Armando Galarraga, Tigers, robbed by Jim Joyce

Joyce is the type of dude to note vote someone into the Hall of Fame so that person won't get a unanimous.
That was heartbreaking. It was technically the last out. Galarraga got 27 out of 27.

Damn shame.

He should be awarded a perfect game. Somehow.
That was heartbreaking. It was technically the last out. Galarraga got 27 out of 27.

Damn shame.

He should be awarded a perfect game. Somehow.
im still mad about it and im not a tigers dont do that type of stuff man.... the play wasnt even close....thats horrible
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I learned all I needed to know about Jim Joyce on that play.

You know you're a genuine !+%* when you make that call. Even if he was safe, how do you call him out on out 27 of 27 of a perfect game?


Even if dude was safe by a mile, I'm calling his @!$ out.
RyGuy45, we found the clearcut winner for your "Turkey of the Year" post when November/Thanksgiving rolls around.
Keep in mind that the Joe West-Mark Buehrle thing was against the Indians, too.

Too bad he and Jim Joyce aren't NBA referees. The Cavs might still be playing.

Strange things happen to this team. Snowed out series', playing home games in someone else's yard, midges attacking opposing pitchers, line drives off of birds...
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