Are there any Native American NTers? Vol. How do you feel about "Indian" sport logos?

Do you think the names, logos and mascots of these teams need to be changed?

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Oct 8, 2002
Skipping work yesterday, I got to watch the Dan Patrick Show:smile:smokin) and they touched on how Native Americians find the (I really dont want to say)"Native American Inspired" team logos to be racists(********, Indians ect). I never really thought about it but I guess if there was an Alabama Cottonpickers team with slave looking people on the helmet, I would feel a certain way about it.

Do you think they should change the names, mascots and logos? Would you feel better if they renamed all the teams after real tribes?
Skipping work yesterday, I got to watch the Dan Patrick Show(
) and they touched on how Native Americians find the (I really dont want to say)"Native American Inspired" team logos to be racists(********, Indians ect). I never really thought about it but I guess if there was an Alabama Cottonpickers team with slave looking people on the helmet, I would feel a certain way about it.

Do you think they should change the names, mascots and logos? Would you feel better if they renamed all the teams after real tribes?
your example is a little bit different. one is basically a simple depiction of a native american. their isnt any negative/stereotypical connatations associated with the logo. The only thing that is remotely offensive about it is the usage of ******** as oppose to native americans...which is all schematics to be honest.

your example uses a dark period in time as a name along with a visual depiction of said act. it be like if a team was called yellowman and had a picture of a chinese man. that would be a better example
This argument isnt new. It's been going on for years and once I realized how offensive it is, yeah they do need to change it. Been hoping for the change for a while now. I don't want to hear it's tradition, blah blah blah. If tradition has been wrong for 100 years, does it still make it right? The Alabama Cottonpickers? :lol:. That's crazy, but I see it for analagous purposes. I think re-naming it after real tribes is disrespectful also. If you can't portray Native Americans in a positive light, then leave it alone. If people read books and understood the history, these logos are really beyond offensive. Also, think about the franchises that have them, they're old. Like pre-civil rights movement old when it was the norm for people to be called whatever. The franchise names really need an update.
Well a Native American called in on the the show and it was very obvious he was offended by all the imagery is sports. He said he didn't even like the Seminole Chop/Chant, so there are people who are offended by it. Was that an extreme. Any Native American NTers care to chime in?
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******** logo is boss and portrays a cool stereotype of them being warriors. Also gives the team/city an us against everyone tribe mentality/identity to run with.

The Indians on the other hand :x
First off they're not from India and then the stupid logo looking like what would happen if a white dude were to be dressed in "redface"

Ultimately I think the Native American community should have the final say tho
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idl why people are so against sports name changes. If there something better out there, go for it. Im from Philadelphia. The 76ers name sucks. I dont care about history really. Gimme a new name.
Some thing is always gonna offend someone.

*kanye shrug*

I'm neither here nor there with it.

******** logo is boss and portrays a cool stereotype of them being warriors. Also gives the team/city an us against everyone tribe mentality/identity to run with.

The Indians on the other hand :x
First off they're not from India and then the stupid logo looking like what would happen if a white dude were to be dressed in "redface"

Ultimately I think the Native American community should have the final say tho

Not to pick on you guys, but this right here is the problem.

@PBR, it's not part of your history, so you don't care. It doesn't make it right still. Yeah we live in a PC world where everyone finds SOMETHING to be offended by, but understand, some things are more egregious than others. I'm not Native American, but I do see how this is offensive, me being Black and all.

@nYcHipHop, how can you say the ******** logo is boss but go :x at the Indians logo. They are just as bad, but if you wanted to go elsser of the two evils, the ******** logo is way worse. Do you know what it even implies?

@Tr1ll, aside from the Seminole Chop for the Braves doesn't only offend Native Americans, I :smh: every time I hear it. I wish they would change that as well. You can keep the name of the Braves, but change the logo. Theirs is actually easiest out of all to change.
idl why people are so against sports name changes. If there something better out there, go for it. Im from Philadelphia. The 76ers name sucks. I dont care about history really. Gimme a new name.

From a business standpoint, thats a LOT of money. From a fan's standpoint, i feel it really shouldn't matter.

I find it funny that the NBA changed the name of the Bullets with no problem, but football, "America's Sport", refused to play ball(no pun intended).
Syracuse mascot used to be the :Saltine Warrior:.

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Then we were the "Orange Men". "Otto" is our mascot name. It was between Otto and "Opie" but they picked Otto because Opie sounded too much like Dopie.

Now we are just Syracuse "Orange" because some women found men to be offensive.



Never associated "Orangemen" with a Native American, I guess the Syracuse example is proof teams can change their logo/name and still keep their identity.
Wasn't the term "********" derogatory anyway? Something like "Chiefs" or 'Nomads" I'm fine with.

And that descriptive usage is a cop out. Let me find out a team is called "The Blacks" which a picture of me on the helmet.
No one cares about basketball though :lol: plus it was the bullets / wizards, there isn't a stories franchise or fan base. They could fold tomm and like 10 people would be upset, 3-4 of them being NTers.

Football is America's sport and the ******** have a huge following/fan base and culture.

It's easier to change logos/mascots/names
In college because those are
Secondary to the school.

A pro franchise lives off that, when was the last time a GOOD pro / storied franchise changed names?
kinda understandable why the native americans would be upset....

On a related note, I read that an old european custom was to put the head of the vanquished on the coat of arms/flag

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Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem with Chiefs or Braves. Its the Indians and ******** that would offend me.
******** logo is boss and portrays a cool stereotype of them being warriors. Also gives the team/city an us against everyone tribe mentality/identity to run with.

The Indians on the other hand

First off they're not from India and then the stupid logo looking like what would happen if a white dude were to be dressed in "redface"

Ultimately I think the Native American community should have the final say tho
not to mention they even did a version with the logo having gold
I'm kind of ambivalent to the ******** name because it doesn't offend me in any way. That being said, I do understand the POV of others who are offended. I'm not so attached to the team that I'd be up in arms if the name was changed...and I consider myself a diehard fan.
No one cares about basketball though :lol: plus it was the bullets / wizards, there isn't a stories franchise or fan base. They could fold tomm and like 10 people would be upset, 3-4 of them being NTers.

Football is America's sport and the ******** have a huge following/fan base and culture.

It's easier to change logos/mascots/names
In college because those are
Secondary to the school.

A pro franchise lives off that, when was the last time a GOOD pro / storied franchise changed names?

You sir...just wow :wow:
Syracuse mascot used to be the :Saltine Warrior:.

Then we were the "Orange Men". "Otto" is our mascot name. It was between Otto and "Opie" but they picked Otto because Opie sounded too much like Dopie.

Now we are just Syracuse "Orange" because some women found men to be offensive.

 Gotta be ******** me dawg. really?!?? 
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