April 2009website/store/outlets updates post!Read first post b4!VOL.Ross and Nordstrom Rack gotHEAT

Originally Posted by victoryballer


I told the rep he was extremely rude to me (in the chat). Then he called me on my cell (they have all ur info if you have previously entered it). He told me on the phone that I "attacked" him and he is a human being too, and has feelings lol. I just said "ok. ok. ok. ok" and then he hung up and I tried to go back on Nikefind and it says "cancelled"....so that means I'm suspended lol

The reps name is "Rui".....IF YOU DO NIKEFIND, ASK FOR A NEW REP IF YOU GET HIM! He is just terrible.
He insisted that all the b-grades Nike had, were already sent out a long time ago and have all been bought up by resellers. I then told him that b-grade 11's just hit outlets a few days ago, and he said "ok, well no more will go to outlets".
He was just tryin to say stuff without really knowing.

Its fine tho....Nikefind sucks anyways, it never comes through. IT'S CALLING OUTLETS AND BUILDING CONNECTIONS THAT FINDS THE HEAT
I see you Devin.

All you guys are bagging on Rui, but of course these posts are always one-sided. I read your chats with Rui, and he answered all your questions. You gave himstyle numbers for the 11/12 b-grades, and he checked inventory and it showed nothing in stock. What consumers need to understand is that not everything isreal-time. NikeFind or whatever inventory management system any company uses may show stock in a certain item but then that stock could get bought up and thesystem won't update it until 15, 20, 30 minutes later. Maybe even a day or two if there's system connectivity problems.

When it comes to b-grade stock, Nike reps aren't going to have the most information b/c we are not IN THE STORES ordering product and looking at inventory.Most of the time, we get wind of product at the factory stores either by word of mouth from the consumers who come into our chats / call on the phones,checking the forums, or through other employees. We don't keep tabs on when, where, or if b-grades are going to the factories. Hate to break it to you.The 11's just hit the factories a couple days ago, and now they are all sold out. Whether or not there are going to be more 11's going out in a fewweeks or months later... we are not given that information, plain and simple.

As far as chat goes, you cannot come in and request to speak to a specific rep. Our reps are busy all day speaking with different consumers about multipleissues, with factory store inventory checks being one of them. Don't waste your time trying to ask to be connected with someone else. Calling a rep rude,ignorant, and unhelpful simply b/c he is telling you the information that he has available to him is ignorant itself. You shouldn't assume that the repsare attempting to withhold information from you, that's not the point. Blowing him up about typos as well and asking for a translator... real classy. Iwould have called you back too.

Anyways... the last part of your post is definitely on point. Make the calls to the outlets to find your deals, asking chat and phone reps who are notphysically at the stores to monitor the inventory is definitely the last resort.

Keeping it 100.

^ I did a chat with dustin awhile back looking for a specific Lebron VI, nothing was found went back to chat and got Rui 30 mins later asked to search for aLebron VI different colorway than before and he said "I seat next to dustin you already asked him for this shoe 30 minutes ago"

so after a minute I was waiting for him to say something else he didn't so I responded, I had to explain to him the different style number, he never foundanything but I doubt he even looked for me.

another time I did a search for a pair of P Rod SB's and found them, a hour later I went back on to find another colorway and got a different Rep and assoon as he figured the style number went to a SB shoe he said no we can't look up Nike SB, I still had the previous chat saved from the other rep and Itold the guy I just had SB's searched and located by whoever it was, he got extra mad and said well I can't look them up do you want to talk to theother Rep.

some Reps are cool, but some can be jerks, I know you Reps go hard on searching for stuff at outlets Dusin told me he has a list of style number hesearch's on his break,
Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Anyone see the retro blaze 8's around their outlets yet?

I'm looking foward to them alot....
you gotta read the thread they've been mentioned twice now, check page 27.
Yea I know I saw, I was wondering if there were more reports
nike employee lurker revealed! kinda nice to hear from "the other side" every now and then. maybe now the people who say they call or chat with nikecustomer service every day about CDP's will finally let it go and just wait for actual info to drop. probably not, though. haha.
Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Anyone see the retro blaze 8's around their outlets yet?

