Asian Culture Discussion Thread

Such trash.

Dealt with this type of stuff throughout my childhood, that whole "Chinese, Japanese, Tawaiinese" thing, with pulling eyes up side down. To which I'd say I'm Korean, and usually was told "You're all the same".

As an adult, I lived in ATL for a bit, had a coworker that was genuinely stunned to learn that Asians aren't "all the same".

From my experience.. its mainly down south where they think all asians are chinese.

Have a coworker whos in his early 40 move up here (seattle) a few years ago from SC and he legit didnt know there where other asian ethnicities besides chinese. Straight told me back home he called all asians Chinese.

Ironically his current gf now is thai.

@sckid... thoughts? :nerd:
I use to get questions like "Are you Asian or _ (Asian country)" all the time. Like son, what are you asking me?

Funniest **** was seeing people add 'nese' to the end of Asian nationalities for no reason lmao. Phillipinese. Tibetanese.

I feel like, esp the more hood people I hung out with growing up, Chinese is used all the time instead of Asian. I'm not actually sure what they think Asian is then. I guess in their head it's a country next to China.
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From my experience.. its mainly down south where they think all asians are chinese.

Have a coworker whos in his early 40 move up here (seattle) a few years ago from SC and he legit didnt know there where other asian ethnicities besides chinese. Straight told me back home he called all asians Chinese.

Ironically his current gf now is thai.

@sckid... thoughts? :nerd:

I should clarify, the ignorant co-worker was stunned that Asians care that people know we aren't just "the same".
He also told me he watches Asian pron so he's not racist :sick::smh::lol::smh:
To me, it's just hard to grasp someone not knowing, even if they've never met an actual Asian person, because almost every American war of the 20th century involved an Asian country.....

I think someone can have Asian friends, co-workers, boyfriends, girlfriends, be married to one, love k-pop, anime, food etc yet still be racist towards Asians.
Some feel they aren't racist because they aren't "hating" or it's "positive stereotype" or it's overreacting.

Saw an Asian poker pro tweet about something that happened at the table, basically some guy won a hand against the pro, and loudly declared "There's a ch_nk in the armor, repeated "Ch*nk" several times". What struck me was the vast number of comments about how the saying isn't racist and the Asian was the one making it "racial".

sucks to see people still doing this and passing it on to the next generation. A lot of kids are actually doing this in snaps and sending them to their asian classmates. Bad enough being bullied at school, but now kids gotta deal with this bs on their phones too

My response to that is

"My eyes are wide screen. I see things in 4k hd. You have crappy CRT eyes." ahhahahahahhahaha

Or I tell em, " yup, me , Kobe, Brad Pitt, and Tyson Beckford got chinky eyes, and I wink at their girl after". The response I get is just plain perplexing because of my arrogance in the response.
From my experience.. its mainly down south where they think all asians are chinese.

Have a coworker whos in his early 40 move up here (seattle) a few years ago from SC and he legit didnt know there where other asian ethnicities besides chinese. Straight told me back home he called all asians Chinese.

Ironically his current gf now is thai.

@sckid... thoughts? :nerd:
down south they think all latinos are mexican... lol

i was exposed to asians as a youth... I took kyokushin kai from ages 8 to 14. My shihan was japanese and my uncle was big into karate flix, so he schooled me on koreans, japanese and chinese. I couldnt really tell the difference in between races by looking at them until i went to Japan for a year while in the military, and now i can tell who is who just off of facial structure.. well most of the time.
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down south they think all latinos are mexican... lol

i was exposed to asians as a youth... I took kyokushin kai from ages 8 to 14. My shihan was japanese and my uncle was big into karate flix, so he schooled me on koreans, japanese and chinese. I couldnt really tell the difference in between races by looking at them until i went to Japan for a year while in the military, and now i can tell who is who just off of facial structure.. well most of the time.

That's dope.
I think for me the issue isn't others not being to tell us apart. While I think most Asians can identify some Asians based on appearance, name, etc, it's not always that easy. I mean, when I walk into a Korean restaurant, I get greeted in English (no #1 indicator they don't think you're Korean) but when I'm in Seafood City for example, someone random will tell me how much they love k-drama :lol:

The issue is that many non-Asians just don't think there is any difference, resulting in generalizations, stereotyping, basically dismissing the importance Asians put on our respective heritage and histories.
Im sure Latinos get the same treatment with them all being "Mexican"
In Southern California, there are far more Mexicans than other Hispanics. You have Salvadoreans in LA but theyre still outnumbered by Mexicans. So I think a lot of it has to do with that too.
From my experience.. its mainly down south where they think all asians are chinese.

Have a coworker whos in his early 40 move up here (seattle) a few years ago from SC and he legit didnt know there where other asian ethnicities besides chinese. Straight told me back home he called all asians Chinese.

Ironically his current gf now is thai.

@sckid... thoughts? :nerd:

I think it's just an individual thing
People obviously know there are other Asian ethnicities besides Chinese but Chinese means asian u know what I'm sayin.
It's just one of those things.
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Koreans are easiest to tell for me.

Genuinely curious, how? I mean what are some characteristics that stand out?
I don't mean the plastic surgery ig look for women, but just regular people?

To me personally Chinese, Korean, Tawainese, Japanese, we all look different, with very distinct traits. So do SE Asians.

For awhile Mongolians dominated the K-town babysitting and valet parking scene.
Now that was confusing asf.....
Genuinely curious, how? I mean what are some characteristics that stand out?
I don't mean the plastic surgery ig look for women, but just regular people?

To me personally Chinese, Korean, Tawainese, Japanese, we all look different, with very distinct traits. So do SE Asians.

For awhile Mongolians dominated the K-town babysitting and valet parking scene.
Now that was confusing asf.....

idk how to explain it :lol:

but one of the things, for some guys sometimes its hair, girls it's style of makeup
I can’t tell anyone apart. Sometimes I can’t even tell who’s Filipino. Some look Chinese, Spanish, Mexican, or another dark Asian.
I can usually tell who's filipino

The rest not so much.

Some people from Guam look Filipino
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