Are you happy with your life

are you happy with your life?

  • i am

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  • no.

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Physically/financially happy

But mentally and emotionally I'm far from it but I'm only 24 a lot of people tell me it's stressful at this age so
I'm hoping it levels off with time and hope God watches over me
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I could have it all and still wouldn't be happy.

yea because money doesnt make ppl happy

love does

call me corny.......only thing money will do is buy you more ******** you don't even need

ppl who think money will make them happy have no real value in their life

no trolling, brand new kicks wear off, new clothes, wear off, a freaking new car is cool.......until a new model comes out


trips with friends and family..................memories.........that is happiness and rich in spirit
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man i'm in a super good space right now. i love my wife and she's really good to me. she's a fantastic mom to our son and we are a real family-oriented team. our boy is doing awesome with his swimming and academic stuff. things are really damn good [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]
Just graduated college so I'm feeling better than I was this same time last year. Still looking for work though

Overall, it could definitely be worse
31, Married 2 great kids, Loving wife, good health. Great job, 100k salary, and finishing up my undergrad currently.

I'm happy with what I have accomplished so far but some days I wonder if I made the right decisions. It may seem crazy, but it's the truth. Sometimes I feel like I took on a lot at an early age but I don't regret any of it if that makes sense. I lost my brother a few years ago and I feel like a part of me died when he did. I never really express that to my family because I've always been the "successful" one, or whatever that means. When in reality I sometimes feel like I'm not living at all. I wish I had my brothers spontaneous spirit man. This was a REAL question OP.

To the young cats that's just starting out, money isn't everything b. Family, health, and happiness is what life should really be about.
31, Married 2 great kids, Loving wife, good health. Great job, 100k salary, and finishing up my undergrad currently.

I'm happy with what I have accomplished so far but some days I wonder if I made the right decisions. It may seem crazy, but it's the truth. Sometimes I feel like I took on a lot at an early age but I don't regret any of it if that makes sense. I lost my brother a few years ago and I feel like a part of me died when he did. I never really express that to my family because I've always been the "successful" one, or whatever that means. When in reality I sometimes feel like I'm not living at all. I wish I had my brothers spontaneous spirit man. This was a REAL question OP.

To the young cats that's just starting out, money isn't everything b. Family, health, and happiness is what life should really be about.
  +1 on that money isnt everything.  I always wanted to make 100k+ a year and now that I do im contemplating leaving my job and moving to a different state.  Im literally tied to work and I have everything I wanted material wise but its not real living. 
Pros- good career making good money with tons of potential for growth/promotion and increased earnings, beautiful apartment, no outrageous debts, small circle of friends that I can trust and rely on, no real responsibilities other than to go to work/school and carry out basic activities of daily living, having the means to afford anything I need at the given moment

Cons-no girl at the moment, immature/irresponsible roommate, overly-demanding job, smaller social circle than normal because of friends moving away, don't go out as much as I'd like to, don't travel as much as I'd like to.

I'd say it's about 50/50 right now.
Wouldn't say happy but I also wouldn't describe myself as deeply unhappy. I would've answered deeply unhappy about ~1,5 years ago but I've made peace with my illness now despite its progression the past year. Back then it was a lot more frustrating because no doctor could give me an explanation for my symptoms and zero anomalies were found. My case eventually got picked up by a special team of doctors that only take tough cases where everyone else has failed to provide answers. Turns out it was simply a matter of looking in the right place to find 1 anomaly but with severe effects.

They know now that the root of the problem is my body can't properly utilize energy for my muscles. They're running a DNA test to confirm their diagnosis (CPT-2 deficiency), of which I'll get the results in late August.

There's not much I can do without it taking a significant toll on my body so I make it a point to try to enjoy and make the most of the few things I can do. I have good close friends to support me and luckily I don't really get bored at home.
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I'm grateful for everything but things can be better. But all of my problems are completely fixable.
Nah b. Not at all. Haven't been happy in years.

Matter of fact I don't think I've ever truly been happy in my life. It's been one thing after the other. I'm living though. Fighting.
Im happy.

Money is not everything. Just a tool to get basics for survival. Happinnes comes from within. Im living proof.
If I showed you my bank account, you would laugh til you cried, then you would probably send me some money
and tell me keep my head up. My head is up tho (paws)

I figure out my purpose in life. Not my passion, or my career, but what my existence is all about. Im 30,
married to a beautiful virtuous woman, and she's pushed out beautiful healthy kids. We both have just recently
found our callings in life and are pouring ourselves into fulfilling it. Our relationship has been steadily surpassing the
infatuation honeymoon phase we experienced the first 2 years together, and its pretty amazing ( 9years together in aug).
I legit have the bear necessities ( I meant bear, not bare/ midas well be living in a cave, lol)
and would like to live more comfortably. But I appreciate all the blessings I have
that come through healthy genuine relationships with family and the very small amount of friends I have.

I mentally, physically and spiritually feel great and my future is very bright. But even if that light dimmed, I would still
be able to enjoy all the invaluable assets I have in my life.
yea because money doesnt make ppl happy

love does

call me corny.......only thing money will do is buy you more ******** you don't even need

ppl who think money will make them happy have no real value in their life

no trolling, brand new kicks wear off, new clothes, wear off, a freaking new car is cool.......until a new model comes out


trips with friends and family..................memories.........that is happiness and rich in spirit

What you're not taking into account is that trips with friends and family (that could build memories) require money.

I think anyone who says money can't buy happiness just doesn't know how to use money for happiness. imo.
Nah b. Not at all. Haven't been happy in years.

Matter of fact I don't think I've ever truly been happy in my life. It's been one thing after the other. I'm living though. Fighting.
Same. Seems like I'm happiest when I'm dozing off to sleep. That can't be a good sign.
Yes. I dress bummy now more than ever, have a few hobbies/responsibilities outside of work to keep me busy, and love staying in with my books and records on the weekend. :pimp: Very big contrast to just a couple years ago.

Was thinking about buying a new car, but might just grab an old BMW wagon and find an Impreza 2.5RS in decent shape and start learning how to really work on cars by building my dream car (since the W22 Impreza used in the WRC races is impossible :frown: .)
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