I'm looking foward to them alot....
you gotta read the thread they've been mentioned twice now, check page 27.
Yea I know I saw, I was wondering if there were more reports
what's wrong with vacaville? did they not have your size? i'm just not sure why the previous info wasn't sufficient. I thoughtsomebody also mentioned that one other outlet had them. oh, yeah, gurnee mills, the store that had the XI's, somebody said they had VIII's too, and Iassume those were the orange blaze also.
Originally Posted by real vip

Originally Posted by victoryballer


I told the rep he was extremely rude to me (in the chat). Then he called me on my cell (they have all ur info if you have previously entered it). He told me on the phone that I "attacked" him and he is a human being too, and has feelings lol. I just said "ok. ok. ok. ok" and then he hung up and I tried to go back on Nikefind and it says "cancelled"....so that means I'm suspended lol

The reps name is "Rui".....IF YOU DO NIKEFIND, ASK FOR A NEW REP IF YOU GET HIM! He is just terrible.
He insisted that all the b-grades Nike had, were already sent out a long time ago and have all been bought up by resellers. I then told him that b-grade 11's just hit outlets a few days ago, and he said "ok, well no more will go to outlets".
He was just tryin to say stuff without really knowing.

Its fine tho....Nikefind sucks anyways, it never comes through. IT'S CALLING OUTLETS AND BUILDING CONNECTIONS THAT FINDS THE HEAT
I see you Devin.

All you guys are bagging on Rui, but of course these posts are always one-sided. I read your chats with Rui, and he answered all your questions. You gave him style numbers for the 11/12 b-grades, and he checked inventory and it showed nothing in stock. What consumers need to understand is that not everything is real-time. NikeFind or whatever inventory management system any company uses may show stock in a certain item but then that stock could get bought up and the system won't update it until 15, 20, 30 minutes later. Maybe even a day or two if there's system connectivity problems.

When it comes to b-grade stock, Nike reps aren't going to have the most information b/c we are not IN THE STORES ordering product and looking at inventory. Most of the time, we get wind of product at the factory stores either by word of mouth from the consumers who come into our chats / call on the phones, checking the forums, or through other employees. We don't keep tabs on when, where, or if b-grades are going to the factories. Hate to break it to you. The 11's just hit the factories a couple days ago, and now they are all sold out. Whether or not there are going to be more 11's going out in a few weeks or months later... we are not given that information, plain and simple.

As far as chat goes, you cannot come in and request to speak to a specific rep. Our reps are busy all day speaking with different consumers about multiple issues, with factory store inventory checks being one of them. Don't waste your time trying to ask to be connected with someone else. Calling a rep rude, ignorant, and unhelpful simply b/c he is telling you the information that he has available to him is ignorant itself. You shouldn't assume that the reps are attempting to withhold information from you, that's not the point. Blowing him up about typos as well and asking for a translator... real classy. I would have called you back too.

Anyways... the last part of your post is definitely on point. Make the calls to the outlets to find your deals, asking chat and phone reps who are not physically at the stores to monitor the inventory is definitely the last resort.

Keeping it 100.


thanks for the info. i'm not saying rui is a jerk, don't know him, never talked with him. however, i have encountered people who aren't very niceon the phone and who are clueless. bottom line, it's your freaking job. do your job right and be competent. if you don't like it, quit. otherwise,straighten up and be nice to consumers.
Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Anyone see the retro blaze 8's around their outlets yet?

I'm looking foward to them alot....
you gotta read the thread they've been mentioned twice now, check page 27.
Yea I know I saw, I was wondering if there were more reports
what's wrong with vacaville? did they not have your size? i'm just not sure why the previous info wasn't sufficient. I thought somebody also mentioned that one other outlet had them. oh, yeah, gurnee mills, the store that had the XI's, somebody said they had VIII's too, and I assume those were the orange blaze also.
Yea but I'd rather buy them in person that order by phone and have them send it over... im in philly
^^^^^Yo mad props to you Denver for having the patience to deal with this dude....Yo my man...haven't you ever heard of NikeFind??? Why do people act likeits SOOOO hard to go to pickyourshoes or vintagekicks...get a style number, log on or call, then have them locate the item...Damn B...this dude ask about anitem, get a response, then wants a BETTER response..now if that aint lazy I dont know what is....

