have any of you ever even seen a chicken?

interesting move by netflix. i would have preferred showtime. 
I'm in the process of finishing Season Three. This show automatically became a favorite of mine. I have no idea how I missed this show years ago.
One of the best shows all me in the pilot when Buster was asked the directions on the map.
Tobias, Buster, and George Michael in that poster :lol:

I had a slight crush on Maeby, looks like she's growing into her own perhaps :evil:.
No, it's still her.
The concrete promise of 10 new episodes of Arrested Development  represented a tidy resolution for the show, with a nice round number and everything, creating an unfamiliar feeling of fulfillment for fans. Fortunately, Mitch Hurwitz has returned the project to the nebulousness to which we are more accustomed, asking Netflix to up the order to around 12 to 15 episodes  to accommodate all the new material he and the crew have generated. Open-ended plans, vague avowals of awesomeness, a halt in production while they figure out how to make the new material work and get everyone's schedule sorted—these are the conditions in which an Arrested Development  fan can truly thrive. That we still have to wait for an official episode count and premiere date beyond "spring 2013" only adds to the continued sweet mystery of life.,89797/
Arrested  is applying a new model, less because of its new home than competing demands for its stars, several of whom appear in other projects. “Contractually, we couldn’t use all the characters in every episode; they were not free to do as much television as they want,” Hurwitz says.

Each of 13 or 14 episodes (up from 10 originally planned) will focus on a single character, and only Michael Bluth (Jason Bateman), the level-headed son who holds the clan together, will appear in all of them. (Michael Cera, who plays son George Michael, is also now among the show’s writers.)

“The show will look very different,” Hurwitz says, and is being assembled as a “very, very complex puzzle” from scenes shot out of sequence over many months…”We’re not jumping from one thing to another; you’re staying with one character,” while other cast members appear in smaller roles, and recurring characters played by Henry Winkler and Liza Minnelli, among others, will return.

“The bigger story is the family has fallen apart at the start of our show,” Hurwitz says. “They all went their own way, without Michael holding them together, so they’re left to their own devices, and they’re not the most successful devices.” The season is designed as a “first act to what we eventually want to do, which is a big movie,” though there’s no guarantee it will ever get made.

“Each individual (episode) kind of depicts what happens in 2006 as the Bluths fled from the law on the Queen Mary” in what was once the series’ finale, then explains what’s happened to them since and leaves them in the present day, he says
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