Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

Originally Posted by rashi

I discriminated against White and Black women my entire life and chose to date Hispanic women. Sue me, bro.


i though you guys were supposed to be the model minority
 thats all you got out of his post?
Originally Posted by mjd77

*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office
and receives no pay when they are out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All
funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security
system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system,
and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for
any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay
will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the
same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/12.
The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen
made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor,
not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours
should serve their term's), then go home and back to work.


wont ever happen, tho.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Man says "I'm broke" people reply, "we don't care why you broke, could be laziness or plain bad luck we know thy feel bro"

Man says "I work hard for my money and own real estate" people reply, "you arrogant as @!%+, you love attention, you look down on everyone else"

Not taking shots, but that seems to be the automatic reply whenever someone mentions that they are doing good for themselves, seems like a taboo on NT.

kid is so confused man....smh

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Every job has its challenges, you making a teachers job sound like some elite black ops joint, yeah perhaps they should get paid more, they do deal with a lot of crap not only from students but also the parents...but then again I can't feel too bad for them, when they get EVERY holiday off PAID and the whole summer off me another job that offers that?...

Also when you say a child doesn't reason, you mean very young kids....either way if you are having trouble controlling your students to the point where your job becomes the toughest job in America, you might not be cut out for the job...I know teachers in all sorts of schools from public to private, from 1st grade to high schoolers and they have fun with their kids, they don't really look at it as a hassle.

hes arguing against a comment that you cant reason with children in an adult compacity....

he's arguing this

steezy, im sure you wont comprehend the responsibilities of a teacher,

so im just gonna inform you on the "getting paid all year round" idea you got from your "teacher friends"

not one teacher in the USA gets paid for breaks nor summer.

you have a choice.....get paid over 8 months (the school year)

or have your checks evenly distributed throughout the entire year

the first option gives you larger checks, the second gives you income all year round

neither pay you for not working.

also, in almost every instance, teachers are around children more than their parents and family members are....

again, im not even going to attempt to explain what being a teacher actually means

im just correcting your utter ignorance on the topic.

no response needed.
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69


always spitting that real on AND off the mic
 .. that part about the secret service agent infiltrating Garvey's establishment had me like
i was one of the leaders of a student strike day at my school a couple of years back.. these movements are beautiful when people realize they have power and can make a positive change if they want to..

at the end of the day.. the revolution is here..
^^ I risk my life and offered to kill other people under the mask of "freedom and protecting our country when in my own post i clearly showed i was only pursuing the american dream and trying to pay for college. i am the immoral. i am the 1%
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Saw this posted on facebook, pretty interesting.  Take it for what it's worth



Anybody still doubting that this movement can make an impact?

[h1]Bank dumping days begin
[/h1]By Blake Ellis November 4, 2011: 3:10 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Customers are dumping their banks in droves ahead of the nationwide "Move Your Money" and "Bank Transfer Day" movements this Saturday.

Given the recent spotlight on attempts -- and ultimate failures -- by some of the nation's biggest banks to tack on new debit card fees, thousands of disgruntled consumers have already either left or pledged to leave their current bank for a community bank or credit union, which are known for having fewer and/or lower bank account fees.

At least 650,000 consumers have already joined credit unions since Sept. 29, the day Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) announced plans to impose its controversial $5 debit card fee, according to a nationwide survey of credit unions by the Credit Union National Association.

That's more than a year's worth of members in a single month -- with credit unions adding 600,000 members in all of 2010.

The new memberships in October amount to $4.5 billion in new savings accounts, CUNA said.

And while Bank of America and other banks have since backpedaled on imposing the fees, consumers are making it clear they are still fed up. More than four in every five credit unions said new customers cited days like "Bank Transfer Day" and new fees imposed by their banks as reasons for opening accounts.
[h2]7 banks that are still awesome[/h2]
"We must flee all those banks now!!! They will be adding hidden fees shortly! Drop the credit cards and go to credit unions to avoid this pitfall," one CNNMoney reader wrote.

Meanwhile, the Independent Community Bankers of America said a poll of its 5,000 members conducted on Oct. 17 found that nearly 60% of community banks are gaining customers who are sick and tired of the big financial institutions. The association's community bank locator has seen more than 5,000 inquiries in the last few weeks -- an increase of nearly 500%.

By the end of this weekend, accounts at these credit unions and community banks could grow by tens of thousands more.

