Arrow TV

Last episode, in that red dress, you get a great look at it. I commented on it asap in here.
Emily Bett Rickards/Felicity is my favorite. Them legs...
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i spent the past week catching up with all the episodes on Netflix and the CW website. My favorite part of this show is whenever they show the flashbacks. There's always a twist to the storyline and it's very entertaining. The Flash was the reason I wanted to catch up on this series, and i'm glad i did.

and, Felicity Smoak :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: . That is all.
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He escaped so easily from Nissa and Oliver.

All these characters wearing impractical hoods. Wearing ski masks would be better.
Was that the lazarus pit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Should be. But, since Arrow keeps it grounded (except mirakuru to some extent) it might be nothing more but an Easter Egg.

But, if I remember it correctly... when Malcolm Merlyn first came back and revealed herself to Moira he did say something about learning tricks in Nanda Parbat. So there might be a slight chance we do see the pit in full effect.
I was expecting R'as to look cooler. He's looking like someone's grandpa. Surprised Nissa xdidn't question her dad about killing Sarah.
I was expecting R'as to look cooler. He's looking like someone's grandpa. Surprised Nissa xdidn't question her dad about killing Sarah.
Especially after he said "Sara was never really one of us" you would think the light bulb would turn on in her head.

Roy's flip over the car had me rollin 
Yeah, that parkour roll over the car was completely unnecessary. All he had to do was walk 2 steps to get in front of Thea.

Nyssa is in deep denial if she thinks her dad wouldn't kill her bae.
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Nyssa said "It appears" when he asked if Merlin killed Sarah. Think she's playing along... confronting him head on won't get her anywhere.

Sara was surprised when she got killed as if it were a "friendly" she wouldn't have been if Merlin ran up on her so that gave it away.
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That's her other option. She'll continue to try and gather more info. Her dad could've simply told her to date someone else though. Villains always have to be serious about stuff.
Yeah simply telling your kids what to do always works. :lol:

He tried to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Sara was a way easier target keeping her away from his daughter while framing Merlin...getting the word out he's alive and more people to hunt him.

Thea is an idiot. She's lying and keeping secrets while Merlin and Oliver are lying/keeping secrets too :lol:
Any chance it was Thea? Would've caught Sara off-guard. Thea could've been doing it to protect Merlin since Sara was essentially hunting him down. Keeps the blood off of Malcom's hands. If the plan is to turn Thea into a villain, this would be a good way to do it. Oliver already said there aren't many high-level archers in the world.
Any chance it was Thea? Would've caught Sara off-guard. Thea could've been doing it to protect Merlin since Sara was essentially hunting him down. Keeps the blood off of Malcom's hands. If the plan is to turn Thea into a villain, this would be a good way to do it. Oliver already said there aren't many high-level archers in the world.
thea and merlin were training at wherever they went last episode at the time so it wasnt her
I don't really know who it could be at this point.... Even if Ra's did have her killed he obviously didn't do it himself... And I doubt they'd have random unnamed LOA member X kill her. Would be highly anticlimactic after all this buildup. It has to be someone we've already met before on the show... Or some other fairly known DCU character... I debated it being the Huntress for a bit but it was obviously a man, and I don't think even she's that reckless.

I really do have no idea who it is :lol:
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Did the killer shoot her with multiple arrows at the same time? merlin used that technique this episode. Maybe it's something they teach you in the League so it could've been a LOA member or a former member that hasn't been introduced yet. Too many damn archers on this show.
Pretty sure Thea isn't a high level archer at this point shooting 3 arrows. They've shown some combat training etc but on the streets killing people? :lol: That's a huge leap.

Maybe something to do with Amanda Waller :nerd:
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