April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

A ticket to Mania?

why do you say that?
she's a talented performer and breaking down barriers with her signing to AEW

No he ain’t. I checked out a couple clips of him after A&W signed him and he’s an average wrestler..
Kofi wins title at Mania, then a month later at the next PPV defending against D BRY, Big E interferes turn heel on Kofi making him
Lose the title breaking up the New Day and Big E goes on a monster heel run -

Vince book it

Not a bad idea.

Would do it 2 nights after WM35, though. Would get even more heat for Big E.
I just looked at the bracket for the General Most Attractive Woman Tournament, and Scarlett Bourdeaux is in there :lol: :lol: :smokin I wonder who nominated her in there. She's going up against some chick named Rachel Fit, and after googling her.....Scarlett may be outta there :lol: :smh:
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