"Move Your Money Day" and "Bank Transfer Day" are backed by consumer groups like and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), which are urging customers to switch banks by this Saturday -- and turning to social media outlets like Facebook to do their convincing.

"Bank Transfer Day," was started by a Facebook user who had heard about Bank of America's $5 fee and posted an event on Facebook. So far, 75,061 Facebook users have said they will be attending, while 16,007 will "maybe" attend.
[h2]No more debit card fees. What will the banks try next?[/h2]
The PCCC said it has already received pledges from about 52,500 people to take their money out of major financial institutions by Saturday as part of the Move Your Money "banxodus," with just under 22,000 consumers planning to remove their money from Bank of America specifically. About 6,900 customers told the PCCC they have already moved their money.

"They take your deposits and use them to buy politicians to de-regulate, give them immunity, interest-free loans and bailouts. Then they turn around and charge you fees to make them even richer," said one "Move Your Money" flyer posted on a Facebook page dedicated to the initiative (which has 43,679 "likes"). "Take your money to a credit union or a community bank that will use your money in your community and not to pervert the rule of law and fill their own pockets."

Occupy Wall Street has formed a separate united front, called "Dump Your Bank Day," which will take place on Tuesday, November 8.
[h2]I ditched my big bank![/h2]
Even though Bank of America and other banks canceled plans to introduce the new debit card fee -- thanks to the mass uproar -- the momentum is still going strong. Plus, experts in the banking industry predict more fees -- and higher existing fees -- will be popping up soon.

"The big banks will not be charging me a dime in additional fees. I moved my accounts to a great credit union last week," a CNNMoney reader wrote. "Next week I get to tell Wells Fargo, to put it nicely, to take a hike." 

First Published: November 4, 2011: 12:26 PM ET
Since people are "dumping their accounts", are you also closing your credit cards with those banks too?  That's where they make most of their money at.
I closed all my credit cards with chase and boa. To all those in the new York area tune into 99.5, very informative on the All topics that deal with occupy wall street.
StonedFace wrote:
Great cartoon^ where's the Thomas Jefferson of our days when we need him..

The closest that we have to him right now is Ron Paul and almost everyone has ignored him.

That video is pretty good but it makes some important omissions and it does perpetuate one very big lie.

The lie is that the Rothschilds connived to trick London Bond Holders. The Rothschilds nearly went bankrupt in financial and patriotic service to Great Britain. In 1815 and After Napoleon Bonaparte had raised a legitmate army and became the head of state of France, after his exile to Elba, the conventional wisdom was that the war would take at least a year and likely longer. England and France had been at war almost non stop since 1793 (with every other European power changing sides at least once and usually several times during this multi decade conflict) and the first stretch of war took 9 years and after the Peace of Amiens (really more of a truce lasting for a little over 1 year) war resumed in 1803 and ended only after a decisive British Naval Victory and destruction of Napoleon's main fleet as well as Napoleon's ill fated invasion of Spain (which bleed away men and ships and money) and finally it took a disasterous march into Russia and being trapped in the grip of its Winter and it Partisans and its Scorched Earth police for his army to be made weak enough to lose at the Battle of Leipzig in 1814 (At the hnads of a Huge Multi National force) and forced him to capitulate. Napoleon was a military and political survivor as tight British blockades, French insolvency, European rebellions, Spanish Guerillas, Russian Partisans and an endless stream of battles against numerically superior foes rarely jeopardized his power in Europe until they all occured in fairly short order and in even greater magnitude than had happened in the past. Napoleon was, in 1815, expected to wage a lengthy war and not just one great battle.

The Rothschilds invested and did financial workf for the Crown uner the assumption that there would be long campaign and the short and decisive natur of Waterloo nearly ruined the Rothschilds. it was after the war that the Rothschilds rebuilt their old fortunes and expanded it like never before. Also because warfare was bad for business (busines sin general and in particular it was bad for the Rothschilds as they held many peacetime bonds, which low tields because peace tim bonds carry a lower risk of default. War would mean the issuance of new bonds, with higher yioields and the Rothschilds would have to sell their low yield, peacetime bonds at a discount, the worst fate impginable for any bond trader).

