Armando Galarraga, Tigers, robbed by Jim Joyce

much respect for Jim Joyce for owning up to his bad desicion and being emotional about it. Even more respect for Armando, he handle it with class and respect, something 99.5% of us wouldn't been able to do. If you think that it wasn't a perfect game you didn't watch the same game I did, I don't need a record book to tell me what's perfect, the same record book that tells me a bunch of men on steroids are on the top 20 of the home run list. A record book is just a record book but when you see a man make a mistake and actually own up to it and you see a professional athlete handle it with class and respect and the two can shake hands the next morning, now that's PERFECT
i dont think it would be that hard....just give an earpiece to all the ump and have someone sit in boxes looking at monitors and if there is a wrong call the ump would hear it in his ear and its fixed in seconds...i mean with the technology we have i dont see how that wouldnt work
Originally Posted by aaronpayumo

[h6]Everybody can blame the ump for Armando Galarraga's perfect game, I'm gonna blame that you gonna hustle to the bag. C'mon son.



Blame the runner really? When your on the oposite end of a perfect game you don't the players on the other side aren't doing all they can you prevent being a part of history?

C'mon son
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Durden7

I dont see any way in which baseball has a good replay system.
IMO it's so simple!!!

you set up a place upstairs for an ump or two to sit with a high definition TV (i would call it "the brain")

whenever they see a wrong call (not balls/strikes) they phone down to the umps and they change it. it takes less than 10 seconds to see if a call was made wrong.
So EVERY single call will be reviewed and if its wrong the ruling on the field changes?


i'm sick of the argument that it will take more time. get it !*+%##+ right. it might even shorten the game if people are called out more correctly. while the player his scratching his balls in the batters box, they can review it. it's literally 7 seconds.
Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

much respect for Jim Joyce for owning up to his bad desicion and being emotional about it. Even more respect for Armando, he handle it with class and respect, something 99.5% of us wouldn't been able to do. If you think that it wasn't a perfect game you didn't watch the same game I did, I don't need a record book to tell me what's perfect, the same record book that tells me a bunch of men on steroids are on the top 20 of the home run list. A record book is just a record book but when you see a man make a mistake and actually own up to it and you see a professional athlete handle it with class and respect and the two can shake hands the next morning, now that's PERFECT


But yea, after hearing all the post game talk from Jim Joyce last night I really felt bad for him. He knew he %%@#%% up and he manned up and apologized. I couldnt be mad at him anymore. Im glad that he got a nice reception from the Tigers fans and that Leyland and Galarraga were able to "forgive" him. He made a mistake and he owned up to it, how can you stay mad?
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Durden7

I dont see any way in which baseball has a good replay system.
IMO it's so simple!!!

you set up a place upstairs for an ump or two to sit with a high definition TV (i would call it "the brain")

whenever they see a wrong call (not balls/strikes) they phone down to the umps and they change it. it takes less than 10 seconds to see if a call was made wrong.
So EVERY single call will be reviewed and if its wrong the ruling on the field changes?


i'm sick of the argument that it will take more time. get it !*+%##+ right. it might even shorten the game if people are called out more correctly. while the player his scratching his balls in the batters box, they can review it. it's literally 7 seconds.
The game will take forever.  In NO way will it ever shorten the games. 

You cant review every single call.

People just need to calm down about this game.  Theres no need to totally revamp the way the game is played because of one call in a regular season game.  Prisoners of the moment.
Like Franchise said...Give each manager 1-2 "challenges" where you can use instant replay and have another 2 umpires on the booth with the replay cameras, etc. to avoid slowing down the game. Makes PERFECT sense to me.....
Dub, if they go into the booth to review every questionable call it'll lengthen the game immensely. They have to go downstairs below the dugouts to review the HR's, I'm assuming they'd have any reviews there.

NHL they only have reviews on goals.
NFL in the last two minutes or coaches challenges.
NBA to end the quarters.
MLB with just HR's.

