April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

This was a great segment.

Concise and straight to the point.

The antithesis of anything related to Ronda/Becky/Charlotte the last few weeks.

This is how you build interest for a match.

They have the benefit of having basically a 4 week build to Mania. Do you think IT would be the same if they had to do IT for 2+ months?
I certainly haven’t been a fan of the direction(s) the women’s feud has gone in, but I still would put the majority of the blame on the amount of time in between Rumble and Mania.

Too tall of a task.
I certainly haven’t been a fan of the direction(s) the women’s feud has gone in, but I still would put the majority of the blame on the amount of time in between Rumble and Mania.

Too tall of a task.

The amount of time + the WWE firmly taking control of it. They don't know how to organically build anything, thus making stuff come off real cheesy. Luckily, the fans haven't been turned off by it yet.

What in the blue hell is that!?!?

Like I said...

I'm sure that will be a very civil discussion lol

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