Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

^ You are a fool if you think these billionaires and millionaires are going to take normal jobs. Many of them would commit suicide first like they did during the financial collapse.
Originally Posted by NT Brah

Sounds like some kind of threat and an excuse for the antics that these people have gotten away with.. And he makes it seem like the common Occupy Wall St'er is attacking the everyday trader.. They're speaking out against the system itself and the greed involved by using illegal activity.. Even with this rebuttal the ignorance is evident.. So basically Wall St bankers and traders can do whatever they want and will come take your job, wife, eat your kids and rape your maid.. seriously.. as a former teacher I dare these fools to try that for a yr with the pay I received... Go teach in an urban area with your suit and tie for a year.. then come back and write about the entitlements teachers enjoy.. $$*%*.. typical crony talk... the sad thing in america is that theres a good 40 percent that will take their side.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by NT Brah

Sounds like some kind of threat and an excuse for the antics that these people have gotten away with.. And he makes it seem like the common Occupy Wall St'er is attacking the everyday trader.. They're speaking out against the system itself and the greed involved by using illegal activity.. Even with this rebuttal the ignorance is evident.. So basically Wall St bankers and traders can do whatever they want and will come take your job, wife, eat your kids and rape your maid.. seriously.. as a former teacher I dare these fools to try that for a yr with the pay I received... Go teach in an urban area with your suit and tie for a year.. then come back and write about the entitlements teachers enjoy.. $$*%*.. typical crony talk... the sad thing in america is that theres a good 40 percent that will take their side.
Whoever typed that up is deluuuuuuuuusional
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by NT Brah

Sounds like some kind of threat and an excuse for the antics that these people have gotten away with.. And he makes it seem like the common Occupy Wall St'er is attacking the everyday trader.. They're speaking out against the system itself and the greed involved by using illegal activity.. Even with this rebuttal the ignorance is evident.. So basically Wall St bankers and traders can do whatever they want and will come take your job, wife, eat your kids and rape your maid.. seriously.. as a former teacher I dare these fools to try that for a yr with the pay I received... Go teach in an urban area with your suit and tie for a year.. then come back and write about the entitlements teachers enjoy.. $$*%*.. typical crony talk... the sad thing in america is that theres a good 40 percent that will take their side.

yeah i weighed the 3 years they wanted me to put in for a 1 year masters of education with the immense stress and criticism teachers take for a very meager paycheck and decided against it.

they want minority recruitment, they want more male teachers who would rather go into other industries, but they make it damn near impossible to get certified (if you didnt know you wanted to teach applying to college the first time)

i think the system needs to be reformed before i put time into getting certified. honestly, Ohio is the hardest state to get certified in anyway...

i know what goes into a teacher's day everyday....i try my hardest to make their days easier and take any stress off them...its crazy

a 1st grade teacher had an esl student from china last year who scream cried 5 weeks straight....literally. the entire day he scream cried....could hear it in the building.

she was responsible for getting him to pass a standardized test...


teachers are literally second parents these days, in alot of instances the ONLY parent....

its very disgusting that propaganda has turned alot of people against teachers...theyve made them evil, lazy people who steal benefits and money and neglect their children.....when i see them almost in tears from stress, staying at work until 6 or 7 o clock at night, spending a huge percent of their paycheck on their classrooms, etc.

for political gains

its downright disgusting. 

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by NT Brah

Sounds like some kind of threat and an excuse for the antics that these people have gotten away with.. And he makes it seem like the common Occupy Wall St'er is attacking the everyday trader.. They're speaking out against the system itself and the greed involved by using illegal activity.. Even with this rebuttal the ignorance is evident.. So basically Wall St bankers and traders can do whatever they want and will come take your job, wife, eat your kids and rape your maid.. seriously.. as a former teacher I dare these fools to try that for a yr with the pay I received... Go teach in an urban area with your suit and tie for a year.. then come back and write about the entitlements teachers enjoy.. $$*%*.. typical crony talk... the sad thing in america is that theres a good 40 percent that will take their side.

