April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

If anyone is wondering what matches to skip from WK13 you should definitely not waste your time with the Cody and Jericho matches..The Cody match was complete ****..And Jericho is so far beyond washed..Dude was fat, slow, and his moves weren't anywhere near crisp..He seriously is damaging his legacy by continuing to wrestle..
If anyone is wondering what matches to skip from WK13 you should definitely not waste your time with the Cody and Jericho matches..The Cody match was complete ****..And Jericho is so far beyond washed..Dude was fat, slow, and his moves weren't anywhere near crisp..He seriously is damaging his legacy by continuing to wrestle..

Agree with the match and disagree with the Jericho match it was very enjoyable. Yes we all know he isn’t going to be able to go like he used to but in these brawl type of matches he does well. Naito and him put on a solid show for everyone I wouldn’t skip it.
If anyone is wondering what matches to skip from WK13 you should definitely not waste your time with the Cody and Jericho matches..The Cody match was complete ****..And Jericho is so far beyond washed..Dude was fat, slow, and his moves weren't anywhere near crisp..He seriously is damaging his legacy by continuing to wrestle..

I don't agree. I think non-crisp wrestling makes it more realistic. No real fight is pretty and his brawler style covers him more. The Cody/Juice match I'm with you on. Match definitely just happened to change the title. I wonder who challenges next for the US Title.

IWGP - Switchblade or Suzuki
IC Title - Switchblade or Suzuki...maybe Sabre Jr.
US Title - Anybody...maybe David Finlay again or Goto.
Tag Team - GoD or KES
JR Title - Hiromu (I wish), but maybe Dragon Lee or Scurll
Jr Tag Titles - Roppongi 3K
NEVER - Goto or Scurll
NEVER 6 Man - No one cares
If anyone is wondering what matches to skip from WK13 you should definitely not waste your time with the Cody and Jericho matches..The Cody match was complete ****..And Jericho is so far beyond washed..Dude was fat, slow, and his moves weren't anywhere near crisp..He seriously is damaging his legacy by continuing to wrestle..

Switchblade/Okada up now.

Jay White's gear clean af.

Okada with his old theme and trunks. :pimp:
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