Are you happy with your life

are you happy with your life?

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man i'm in a super good space right now. i love my wife and she's really good to me. she's a fantastic mom to our son and we are a real family-oriented team. our boy is doing awesome with his swimming and academic stuff. things are really damn good [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]

What you're not taking into account is that trips with friends and family (that could build memories) require money.

I think anyone who says money can't buy happiness just doesn't know how to use money for happiness. imo.

im not going to debate that with you at all

now here is something i had a problem growing up young 20s, blowing my money as soon as i got it on in the moment.....

looking back i wish i traveled more, a lot more when i was younger

all comes down to priorities
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Wouldn't say happy but I also wouldn't describe myself as deeply unhappy. I would've answered deeply unhappy about ~1,5 years ago but I've made peace with my illness now despite its progression the past year. Back then it was a lot more frustrating because no doctor could give me an explanation for my symptoms and zero anomalies were found. My case eventually got picked up by a special team of doctors that only take tough cases where everyone else has failed to provide answers. Turns out it was simply a matter of looking in the right place to find 1 anomaly but with severe effects.
They know now that the root of the problem is my body can't properly utilize energy for my muscles. They're running a DNA test to confirm their diagnosis (CPT-2 deficiency), of which I'll get the results in late August.
There's not much I can do without it taking a significant toll on my body so I make it a point to try to enjoy and make the most of the few things I can do. I have good close friends to support me and luckily I don't really get bored at home.

What symptoms did/do you have
31, Married 2 great kids, Loving wife, good health. Great job, 100k salary, and finishing up my undergrad currently.

To the young cats that's just starting out, money isn't everything b. Family, health, and happiness is what life should really be about.

You are the same age as me an I agree with you 100%

Btw man you a freaking killing it I know ppl our age who don't have the wife, kids or salary........god bless

Tony $now Tony $now
@HTG Designs

good stuff guys, reps everywhere

solid thread
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What symptoms did/do you have
Chronic pain in both lower legs 24/7 and severe muscle cramps/exhaustion during and after physical activity.

Thanks to carnitine (the deviating substance in my body) supplements I can talk normally again and do a little bit more household tasks but it's still very tiring. Taking a shower causes cramps in my legs and arms for example, and I'm pretty exhausted after doing so.

There's also several triggers that aggravate the symptoms, the worst being physical activity. I went bowling with some friends for a birthday some time ago and was sore from head to toe for the next 6-7 days, along with aggravated chronic pain.

Basically I have to endure a week of aggravated symptoms for a few hours of fun so I don't go out much.

The specialists also said that I have to avoid strenuous activity because it can lead to rhabdomyolisis and/or kidney failure in my situation.
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Emotionally, this has been my worse year.

Financially, the best year I've had.

I'd say 4.5/10 on happiness, 5 being neutral
Chronic pain in both lower legs 24/7 and severe muscle cramps/exhaustion during and after physical activity.
Thanks to carnitine (the deviating substance in my body) supplements I can talk normally again and do a little bit more household tasks but it's still very tiring. Taking a shower causes cramps in my legs and arms for example, and I'm pretty exhausted after doing so.
There's also several triggers that aggravate the symptoms, the worst being physical activity. I went bowling with some friends for a birthday some time ago and was sore from head to toe for the next 6-7 days, along with aggravated chronic pain.
Basically I have to endure a week of aggravated symptoms for a few hours of fun so I don't go out much.
The specialists also said that I have to avoid strenuous activity because it can lead to rhabdomyolisis and/or kidney failure in my situation.

I feel ya dude. As I have constant and sporadic levels of nerve pain all throughtout my right arm and fingers (resulting from a motorcycle accident). To add insult to injury, after several surgeries related, doctors were unable to treat the arm properly and therefore, I'm stuck with a sling supporting my unresponsive, right arm. Everyday is painful and the limitations in my abilities is very disheartening...4+ yrs later, it's still hard for me to see the brightside in anything, let alone be happy.