yeah i weighed the 3 years they wanted me to put in for a 1 year masters of education with the immense stress and criticism teachers take for a very meager paycheck and decided against it.

they want minority recruitment, they want more male teachers who would rather go into other industries, but they make it damn near impossible to get certified (if you didnt know you wanted to teach applying to college the first time)

i think the system needs to be reformed before i put time into getting certified. honestly, Ohio is the hardest state to get certified in anyway...

i know what goes into a teacher's day everyday....i try my hardest to make their days easier and take any stress off them...its crazy

a 1st grade teacher had an esl student from china last year who scream cried 5 weeks straight....literally. the entire day he scream cried....could hear it in the building.

she was responsible for getting him to pass a standardized test...


teachers are literally second parents these days, in alot of instances the ONLY parent....

its very disgusting that propaganda has turned alot of people against teachers...theyve made them evil, lazy people who steal benefits and money and neglect their children.....when i see them almost in tears from stress, staying at work until 6 or 7 o clock at night, spending a huge percent of their paycheck on their classrooms, etc.

for political gains

its downright disgusting. 

A ton of it is !**+++%! (in regards to all the flack teachers catch). Every news station in the world is quick to run one of those teacher sleeping with her student stories, but I've YET to see one of those kids ever come out and say "She took advantage of me". I'm not condoning, Jesus, don't let me say that. I don't think a grown woman should be sleeping with a 14 year old boy. But why don't I ever see any stories about the teacher who got her entire class to pass that semester in a school that doesn't graduate more than 50% a year? Because it doesn't have shock value.

No, instead, it's got to be a (insert race here) person who helps a class full of (insert opposing races here) in a place where (teacher's race) are basically non-existent. Because then, we can play Kenny G music behind it and turn it into a Hallmark movie or a "based on a true story" movie by Disney.

Seriously, teaching is one of the most important jobs on this planet. They spend the second highest amount of time, sometimes the MOST with the youth of our country. Don't remember any of your teachers, you say? That's a shame. I remember a ton of them. And I went to a crap public school in a fishing town on the coast, not some prep school where the teachers are all Stanford grads.

I've always felt a major issue with our country is that lack of respect we give to our educators. They deal with ridiculousness on an everyday basis. You think it's bad dealing with your co-worker who acts like a child, imagine it being an ACTUAL child. At least a grown man can reason, if they choose to. A child does not reason.

Whomever is the source of the above picture, okay. Here's the problem with that scenario though. Can YOU live with that? It's one thing to say, yeah, I'll just go live the Middle Class life and push you guys into lower class... but can you really? Talk is one thing. One of the most difficult experiences in life is moving DOWN in terms of social class or qualities of life. I've seen people's families go from the 3 bedroom house, 2 car garage to the 1 bedroom apt with a station wagon.

Fact of the matter is, if this thing keeps going the way it's headed... it's going to get real ugly. Because the "99%" will eventually get violent. That's just a fact. Numbers. There are more of them than "1%'s". And when that happens, welcome to the Police State.
Every job has its challenges, you making a teachers job sound like some elite black ops joint, yeah perhaps they should get paid more, they do deal with a lot of crap not only from students but also the parents...but then again I can't feel too bad for them, when they get EVERY holiday off PAID and the whole summer off me another job that offers that?...

Also when you say a child doesn't reason, you mean very young kids....either way if you are having trouble controlling your students to the point where your job becomes the toughest job in America, you might not be cut out for the job...I know teachers in all sorts of schools from public to private, from 1st grade to high schoolers and they have fun with their kids, they don't really look at it as a hassle.
Live from El Salvador....

Whoever wrote that piece is ******ed....

Ain't nobody thinking about the average day trader. Anyone can be a trader. Not everyone can send lobbyist to pass legislation for 0 percent tax and free bailout money.

When I get back next week Ill be starting a documentary hopefully I'll have it done in a month... Gonna get some smart people on camera along with myself and clear the air on who we should be directing our energy towards, because all this bickering gets us nowhere...

Back to sunny skies warm ocean and free drinks... Y'all be easy
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Live from El Salvador....

Whoever wrote that piece is ******ed....

