Artist Takes Every Drug Known to Man, Draws Self Portraits After Each Use

No Blood of Lilith?
those amounts aint that much...1/2 gram coke pssh..the bath salts thing he probably did a really small amount and alot of those drugs put you straight to sleep..and alot of those are anti anxiety and other lame prescriptions for old looneys..and he didnt do every drug come on man no shooting up heroin or even smokin some crack... 

10mg of adderall=nothing a 10 yr old kid can take that and just concentrate on his cartoons or homework

a bump of meth??? just lots of crap in here but still great pictures.

one klonopin one dilaudid? sorry but as a old street scientist this offends me.
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Im with all those saying he probably took super low doses that didn't alter his state of mind drastically. I just dont see how on each and every one of those drugs he was able to look down at his hand and see a drawing utensil and a blank canvas board in front of him, and still know what the f#*$ his main objective was.
those amounts aint that much...1/2 gram coke pssh..the bath salts thing he probably did a really small amount and alot of those drugs put you straight to sleep..and alot of those are anti anxiety and other lame prescriptions for old looneys..and he didnt do every drug come on man no shooting up heroin or even smokin some crack... 

10mg of adderall=nothing a 10 yr old kid can take that and just concentrate on his cartoons or homework

a bump of meth??? just lots of crap in here but still great pictures.

one klonopin one dilaudid? sorry but as a old street scientist this offends me.
Damn right same thing im saying, and unless he had that raw dog hollywood and other high grades of those drugs then the effects aren't the same at all, im not even sure if some people would feel 10mg of addy...
Damn right same thing im saying, and unless he had that raw dog hollywood and other high grades of those drugs then the effects aren't the same at all, im not even sure if some people would feel 10mg of addy...

:tongue: lol the Bol is a lightweight....he was even taking antibiotics witch is beyond dumb....3 mg of Xanax would do justice if you never did it before, but it looked like the k pins merc'd him and I find bars to be way stronger...perc 7.5s? I wish I got right off that I need 10 of those
“After experiencing drastic changes in my environment, I looked for other experiences that might profoundly affect my perception of the self. So I devised another experiment where everyday I took a different drug and drew myself under the influence. Within weeks I became lethargic and suffered mild brain damage. I am still conducting this experiment but over greater lapses of time. I only take drugs that are given to me.

I guess if you're in the D.C area you can give him some heroin or crack and he'll take it
I'm not a drug guy but I would have done everything on that board besides crystal meth, heroin, and bath salts. Especially shrooms!
this is way too cool.

some of those pictures could only be drawn by a fried brain. homies gonna be regrettin all this sooner than later lol. regardless, much respect cause this is true genius.

hash, shrooms, syrup --- thats my **** right there... rarely mess with drank anymore -- too expensive/addicting.

that dmt pic is on another level. all the intertwined lines, thats some on another realm ****. i cant wait to try it.

that adderall pic is too real as well.
this is way too cool.
some of those pictures could only be drawn by a fried brain. homies gonna be regrettin all this sooner than later lol. regardless, much respect cause this is true genius.
hash, shrooms, syrup --- thats my **** right there... rarely mess with drank anymore -- too expensive/addicting.
that dmt pic is on another level. all the intertwined lines, thats some on another realm ****. i cant wait to try it.
that adderall pic is too real as well.

youre crazy
You can get high off the **** you use to spray to get the dust out from btwn the keys on your keyboard?!

Clearly i'm out the loop. I haven't heard of most of these drugs.
He's the Morgan Spurlock of drugs.

I've done something similar only it was after I gave others the drugs. You should see my Rohypnol-inspired Pollacks.
You can get high off the **** you use to spray to get the dust out from btwn the keys on your keyboard?!
Clearly i'm out the loop. I haven't heard of most of these drugs.

Yeah man...way high.

Where's iboga though?

But yeah..I don't believe this. Seems to me like he's trying to get a little notoriety by appealing to the drug culture. I'm supposed to believe that he did that awesome painting while on salvia but could barely manage a crude cartoon after chewing some nicotine gum? I'm not buying it. I thought the experiment with the spiders was a bit more interesting.

Dude is definitely a talented artist though...I love that very last image.
You can get high off the **** you use to spray to get the dust out from btwn the keys on your keyboard?!
Clearly i'm out the loop. I haven't heard of most of these drugs.
Reeeeaaall high actually, but it only last at most for 10 seconds and can kill you, talking about all these different drugs makes me think about Fear and Loathing in LV 
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