If they change MLB to the managers having one or two challenges a game, then I'm all for that. Aggressive replay for every instance in an MLB, and trust there are plays like that one many times in almost every game, would be foolish for MLB.
This dude Galarraga is class personified . Most people would have went postal. Dude stayed cool in the heat of the moment and after the game when the dust settled a bit. Props
not gonna lie, that was kinda sad to watch, AND frustrating and Im not even the one pitching

Hopefully he gets another chance like this
yea....i woulda spazzed out on joyce.

i feel sorry for him now... people putting his family in it and digging him out about it.

i don't think i would feel sorry if he didn't outwardly apologize and own up to what he did.

like gallaraga said, you've never heard of an umpire apologizing for a call. (then again, there probably haven't been many situations like this one.)

i don't like the tigers at all, but i always root for history to be made.
Bud Selig has just issued a statement saying:

"Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said he will not change the umpire's call, it will not be a perfect game, live with it. Baseball."

Selig just announced he will examine MLB's umpiring system and possible expanded use of instant replay

"vital that mistakes on the field be addressed.''
Originally Posted by Proshares

Dub, if they go into the booth to review every questionable call it'll lengthen the game immensely. They have to go downstairs below the dugouts to review the HR's, I'm assuming they'd have any reviews there.

NHL they only have reviews on goals.
NFL in the last two minutes or coaches challenges.
NBA to end the quarters.
MLB with just HR's.

If they change MLB to the managers having one or two challenges a game, then I'm all for that. Aggressive replay for every instance in an MLB, and trust there are plays like that one many times in almost every game, would be foolish for MLB.
nobody has to go anywhere. you give the umpire and earpiece to wear. 2 umps are sitting in a booth watching the game like the rest of us. if the play is wrong, he whispers into the umps earpiece that he mssed up. they correct the mistake.

that's it. easy. it wouldn't $$% alot of time, becaus ethe umps get 97% of the calls right.
Props to Leyland, Gall and Joyce for their handling of a bad situation. Classy stuff
Galarraga has gone from a relatively unknown to the most beloved man in Baseball in about 18 hours.
Deservingly so.

This short period of time has been handled with the most class i've ever seen.
its the 9th, 2 outs - and this happens? feel bad for the kid.

Hope this leads to some sort of review system.

IMO it wouldn't prolong the game that much, the games are already long and drawn out + the commercials, so you might as well have the chance to get a call like that right. They could do it like the NFL and have each team get 2-3 challenges a game and I liked the idea of the earphone in the umps here w/someone up in the box reviewing the video and then giving the call to the on-field umpire.

it may not be in the books, but Armando got a perfect game - and at least everyone knows that

the umpire manned up and made a bad call. It happens. Atleast he wasn't stubborn about it and tried to deny it. He has been totally sincere about the whole thing and truly feels bad about the call. Fans shouldn't threaten him and his family. Even though he ruined a kids place in history, its just a game and everyone makes mistakes. This just happens to be a HUGE mistake when it comes to being an umpire

Oh yeah, I hate Selig but he can't reverse the call. It could open a can of worms about previous and future questionable calls. As the rules stand, it can't be reversed - the ump made the call and thats it. But I think this will hopefully be the last straw and baseball will get a review system.
Although Bud is awful, there really is nothing he could do. If he did decide to declare it perfect game, it would have started a major __storm with past mistakes now having to be reviewed.
I actually think this will be a good thing for Galarraga because this perfect game will ALWAYS be mentioned even though it is not official. All parties handled this situation with immense class.
Chevy gave galarraga a corvette before the game...they drove it out onto the field!!! and Joyce cried when he walked out on to the field, then again when galarraga submitted the lineup card......

but I need a few gifs made asap.........

nuclear bomb explosion, then joyce calling it safe........
someone juggling grenades, then joyce calling it safe
someone playing russian roulette, then joyce calling it safe

you get the picture.....where is crank lucas when you need him? I need the gif train to start rolling out on this....
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

I actually think this will be a good thing for Galarraga because this perfect game will ALWAYS be mentioned even though it is not official. All parties handled this situation with immense class.

Very true although I still feel for the kid. 

I disagree heavily with the people saying there still shouldn't be a review system implemented in MLB besides HRs.  Mike Francesa today is strongly against any review which is baffling because I am of firm belief that if you have the technology to get it right, take the human error out of the game in these vital instances. 
Originally Posted by blakmn89

its a shame dat happen cus it makes mlb look rigged like nba smh.
How so?  Joyce admitted his fault and was sincere about it.

NBA refs never own up to making bad calls, but rather try to justify anything controversial or blow it off completely.
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