Asian males=no respect vol. Hollywood

Originally Posted by Smedroc

whats racist about putting out project fires and killing crack dealers?? any citizen would be proud to have them achievements under their belts

made me laugh
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by eaalto

Eh, I give respect for Shady posting up his pictures, he is secure in who he is and he isn't afraid to hide it. I have no problem with that. I don't think he makes Asians look bad, his behavior is not inherent to his race, it was born from his upbringing and surroundings.

I don't really like to use the word swag, but, plenty of non-Asians on here use it all the time and it goes overlooked. Just because his personality doesn't seem like it "fits," doesn't mean you need to give him a hard time or say he makes Asians look bad. Just let him be him. You all got totally off topic with this post, his point was that Asians don't get much respect in Hollywood, and you all completely derailed it.

I'll never understand why people argue back and forth on here, trying to disprove each other. It's just dumb.
You see those pics? Son thinks he hard saying the N word around white boys, c'mon...thats reaching.

Hes a scrub, no @*@#, but if you have swag, you have it, son has none.

If he was a Rascal from Long Beach i can understand saying N,...hes a nerdy asian dude tryin to fit it saying N, in Miami...

Thats what I was thinking... This is my first time seeing this thread and I read a few pages where dude talking about all these hoods but I see a pic of himsurrounded by white dudes on the beach...
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

You complain about Asians not getting respect, yet you (and a many other Asians) act blackimage. Embrace your culture "cuh"
can you explain what is Asian or Asian American culture?
Can you also explain what acting Black is?

You really want to take it there?
On Niketalk?

Youve much to learn Dirty.
MUCH to learn.

yes I do...
and me if you're so enlightened.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

You complain about Asians not getting respect, yet you (and a many other Asians) act blackimage. Embrace your culture "cuh"
can you explain what is Asian or Asian American culture?
Can you also explain what acting Black is?

You really want to take it there?
On Niketalk?

Youve much to learn Dirty.
MUCH to learn.
yes I do...
and me if you're so enlightened.

I have heard this so much in my life and its to the point where its just funny...

You can't act black... Some people are just a product of their environment...

If you any race besides black and you grow up in the pj's or have some hood in you apparently you act black...
Dirtylicious wrote:
You complain about Asians not getting respect, yet you (and a many other Asians) act blackimage. Embrace your culture "cuh"
can you explain what is Asian or Asian American culture?
Can you also explain what acting Black is?

First off, I am not Asian therefore I cant truly elaborate on the Asian American/Asian culture. However are you telling me that there is no characteristics,customs, traditions. . . that predominantly pertain to one culture or another? By characteristics, customs, et cetera., I mean a wide variety of things; fromthe food you eat, the way you talk, the way you dress, to the music that you like.

By acting black, which I originally contemplated placing in quotations due to the fact that I find this to be a dubious saying (I figuered NT would know what Imeant, so I decided to leave the quotations out), I meant that OP is impersonating what is portrayed as a black man in todays media. Agian I have always hatedthis "acting black" saying, mainly because when a Black man is educated, dresses profesionally, and uses proper grammar he isnt really black, he is"acting white." So in a way "acting black" sets confines of what a black man is and can do. However people who are NOT black Do actblack, Walking around as if theyre Lil Wayne, "Yo my N my swag is crazy, Look at my fresh 5XL "stop snitchin" screen printed tee cuh . . .

I mean I dont see anything wrong with an Asian man liking music that is predominantly made and marketed to African Americans, I dont see Anything wrong with aMexican man wearing clothing that is associated with African Americans, take FUBU for example (which I think stands for Fashionable Unique Beautiful Ultrahip,I might be wrong tought). I dont see anything wrong with a white man has a room full of Malcom X, Tupac, Michael Jordan, and Tommie Smith/John Carlos posters. But when I see some one who is not African American, doing all of the above. . .

OP's verbiage ("swag run deep", "cuh," to his admittance of the N word) lead me to the conclusion, that he is trying to be something heis not. Yet he is complaining of the lack of respect for what he is. So if OP, came in here saying "you homes howcome them Vatos be talking trash aboutAsians, that $#*# pisses me off ese. Comes in here post a pic of himself with a number X3 Raider Jersey, while wearing some Nike cortezes you wouldn't belike
man o man, why can't "doing your homework", or "graduating college", or "not getting pregnant before the age of 20" becharacteristics of "acting black"!?
Originally Posted by sn00pee

man o man, why can't "doing your homework", or "graduating college", or "not getting pregnant before the age of 20" be characteristics of "acting black"!?

That would be a blessing ...really.
Originally Posted by 21shots

You complain about Asians not getting respect, yet you (and a many other Asians) act black
. Embrace your culture "cuh"
O rly? I was born and raised in the projects, I'd say one is a product of their environment. I know black dudes that was raised in Chinatownand hang wit the homies and they act "Asian" how do you explain that? Should i go up to them and tell them to embarce their culture too?
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Just wanna put this out there,

in Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus the Asian scientist bags the white chick (Debbie Gibson).

Julius F. Wrek
somebody actually watched this movie??
Originally Posted by 21shots

Dirtylicious wrote:
You complain about Asians not getting respect, yet you (and a many other Asians) act blackimage. Embrace your culture "cuh"
can you explain what is Asian or Asian American culture?
Can you also explain what acting Black is?

First off, I am not Asian therefore I cant truly elaborate on the Asian American/Asian culture. However are you telling me that there is no characteristics, customs, traditions. . . that predominantly pertain to one culture or another? By characteristics, customs, et cetera., I mean a wide variety of things; from the food you eat, the way you talk, the way you dress, to the music that you like.

By acting black, which I originally contemplated placing in quotations due to the fact that I find this to be a dubious saying (I figuered NT would know what I meant, so I decided to leave the quotations out), I meant that OP is impersonating what is portrayed as a black man in todays media. Agian I have always hated this "acting black" saying, mainly because when a Black man is educated, dresses profesionally, and uses proper grammar he isnt really black, he is "acting white." So in a way "acting black" sets confines of what a black man is and can do. However people who are NOT black Do act black, Walking around as if theyre Lil Wayne, "Yo my N my swag is crazy, Look at my fresh 5XL "stop snitchin" screen printed tee cuh . . .

I mean I dont see anything wrong with an Asian man liking music that is predominantly made and marketed to African Americans, I dont see Anything wrong with a Mexican man wearing clothing that is associated with African Americans, take FUBU for example (which I think stands for Fashionable Unique Beautiful Ultrahip, I might be wrong tought). I dont see anything wrong with a white man has a room full of Malcom X, Tupac, Michael Jordan, and Tommie Smith/John Carlos posters. But when I see some one who is not African American, doing all of the above. . .

OP's verbiage ("swag run deep", "cuh," to his admittance of the N word) lead me to the conclusion, that he is trying to be something he is not. Yet he is complaining of the lack of respect for what he is. So if OP, came in here saying "you homes howcome them Vatos be talking trash about Asians, that $#*# pisses me off ese. Comes in here post a pic of himself with a number X3 Raider Jersey, while wearing some Nike cortezes you wouldn't be like
If a person is raised in America... would not the culture of America influence him?
that is why I included Asian Americans in my question... how should Asian Americans act? If you dont know what the baseline is so that you can compare....Howcan you criticize them for acting a certain way?

All Minority kids today are raised in the American culture.
Originally Posted by Shadyo5o

ind a good looking Asian male and put him in one of the roles Brad would play and train his body to sex symbol status...and tell me he would not sell tickets...
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