As far as Nike Reps go..(not sure which rep VIP is a Name would help) I log in almost daily as C Brown (real tag NT wont let me change it) and some reps aregood some reps are not...Whoever posted about the SB's is 100000% correct...I usually search for SB's..some reps are cool and will search some try andshut you down right away like SB dont go to Factories..then I have to give them some P-Rods or Tres that I know are in the system just to show them they dontknow what they are talking about....See I always assume that all these guys do is mostly searches all day...and I know Im not the only one who searches forSB's or B Grade Jordans...So I know they come across them...its just sometimes they act like its IMPOSSIBLE for B-Grades or SB's too hit and I KNOWthats not the case....Linda is Cool..Mike is Cool..I never had a problem with Rui..Jacob (Mr. CSI) is cool..I had a problem with Rui once...but we been coolsince...Usually its a misunderstand that can get worked out....Rui tried to tell me that there were no P-Rod High at the outlets right after one of you catsposted it (like a year ago at the Dolphin Outlet in Miami)..I had to have him check it, then check there inventory, and sure enough they were there..he triedto tell me that he thought I meant A Grade...when clearly I did not make a distinction...I didn't go hard at him..lets call it an honest mistake...sincethen I've never had a problem..with anyone for that matter..
Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Yea but I'd rather buy them in person that order by phone and have them send it over... im in philly
ahh I gotcha. no reports from the philly area yet that I've seen, but best bet is to call your local outlets and see what they say.
yeah, Nike reps have always been cool and helpful to me. sometimes I can tell the person isn't interested in making a great effort to answer my questions,and that's fine, not a big deal. I just try again another time and hope that the next rep is more willing to go the extra mile and dig a little deeper forthe info I request. overall, though, I gotta say my experiences with Nike CS have been positive. I think some people need to keep in mind that just becausesomebody's job is customer service, it doesn't give you the right to be a jerk or cop an attitude just because their service isn't living up toyour expectations. the respect has to go both ways if you truly expect top quality assistance.
I appreciate everyone's feedback, I'm not trying to blow anyone's spot up in this thread... I've been a sneakerhead and an NTer long before Irepped the Swoosh so it's great to see people helping each other out in this thread. I just thought it was an appropriate time to speak up for the reps whoI know and work with all the time. Crazy seeing those namedrops Ayipapi, I'll spread the good word

As for myself, I'm on the business systems side so I'm not a phone/chat rep. But please believe that I'm always trying to find product whetherit's at the Factory stores or dropping at some super-select TZ spot. Unfortunately, a lot of the info that the consumers expect the reps to know is notshared freely throughout the company (+%$ like release dates, product availability, etc.) so many times the consumer might know more than the rep.

Like the whole SB thing... what the reps know is that SB product is not carried at Nike retail locations on initial release, only sent to certain skateshops /websites. Nothing is sent to NikeTowns, NDC, etc. However, we don't know when or if certain SB product is sent to the Factory stores once its out ofseason.

You already know I'll be up in here looking for those outlet deals with the rest of y'all... I won't clutter the post with this stuff anymore. Backto the hunt!

Originally Posted by denverairforce

nike employee lurker revealed! kinda nice to hear from "the other side" every now and then. maybe now the people who say they call or chat with nike customer service every day about CDP's will finally let it go and just wait for actual info to drop. probably not, though. haha.
I don't check this thread for a few days and the XI's hit. I wouldn't have been able to cop probably, but thanks for the post nikeman, hopefully ifthey hit again we can get info like you posted
Has anyone got free shipping by refering "nikefind" when you order the cdp 11? I was told all orders of cdp 11 were charged shipping no matter what.Is that true?
^ of course. they know NO ONE used nikefind. they won't even show up in the system. they got them in,and sold out,enough time to reach the system? no
^but did you ask? Lol....I was going to try it, but was too excited that they had my size left....and forgot. I'm sure they wouldve told you no though
^why would I even ask,I didn't even order my own size
anyone in need of a sz.8

I need a 9.5 or 10

good to see you got your pairs Dev
damn i'm mad late on this XI b grade release .Anyone know if i can buy a size 11 or 11.5 ? Much appreciated
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