GF is cool as hell. Career going well. Travel a lot.

Really want to figure out a way to get out of the corporate life though.
Absolutely yes. The last year has been life turning for me.

I'm 30 years old. From age 23-26, I was happy working a great 9-5 and going to school after work. I spent a lot on clothing and going out, but was never in debt. After getting my 2nd master's at age 27 or 28 (MBA), I thought doors were going to open magically. But it didn't. I started scaling back my spending and started saving. I knew I wanted to do my own thing, but didn't know what. Went out to mixers 3-4 times a week and met incredible people. I got new friends who were like minded and that changed everything. Some became my mentors and were having conversations I was/is unable to relate to, ie how much their liquidity was before buying the first supercar. I started going to local non-profit organizations and linked up with retired entrepreneurs for their input and to tap into their networking.

Relationship wise: When I was in my early 20s, I really wanted the typical lifestyle...get a decent corporate job, have a girlfriend and be married by 30 or so. longest relationship to date has been 1 year flat. The girl was great, but she wanted more time, which I didn't have. I couldn't see myself selling myself short and not pursuing my dreams. She was happy making $40k a year and living that simple lifestyle, while I am chasing $4M a year. Call it superficial or what have you, but I want that lux lifestyle. I grew up without much, I used to be jealous of kids shopping at JC Penney in middle school and going to Denny's was a special treat :lol: I always say once a kid knows what it's like to starve, he's going to do everything he can to never experience that again.

At age 30, I love being single. Whether it's Monday or Saturday, it's indifferent to me. I wake up at 4AM to hit the gym, and take off to work, and stay there until 8PM. It sounds horrible, but I'm in love with it. I have an office at a coworking space so my neighbors all do their own thing and the synergy is great.

I still have a day job, which I got poached for. I'm a consultant so I see my clients 3-4 times a week and work from the office space I rent myself. After hours, I work on my own business and mingle with my neighbors, and get food with them. The networking has been invaluable.

props bro, I've been here long enough an I've seen personalities change with age (youre same age as me i believe also)

as they should, wish you the best 8)

you def have a mindset similar to my close friends of mine in real life, buddy of mine is determined to have a Lambo

never set limits on yourself........not you i mean to everyone on NT
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props bro, I've been here long enough an I've seen personalities change with age (youre same age as me i believe also)

as they should, wish you the best 8)

you def have a mindset similar to my close friends of mine in real life, buddy of mine is determined to have a Lambo

never set limits on yourself........not you i mean to everyone on NT
It's not necessary even about the Lambo to be honest (but yes, Aventador SV is def on the to get list). It's more about freedom to do whatever you want. The biggest turn on for me is turning the idea into fruition and have customers for it. That feeling outweighs the feeling of buying an expensive watch or clothes for me easily.

When it comes down to all boils to how bad do you want it. A lot of dudes want the finer things in life but spend the weekend watching TV. Then they get mad when another one who put in the time reaches that level. I dissected a lot of successful people, and taking the outliers like Elon Musk aside, they're just regular folks who gave their all.

The most refreshing part is giving back though. Philanthropy/mentorship are definitely on my list. You gotta be a good citizen for others when you're blessed to be successful.
Yea im happy, at 22 I changed my life haven't looked back. I make enough money to provide for myself and for my parents who are getting ready to retire. :pimp:

im healthy, in the best shape of my life. 3 years of eating right and training hard. :pimp:
I'm happy... Considering I'm not in the same place I was a year ago. I've struggled with depression and anxiety since I was maybe about 8. Last October was the worst it's ever been and I was so sure that "this is it, I'm at my lowest point and I'll never get better. I can't do this anymore." But somehow, I gathered just enough strength to seek extensive treatment and therapy and I got better. Now that it's all been said and done, I see that happiness is really what you make it, and happiness to me is being able to wake up each day, take a breath, and be thankful for the simpler things in life. I know that's cliché of me to say, but really... when you start to look around you and pay attention to things like the night sky lit up with stars, the birds, or maybe even the fact that you live in Oakland and didn't get jacked today...It's real easy to start smiling, at least for me.