All of this comes from This is Niall Ferguson's research and account of the Rothschilds and while he has an Anglo-American elite bias as he is a professor at the London School of Economics as well as Harvard University (although he is a Historian an does not hold a professorship at Harvard's dispicable Business school), I will still take his word over that of the man who did the most to perpetuate the Rothchild's conspiracy theory, Joseph Goebels, Minister of propaganda for Germany from 1933 to 1945. The Nazis reflected a long line of discontent that a family of Jews, not tied to old estates tha twere worked by the masses, could become as rich and influential as aristocrats. It was infuritaing for the reactionary land owning Grandee that a mere Jew or any uppity peasant (and in 19th century Europe, anyone who was not a noble man was a peasant, no mattr hopw much money he or she may posses) could not surpass an aristocrat in trems o sheer wealth but that that wealth be mobile.

When rich and poor have their fortunates and income streams tied to the land, they are much easier to tax and exploit but mobile fotuntes and income mean that governments have to comepete for capital instead of view it as an immobile prize to be bleed white at a moment's notice or as a static bank account to pay for the extrvagent lifestyles of the Royal Courts of European Kings and Dukes and Counts and to fund wars. Perhaps even more so than their Jewish roots and their rootless fortunes, the lack of money available for waging wars was the the greatest reason that the Rothschilds drew the ire of the Aristocrats of Europe and it was because the honor and identity of the Ariscrat comes from marial prowress and with the Rothschilds refusing to fund wars, the last eight decades of the 19th Century afforded the Continential European virtually no chances to fight in any grand battles or heroic military campaigns.

War is the source of pride for the Old World Aristocrat, his harsh boarding schools, his study of Greek and Roman and Medieval history (the way they studied history would be called political and military history, they paid little attention to stuying the daily lives or social and economic changes that took place over the centuries), the obsession with dueling, the willingess to undergo endless infantry drill as adolesecents, and the love of fancy military uniforms and orders was to insure that every generation of elite men would be ready to fight and to win in a decisive and glorious manner and to confirm the psuedo science of the day by vindicating his ethnic group's and his nationality's superiority. The Rothschilds made it so that French and British Gentlemen had only a few colonial scrapes and that the rest of Europe's great houses went generations without a proper fight and were limited to supressing a rebellion in 1848 and fighting for or against a minor Muslim power in the Crimea in the 1850's. The Franco-Prussian War was decisive and European but it was won mostly with German technological superiority (the ability to use prefabricated railroad traks and birdges in order to move troops right to the edge of Paris within a month decided the war). It was a victory for crafts men and artillary fabricators and not gentlemen officers using glorious calvary charges and brilliant infantry manuevers that secured victory. These events burned the soul of Europe military and political elite and many of its masses who believed that warfare was the surest way to improve their person reputation and their and their family's station in life.

The Rothschild legacy is one of the triumpth of the middle class and it persiste to this day in the form of angr by the elite and envy fron the masses. The upper middle class, the one's who innovate, invest and take calculated risks are hated by the working classes who are tantilized by their success. Many successful businessmen came from working class or middle class back grounds and while a person at the median income level can say that a Saudi or British prince was born lucky, he cannot say the same of the man who came from the same nighborhood and now owns a few tire shops or a regional chain of donuts shops and makes $200,000 per year. Such wealth and income are beyond the reach of the working man but while eight and nine figure incomes are beyond even his imagination, the six figure income is well within his or her imagination and he or she can easily imagine uses for them.

At the other end, the upper middle class man is squeezed by the political elite. The political elite involve the American version of the long time land ownin gclass of Europe or they include our Mandarin class, the highly educated member of the upper middle class who believs that his Ivy League Credentials give him or her liscencse to heavily tax and regulate the upper middle class wealth creator. The political elite still feel burned by how the Rothschilds alowed for those with a large sum of money to become mobile aristocrats with the Rothschilds being like kings and millionaires, the Dukes and Counts of finance and the managers and entrepreneurs, the Knights and Dons of the mobile aristocracy. This is why we have organizations like the G8 and G20, so that the political elite can meet and collude and try to act as a cartel and to set standardized and high taxes because absent their cooperation, ultra high tax rate nations lose high end tax payers to lower tax rate nations. The natural result if for major economic to agree to and for smaller economies to be bullied into colluding on taxation and setting high and uniform rates so that the person with his or her wealth tied up in money is as vulnerable to taxation as the farmer or factory owner or mine operator, the immobile wealth holder.

It is shame that such pretention and such sentiments, which are so firmly emblazoned on to the collective sigil of the old and backward views on wealth and on income can be found in a video that generally does such a fine job of skewering the entrenched elite.

