April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

youngogjosh youngogjosh whats she cooking for you fam?

That photo.. :rofl:

I need to try to remind myself to try and watch all the manias that I’ve attended leading up to my trip this year.

This gon be hard to get through the trash manias in between. I’ll have no problem getting through WM31 and 34.

I tried doing this two years ago and executed poorly. :lol::smh: Was watching WM31 mid trip to mania and couldn’t do what I set out to do.
Because they don't have an ounce of charisma on the mic, and Tamina seems to only make one face which is really confused/smelling a fart
I was messing with you lol i know they trash. All women trash at promos imo. You would think a emotional creature like them would be better at it.
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