Ain't nobody thinking about the average day trader. Anyone can be a trader. Not everyone can send lobbyist to pass legislation for 0 percent tax and free bailout money.

When I get back next week Ill be starting a documentary hopefully I'll have it done in a month... Gonna get some smart people on camera along with myself and clear the air on who we should be directing our energy towards, because all this bickering gets us nowhere...

Back to sunny skies warm ocean and free drinks... Y'all be easy

Dudes could have capitalized on the 99%er brand and launched a clothing line by now. But yea....
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Sneaks23

Peter Schiff takes on the 99%. He just crushes some of these people.

Good watch. Need help with the embed though.


Dude used meme in real life�
�Richard Dawkins first theorized on the term meme, bama.�
 FWIW,I saw A LOT of agreement between Schiff and the protesters. 
Go back to perpetuating ignorance through your usual channel (music).�
A bit of a long read, but this is what Warren Buffett would do and it's a damn good idea.

Warren Buffett, "I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just ...pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all
sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. The 26th
amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months
& 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in
1971...before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc. Of the 27 amendments to
the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the
land...all because of public pressure.

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of
twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the
message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office
and receives no pay when they are out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All
funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security
system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system,
and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for
any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay
will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the
same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/12.
The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen
made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor,
not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours
should serve their term's), then go home and back to work.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Sneaks23

Peter Schiff takes on the 99%. He just crushes some of these people.

Good watch. Need help with the embed though.


Dude used meme in real life�
�Richard Dawkins first theorized on the term meme, bama.�
�FWIW,I saw A LOT of agreement between Schiff and the protesters.�
Go back to perpetuating ignorance through your usual channel (music).�

You really think son was talking about biology? 
My channel? Son I own real estate and 2 tax franchises and Oh and I make people famous for a living.
 Me and my homie bout to finance this Subway franchise too. (I dont try to boasts but you fools keep playing me weak tho)

So Ill stay ignorant in Bama/Georgia/Florida you keep being frustrated.

A drought defines a man when the well dries up
I said it, take the fight to Washington....they allow for the greed to happen...the majority in those high positions would do exactly the same, lmao @ that random 1%'er sounding as hypocritical as she possibly can
This matter is so deep. Warren Buffet does speak the truth, but ain't nobody listening especially after the so called "Warren Buffet" rule
You don't know what a meme is but you do know what was inside that man's head. Look up meme. Seriously. You ever wonder why there is a differentiation by calling things "internet memes".

Ah, personal boasts to make up for his dearth of intelligence on the matters at hand!!

He owns real estate! WOW.

"Money doesn't make the man."
Man says "I'm broke" people reply, "we don't care why you broke, could be laziness or plain bad luck we know thy feel bro"

Man says "I work hard for my money and own real estate" people reply, "you arrogant as @!%+, you love attention, you look down on everyone else"

Not taking shots, but that seems to be the automatic reply whenever someone mentions that they are doing good for themselves, seems like a taboo on NT.
What does any of that have to do with this thread? I don't care about you. I care about your opinions and ideas. It's clear which ones are informed and which ones aren't. I don't need to tell you which camp you lead.
The animosity and anger is craaazzyyyy.

I wasn't really asking for your approval though, just making an observation that is not far from the truth.
Schiff and others are misinformed about the protests because of stupidity and the perpetuation of false narratives. Look at the end of the video. He has no idea what these protests are concerning.

Sorry, I won't sit by and tolerate that in this thread.

There are many other threads where stupidity is more than welcome.

Movements are started often out of a spark, an instance or an occurrence that just brings people together for a common issue that has been long overdue, I don't agree that they need a clear set of ideology, or even objectives yet. There are so many diverse members of the movement that it would be beneficial to gain as much of a following as possible, and then come to the table with a well thought out plan, no rush, I feel that should be the stage when wall street/ Washington is ready to talk. They used the same tactics with civil rights. Join together, and when they'll listen, you talk.
I thought the Black guy owned Peter Shiff in that video. He really didn't have a response for the slavery point of view, civil rights, and couldn't really support his ideas for getting rid of the FDA and EPA.
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