Are We Really Smarter Than Animals?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

They dont even have brains all they can do is react to stimuli.

I looked at your first response about humans not being animals and assumed you were being sarcastic....then I saw this post and now I wonder if you truly believe what you're saying.

Humans ARE animals... damn..
I know right...why is that such a bad thing
Muh @$*@+*% wanna feel special all the time that's why.. ain't you noticed all the dickswinging contests Man has been having since the dawn of creation? I'm sure 9/10s of society is a mating ritual. The other 10 percent are the spoils of victory for said mating ritual. What other motivation was there to build up this world anyway?  People who can't step outside of their acculturation and see the world as it is perturb ya boy.. there's so much at steak*vagina*, but all they ever focus on is the small picture.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

They dont even have brains all they can do is react to stimuli.

I looked at your first response about humans not being animals and assumed you were being sarcastic....then I saw this post and now I wonder if you truly believe what you're saying.

Humans ARE animals... damn..
I know right...why is that such a bad thing
Muh @$*@+*% wanna feel special all the time that's why.. ain't you noticed all the dickswinging contests Man has been having since the dawn of creation? I'm sure 9/10s of society is a mating ritual. The other 10 percent are the spoils of victory for said mating ritual. What other motivation was there to build up this world anyway?  People who can't step outside of their acculturation and see the world as it is perturb ya boy.. there's so much at steak*vagina*, but all they ever focus on is the small picture.


Nah you aint never lie, it's such a human thing to do to create as much separation or divide between you and the next creature...word to pigeonhood. I aint no bird fam, I'm a pigeon....we're different.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Actually I didn't assume that jellyfish can communicate. I don't know if they can or not. Even though I think it is foolish to think any living specie doesn't have the ability to communicate within their own race, but that isn't the point. I was merely responding to the point that we are smarter because they aren't sitting around talking about us.

How do we know that is the question.

I think the main thing that separates man and beast is man's ability to use his hands which allows his to put his thoughts to use. Animals don't have hands and don't have the luxury to use their imagination to it's fullest capacity because of that. Think about it.

That is not saying that if they had hands they would be more/less advanced than where we currently are in 2010 but it isn't a level playing field because of body structure/function. I just think we are physically more able to operate in this world than they are.

I don't think that should equate to us being smarter or more intelligent.
part of that being more physically able has to do with us having bigger and more functional brains... so yes it does mean we are more intelligent...

animals rely on instinct... they dont really KNOW anything...
animals don't only rely on instinct.  they can learn too, and learning requires memory.  my dog dreams too and i have read about it.

an animal that is born in the confines of a zoo would not survive if it were to be released in the wild years after it's birth.  many animals are taught by their parents how to hunt, where to make a home, etc.  they learn through experience, same way a human learns.  we are connected to all living things(not just animals) more than we realize or care to acknowledge.  we are part of the animal kingdom but from reading this thread i understood OP was comparing human intelligence vs. all animals.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

ok no more discussions with people who believe animals are more intelligent than them...

ill just speak for myself and say im more intelligent... *%#! im more intelligent than most humans... see this post for proof...
this display of arrogance is what places human beings in a box.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If so/not, explain why.........

Serious question family
What a stupid question, I'd expect a five year old to ask that. Seriously?
It's not like all chickens, dogs, cats, etc are trained to solve complex math problems. But to answer your question yes. Why? Because I've never chased after some broad because of how she smelled...oh wait.
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

humans are much like cancer. we continue to proliferate rapidly and uncontrollably in the world, causing a disruption to the ecosystem.

the world as we know it is as grim as a patient with advanced cancer.
If you think you're cancer and the planet would be better off without you, what are you going to do about it?

No one is stopping you but you...
yeah the planet would probably be better without any of us, but we're here for a reason.... and that's to ###$ !@%# up.

Speak for yourself G. I'm not a cancer and I damn sure ain't no animal. I'm above that.

It's some Neanderthals out there though who may be animals...

Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them
If dolphins had hands and the power to hold tools their underwater cities would probably be grander than our own..
I don't understand why the answer is not a no-brainer (that humans are the most intelligent animals).
From taking anthropology with a lab for an undergrad filler.

Humans are the only species with a Wernicke and Broca area of the brain which are primarily responsible for the deliverance and encoding of language and gesture. Other species such as a chimp (the most intelligent species other than a human) has been taught basic sign language and are one of the only species show emotion via facial expression (capable of 120+ expressions).

However only Humans can link symbolism with non related objects. For instance only a Human can link the letter "L" to know that "L" can be put together in a sequence of letters to make a word or know that the OP is taking the L for a loss, letters are oblivious to other species.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

They dont even have brains all they can do is react to stimuli.

I looked at your first response about humans not being animals and assumed you were being sarcastic....then I saw this post and now I wonder if you truly believe what you're saying.

Humans ARE animals... damn..
I know right...why is that such a bad thing

You clearly understood what OP referred to. So  why use the scientific definition?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

I don't understand why the answer is not a no-brainer (that humans are the most intelligent animals).
 People want philisophical points, I suppose.

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by bijald0331

I don't understand why the answer is not a no-brainer (that humans are the most intelligent animals).
 People want philisophical points, I suppose.


What in the world are the philosophical points to this debate? How can this even be a debate? Yes, animals are far more intuitive and creative than most people realize. But to compare their intellect to humans' is an utter joke. 
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

They dont even have brains all they can do is react to stimuli.

I looked at your first response about humans not being animals and assumed you were being sarcastic....then I saw this post and now I wonder if you truly believe what you're saying.

Humans ARE animals... damn..
I know right...why is that such a bad thing

You clearly understood what OP referred to. So  why use the scientific definition?
Because that is the "true" definition.....OP should've said "humans" vs. "non-humans"......if we're going to have an semi-intelligent, scholarly argument about this let's stray from using the laymen's definition for "animals".

It's not that serious tho....someone said humans aren't animals, which is completely false statement, i argued against it.
Okay, Literal Lindsay. Better change Dat Mass threads to "Gluteus maximus appreciation".  

Spoiler [+]
I kid.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by bijald0331

I don't understand why the answer is not a no-brainer (that humans are the most intelligent animals).
 People want philisophical points, I suppose.


What in the world are the philosophical points to this debate? How can this even be a debate? Yes, animals are far more intuitive and creative than most people realize. But to compare their intellect to humans' is an utter joke. 
Animals can communicate word to Nat Geo and Animal Planet.

But they ain't smarter than us.
i would say their 'instincts' are better but our 'thought process' is better. give or take, i just believe it depends on the task at hand.

depends on what is considered smart. 

they cant sync their ipods to their pc's but they sure can cooperate and communicate better, survive in the wild...that kind of stuff. You ever see a pack of coyotes on their hunt? They make john maddens plays look childish. 
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