April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

I bet you wished Pridefc still existed don't you?

I do too


What I want to see from the rest of WM card

Joe vs Cena
IC title ladder match (Drew, Lashley, Finn, Braun, etc)
IIconics vs Bayley/Sasha
Usos vs New Day vs Hardyz vs Bar
Ricochet/Black vs Roode/Gable vs Revival vs 4th team
Lacey vs Asuka
Roman vs Dean (farewell face vs face match)
Rey vs Andrade
What I want to see from the rest of WM card

Joe vs Cena
IC title ladder match (Drew, Lashley, Finn, Braun, etc)
IIconics vs Bayley/Sasha
Usos vs New Day vs Hardyz vs Bar
Ricochet/Black vs Roode/Gable vs Revival vs 4th team
Lacey vs Asuka
Roman vs Dean (farewell face vs face match)
Rey vs Andrade

My boy is trying to get every single person employed by WWE on the Mania card..
28 was pretty bad too besides Rock/Cena and HHH/Taker

The roster at that point was so thin
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