Armando Galarraga, Tigers, robbed by Jim Joyce

Managers should be allowed to at least "challenge" one close play per game (eff replay on every play, home runs are enough).

The incompetence of some of these umpires nowadays though, they need replay to smack em' in the face.

That was terrible to watch, and baseball just can't over-rule it or anything so it will stand and Joyce will be known for that till he dies.
I just don't get how he called him safe. If I was the ump I would have punched Donald out before Cabrera threw the ball to Galarraga.
I think were all forgetting that this is OPs fault. Screw you OP.
Jim Joyce just issued a statement.

He thought the runner did beat the throw and was sure he did until he saw the replays and realized he totally blew the call. Expressed a lot of regret for costing Galarraga a perfect game.
baseball really needs to get out of the 19th century and get with the instant replay.... they use it in hockey, basketball and football, why not baseball?

Joyce was distraught. "Most important call of my career and I kicked the s$&t out of it. I cost that kid a perfect game."
At least Joyce knows he @+!*%@ up. However, based off the replay, it appeared Joyce was staring directly at the play as it unfolded. Because of that, how he blew the call is beyond me.

What a great moment in Comerica:Jim Joyce apologizes to Galarraga, Galarraga accepts, they hug. Class by Joyce, incredible class by the kid.
- Peter King's twitter.
I asked Galarraga if he felt he had something stolen from him: "Yes. Absolutely."
Tom Leyden's twitter.

I legitimately feel bad for Galarraga.
"I just cost that kid a perfect game," Joyce said. "I thought he beatthe throw. I was convinced he beat the throw, until I saw the replay.""It was the biggest call of my career," said Joyce, who became a full-time major league umpire in 1989.
"I don't blame them a bit or anything that was said," Joyce said. "Iwould've said it myself if I had been Galarraga. I would've been thefirst person in my face, and he never said a word to me."
Venezuelans everywhere are gettin heated

The umpire made a horrible call... Ese umpire se volvio loco...Venezuela esta orgullosa de Armando Galarraga.. 15 minutes ago viaUberTwitter

hugo chavez where are you?
Chavez still mourning the death of his butt buddy Edwin Valero.

Anyway, feel horrible for Armando Galarraga. He got robbed. On top of that, this completely overshadows Griffey Jr.'s retirement announcement.
Horrible just horrible
just imagine 3 perfect games this season.  Key words "just imagine"
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