The omissions were the fact that government force is what gives banks the privilege of having a monopoly on printing money in a given country, it is government force that starts wars that allow bankers to profit from them and the spending that they require and it is government force that collects the taxes that are used to pay the staggering debts to banks. In many countries, the government does the rational thing and defaults and it has to endure some austerity for a time (it is difficult and expensive to find buyers for your bonds right after you default) but as we have seen with Greece, you will undergo austerity whether or not you default or you "restructure" and have foreign bankers live as poorly as nation that simply defaulted and cannot find buyer for its national debt.

The video also fails to mention that fractional reserve banking is how baking works whether or not they are not regulated, lightly regulated, heavily regulated or government run. Fractional reserve banking was used before as well as after the creation of a central bank in a given country. Fractional reserve banking is and was used when banks were sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLC's or full fledged corporations. The only time that banks have not utilized fractional reserve baking was when they enjoyed government monopoly status and they mad money by charging massive fees for the privilege of having an account with that bank.

What I like about the video is that it points out that we need rule of law, we need regulations that are simple and that are uniformly enforced and that are neither written to satisfy emotional and populists demands nor are they written by monied interest and other narrowly focused political forces. Most importantly, we need vigilance because even the most well thought out and most well written constitutional (which to say the US Constitution) is worthless when people allow special interests and our law makers and judges and chief executive (the President and the various Governors) to because able to carve out exceptional after exception until the point that the words of the Constitution are merely words and not the ever present and power check on the myriad means of state sanctioned abuses and thefts levies upon us and our fellow citizens.

I know that men like Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson has shameful personal histories as not only slave owners  and womanizers and Jackson was also one was a drunk and a violent hot head. The fact that such imperfect men were still able to do amazing things such as shut down the First and Second attempts, on the part of the New York elite, to make the entire nation into slaves, does not redeem these two men from their role in enslaving fellow human beings but it does balance out their reputation in the eyes of history and it shows that deeply flawed and immoral people are not always wrong an that many heroic deeds emerge from men who generally are not heroic. We cannot wait for a messiah, for that perfect human being who, will shut down or reign in the Federal Reserve, we have to work with the imperfect people within our midst and hope that we can grant them the political capital, which will serve as a fulcrum upon which they can leverage their and our passion into concrete action and into sober and judicious judgement about how best to get public and private finances onto a much more pleasant path then the current one which our ancestors have unwittingly choosen.  


- The Rothschild Story is untrue.
- The untrue Rothschild story reflects anger on the part of those who do not understand money (rich and poor, conservative and liberal alike) who demonize all baking as immoral, wasteful and expletive.
- Behind every powerful and corrupt bank is a government that is equally powerful and corrupt.
- Fractional Reserve Baking is not bad, per se. Fractional reserve baking is bad when short sightedness and/or government guarantees allow the banks to keep too little cash on hand.
- This video is overall very good and explains that we need rule of law for any financial system to work well.
^ but Ron Paul is nuts. He believes in repealing civil rights. He thinks that you can serve this country, come back handicapped, and it would be ok for jobs and establishments to discriminate against you because you are handicapped.
If I'm reading that graphic right, people who are more educated liberals who make less money are fighting against the less educated conservatives who make more?

I'm also wondering what the Occupy movements worldwide have to do with one another besides the name.  The people in Greece, Italy, & Spain are protesting the government cutting their benefits.  Germany is protesting giving their money to irresponsible people.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

If I'm reading that graphic right, people who are more educated liberals who make less money are fighting against the less educated conservatives who make more?

I'm also wondering what the Occupy movements worldwide have to do with one another besides the name.  The people in Greece, Italy, & Spain are protesting the government cutting their benefits.  Germany is protesting giving their money to irresponsible people.

OWS doesn't want peoples money.
They just want to protest against people who basically cheat the system.

E.g. The banks should have failed in 2008. No ifs, ands or buts. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by crcballer55

If I'm reading that graphic right, people who are more educated liberals who make less money are fighting against the less educated conservatives who make more?

I'm also wondering what the Occupy movements worldwide have to do with one another besides the name.  The people in Greece, Italy, & Spain are protesting the government cutting their benefits.  Germany is protesting giving their money to irresponsible people.

OWS doesn't want peoples money.
They just want to protest against people who basically cheat the system.

E.g. The banks should have failed in 2008. No ifs, ands or buts. 
What do you think would have happened if the banks were allowed to fail?
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