of course.....................exotic car is just a symbol of your success, 1 example

im not gonna dispute what you just said an i agree with everything aware of the big picture pleighboy

taquitolover91 taquitolover91 bless up
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It ain't perfect, but I appreciate everything I have. I feel happy with my life.
I'm appreciative and thankful for my life. Blessed more than I can comprehend.  

Yes, there are things in my life where I wish it was better or I'd prefer certain things now, rather than later. But, still...To see where I am now. I'm humbled.

Not taking what I have for granted. Thankful for everything.
great thread, i came through the general forum to look for something exactly like this...found! i've been having this kind of dialogue with a close friend and my mom quite a bit recently. generally, i am happy but not as much as i am thankful and grateful. i've been able to travel, have a roof over my head, eat well, and most of all no complications with my health at the moment. coming from a middle class home and a broken family there is still so much to be thankful for. my biggest internal battle at the moment (outside of dealing with my social insecurities) is a desire and yearning to pursue what truly makes me happy and provides the greatest sense of fulfillment. thanks wj4 wj4 for your insight and perspective, i think its so important to surround yourself with people you aspire to be, who share the same vision, outlooks and attitudes as you. over the past year and a half or so, there has been an increasing desire to focus on what i enjoy and develop those interests in a way that would allow me to provide for the lifestyle i desire moving forward.

however, repaying my undergraduate financial obligations have been a thorn in my side. overall, life is funny. i know things take time and i have always had the attitude to be willing to sacrifice and postpone gratification for the end goal. like wisith said, i don't want to be the type that aspires for one thing but makes no moves in that direction when no one is watching. but if you really want something and really believe in an idea, i believe people will do whatever they can to make it happen. i think its a constant internal battle that people fight everyday, its not easy and most of that are fully aware of that. but i do hope this thread stays active and doesn't get lost in the mix, i find this kind of discussion to be constructive and meaningful no matter what end of the spectrum you stand.
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Aside from small things affecting my daily health, which are somewhat bearable, I'm pretty happy. I know I can do much better and that is why I am busting my *** off with both school and work right now. Big things will come soon. I'm always around people who I love and love me. Everyone is supportive no matter what direction or path we're going. I'm turning 26 next month, moving out next month and ready to take on this new level of responsibility, with regards to personal and professional growth for myself.

The other day one of my older homies passed away due to complications from kidney and a stroke. Had me feeling down, you know that thought you get when someone leaves this world, like man where you going now bro? This guy looked out for me like a big brother, not just some other younger high school cat, and I am truly thankful for that. This hits home because 9 years ago around this time I lost my big sis to a stroke. Another reason to stay happy because that's what they would want, and also to cherish life because it ain't promised at all.
as corny as it sounds

money cant buy you happiness trust me on that 

just look at mike posners song dude was living the life famous and rich at a young age 

and he was still depressed

if all you do is spend your time chasing material wealth it will take its toll on you balance is key imo

enrich your mind not with material goods

This is probably the best year or so of my life,

Learned to ride a Motorcycle, hustled/ stacked over 20K, went to Japan last month, and my GF is great (most days), and I got my dream dog (purebred English Bulldog).

I'd say I'm probably more happy now than I've been in a long time but like many others said I always want more.
I just beat Stage IV Cancer.

Been to Rome and Tokyo in the last 2 months. Have more trips planned soon.

My son is 18 and my daughter is about to turn 11. They are straight, No issues with BM.

Can't have anymore kids due to having a vasectomy. Not getting married either, so nothing can tie me down.

Cancer forced me to go on a strict diet. I feel better than ever because of it.

Making good money at work.

I can't complain, life is good.
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