APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 12th 10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT | iPhone 15

Team nekkid or with a case?

  • Team nekkid

    Votes: 119 26.3%
  • Case

    Votes: 279 61.6%
  • Nekkid with occasional case

    Votes: 55 12.1%

  • Total voters
I ended up doing that 6 Trade In where I get $650 Credit for my 6.  So worth it if you're staying with your carrier.  I would never get $650 for sellin my 6 on eBay or anywhere.  
So whats the deal with that? Trade in a 6 for $650 credit, and can put that towards the new 7? Does it change your wireless plan? Did you have to go on ATT Next? 
Yup, you got it right.  You gotta be on the AT&T Next plan I believe.  

I was wrong about the 7 being the same as 6. The camera on the 7 has a larger diameter and shifted a few mm closer to the edge of the phone, so not sure older cases will work on the 7 if you plan on taking pictures lol.
I hate UPS they have delivered as early as 10am and as late as 8 pm 
...Dont know when to expect them...FedEx is more consistent with their delivery times.
My delivery date is Oct. 7th! Tried to get lucky and walk into AT&T store, no luck, I did however got the Apple Watch (they just dropped them off soon as I walked in).
Phone has arrived :pimp: was trying to post pic from phone but when I choose pic it does nothing :smh: oh well

Does the new watch work on iOS 9 or do I need to be on iOS 10? Also does it work with a jailbroken iPhone :nerd: if so I may skip the 7 and just get the watch
Phone has arrived :pimp: was trying to post pic from phone but when I choose pic it does nothing :smh: oh well

Does the new watch work on iOS 9 or do I need to be on iOS 10? Also does it work with a jailbroken iPhone :nerd: if so I may skip the 7 and just get the watch
For the new watch OS 3 you need iOS 10.
Ever since I updated my 6S to iOS 10 it gets hot as hell

Oh well not my prob anymore once UPS brings my new phone :lol:
ugh still haven't got that email from Best Buy, still says processing.

thinking just walk over there and be like what the hell.

there was nobody lined up in the AM as they were telling people no extras would be had.

If i don't get it i'm cool, but let me get that $100 GC tho 8):D
well he's got enough money to go and plan on buying a phone, so maybe he wasted his vacation time?

1 week that's nuts. Overnight is my limit.
I hate UPS they have delivered as early as 10am and as late as 8 pm :smh: ...Dont know when to expect them...FedEx is more consistent with their delivery times.

Sign up for their MyChoice Membership, it's free and usually narrow it down to within 4 hours of delivery window.

It's great, once they get a delivery matching your name and address, they send you a notification and at times I get the tracking number from them before I get them from the store itself.
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