phone with numerous upgrades every other year? lol

People want the newest and best ****... That's why 95% of people are lining up for it on Sept 20.

I will wait on no lines and I will have my 5S bright and early that Friday morning - for free. I've been doing this for years now.

Can't wait...
Lol I want to rock my iPhone with out a case so badlyyy.

I just know that one weekend I dont wear, Im gonna drop it and shatter everything.

That's just my luck :lol:

I only have a bumper case on mine now and took the screen protector off months ago. I dropped it in the bathroom and luckily it landed on the carpet. The other time I dropped it on a tiled floor, screen down. Somehow there wasn't a scratch on the screen.
Do you have an amazon account?

You'd most likely make more on amazon, but this all depends on the condition of the iphone.

Amazon's selling process is much better than ebay's.

Craiglist would be easier if you'd prefer that.
Ya I have an account so I guess I'll try it out

Tired of the white 4s, can't wait for the space grey already bought a case for it lol 
Thin black gel case for me. I drop my 5 at least twice a day and its still perfect condition. I would never use otter box on one of my phones. Can't do a bulky phone.
Tmobile AT&T and verizion have no wait for upgrades anymore, what company are you guys with Jayhood & Lver

think im just going to stick to the ZooGoo cases ive gotten for the 4S and 5 in my opinion you cant beat it
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Tmobile AT&T and verizion have no wait for upgrades anymore, what company are you guys with Jayhood & Lver

think im just going to stick to the ZooGoo cases ive gotten for the 4S and 5 in my opinion you cant beat it

Those programs are trash. You're better off using your upgrade for the 5s and selling it and shelling out $250 once the 6 comes out
Lol. iYen stop feeding the troll. At this point he's arguing just to argue after you backed him into a corner, disproving his "speculation"

Have you just gotten into apple? Have you seen their release schedule? There's no way in hell they up it to 8 month because then that would be the new standard which apple will not want to live upto. They are notorious for taking time to work out the bugs and even taking more time if needed.

Why do you think iPhones (even the 4 and 4s now on the pre eve week of a new model with a brand new iOS) hold their value so much? reason is because they do not have different phones coming out every month or every other month...

Now back to your trolling...these poor people you speak too demanding a bigger screen and only having Internet access via a cell phone provider...where are these people at? Urban US cities. Developing countries. Middle of the country? That would play into your theory or disprove it more

Just admit what you truly think and feel. You want a bigger screen to watch porn, and have a hunch apple, a company with over $14B in cash reserves, needs to rush and go against their proven policy to claim a minor or minor lost %s of the mobile market. Keep in mind you have said this without any stats to back any of your hunches up..whats the market share between the cell companies. Show how much % apple has truly lost. Using the poor market to make your theory work is a joke though
How am I troll.  I clearly stated I wasn't after going back and forth angrily over this with him.  I stated what I believed and that was it.  That's not trolling.  Right or wrong: time will tell.  But I wasn't coming at anybodies neck the way you currently are.  

Moreover, I stated that everything I posted was merely conjecture.  Sorry, I got you so riled up.  Geez.

I don't know...I thought forums were for rational discussion.  
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To my bumper user which ones do you recommend? I have a slim case on now(biggest I'd go) bump I want either a bumper case or I might just go raw.
What do you guys think an ideal time to line up for the 5S is? Considering the Apple store opens at 8AM. Most likely going for the gold and that's definitely gonna be the first one to go.
What do you guys think an ideal time to line up for the 5S is? Considering the Apple store opens at 8AM. Most likely going for the gold and that's definitely gonna be the first one to go.
If you live in a highly populated city, 5am. 

If not, 6:30am.
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Lol I want to rock my iPhone with out a case so badlyyy.

I just know that one weekend I dont wear, Im gonna drop it and shatter everything.

That's just my luck 
You can do that, but just cop a warranty.
Which would cost $100.
they suck for raising the price on the replacement, $49 before and now its $79
just go with squaretrade, an employee told me that they will most likely keep their deductibles at $50.
$75? Very nice aesthetically, but I'm good :lol:...I'll search for something similar. Thanks though!
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$75? Very nice aesthetically, but I'm good :lol: ...I'll search for something similar. Thanks though!

You get two batteries, two bumpers, and the batteries are replaceable.
That's a lot of value when compared to other companies' value.

Here's an amazon search for bumpers if you're interested. I put having a 4 star rating as one of the search criteria.
Thanks. Would you happen to know how non-branded ones compare to say, mophie rechargeable cases? My GF's is 1500 mAh, some non-branded are 2200+.

Is it just...Quality/built of the cases that causes it have a $50+ price tag hike?
$75? Very nice aesthetically, but I'm good
...I'll search for something similar. Thanks though!
You get two batteries, two bumpers, and the batteries are replaceable.
That's a lot of value when compared to other companies' value.

Here's an amazon search for bumpers if you're interested. I put having a 4 star rating as one of the search criteria.
Thanks. Would you happen to know how non-branded ones compare to say, mophie rechargeable cases? My GF's is 1500 mAh, some non-branded are 2200+.

Is it just...Quality/built of the cases that causes it have a $50+ price tag hike?
If you just need the case to charge a phone, the non-brand ones should function the same way as the more expensive cases.

However some non-branded cases don't support things like data sync/charge from the case, cheaper batteries, etc.

Here's a search that includes highly rated inexpensive battery cases:
If I'm buying the 5S with a Sprint upgrade, can I buy it from the Apple store or do I have to go to a Sprint store? 
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