Asian males=no respect vol. Hollywood

Originally Posted by HyphySole

I think there arent many Asian Americans going for big acting roles yet. Most of em are from Asia. And they are totally different from Asian Americans. I can bet in the future, we will begin to see Asians playing bigger roles. Just my thought.
agreed...i dont know how to say this, but asians born in america look "different" than asians who were born in asia....i guess its theway they were raised/grew up.

and OP..u a lame %$! dude.
and LOL at the trading block comment.
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

What? He's asking why Asians are given a bad light in American media, not why they aren't dominating Hollywood. And I dont know why you bolded Asian and American as if to seperate them like they cant coexist.
Asia and America (North) are too different continents, are they not? It's not about coexisting. It's about the obviousness that everything in America would be biased towards Americans, because they are from America and that this phenomenom is not exclusive to America.
Okay, what about Asian-Americans?
They make up what % of the population/market?
Little over 4%.
While white and black Americans, whom the OP assumes get more respect in American media, make up around 80% Seems pretty obvious which group Hollywood would attempt to cater to most.

Similarly, if a black person where to go to Asia, he'd be asking the same question and again it'd be a stupid one
Of course they would cater to white and black people. But the other issue is about Asians not getting represented right. The only times you see Asians in movies now is a comic relief role, or the role of the quiet, meek, nerdy Asian. Whether agroup makes up 4% or 40 of a country, they shouldnt be subjugated to embarrassing roles and portrayals.
It's only a matter of time. Asians currently don't make up a large percentage of the overall population of the US.

btw, OP does not speak for Asians. "Swag run deep"? wat.
Give me a few years.

Seriously though, John Cho is doing pretty good for himself. He landed himself a pretty big role in Fastforward.
imma get into the technical part (what was learned in college) asians are not seen as sex symbols because of their height, the types of occupations theyacquire and for that one *small* stereotype (i'm paraphrasing my Filipino teacher) to go more in to depth is not necessary, Americans just do not see theAsian-American community as "sexy" although most do get play in my neck of the woods..
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

to be honest, Asian males aren't the only group that gets no respect. Really can't think of any high profile Latin actors. I mean we all know about the Latin females (J. Lo, Hayek, Cruz, Alba, etc.) but name some high profile Latin males not named Antonio Banderas. Don't even get me started on Middle Eastern actors. Dudes stay getting typecast as terrorists

Hell yeah. A Middle Eastern dude walks in a room and people are saying, "Hey, it's ACH-med"

10/06/09: The Asian community has placed Shadyo5o on the trading block. Looking for cash considerations.
How did I miss this?
okay so dude is looking to further his swag, by having an asian actor in whom he can claim to fame from?
OP, youre just making us look worse with your "swag" and "bows" comments
thank god i was born in north america, speak good english, stand at 6 '1 and have friends from all different backgrounds
You complain about Asians not getting respect, yet you (and a many other Asians) act black
. Embrace your culture "cuh"
Originally Posted by shaolin

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would it be possible to have a discussion on racism between Asians and other minorities (i.e African Americans, Latinos)?


Is NT too childish for that?
naw, we can... just not in this thread, and not with OP around
Word, OP is a joke, son aint representing no one but himself.

I dont think this issue can be solved unless we solve it ourself, the minority of us Asian guys just gotta keep doing what we do, and maybe that will shine alight towards us, but nowhere in the future do i see this getting solved, theres simply nothing we can do about it.

The media world is corrupted, not like extorting money corrupt, but portrayals of races. This can be said to any race, but personally i think the MediaPortrayal of an asian male is worse, its just sad and sickens me. Have you seriously seen an asian brother play any role besides that nerdy loser? Thewannabe black/cool guy? Or the Martial Artist? Nah, you don't, it doesnt make money.

It is what it is, just like good Hip Hop and Rap music, things will never change, we will still see the same old crap through the mainstream media.
Dawg I'm not going to reply against a majority of the hate waving in cuz it's the cool thing to do tonight...Some of u ducks are not even reading theoriginal post and copying what the other ducks are laughing at.

I swear I saw "swag runs deep" quoted about 15 times followed by a laughter? So what is it? Asian people can't have swag?

NT: the only place where everyother day it's yall have a girl problem post but at the same time supposedly most of yall are pulling females better lookingthan tailer swift?! Megan fox is not that hot?! Yo now I know why I stopped posting here years ago...yall are clowns...I come to nt to laugh but I justrealized what I was laughing at was not that yall were funny...I was laughing at how pitiful some of yall are...seriously the hate in this thread alone runsdeep...not just my swag...lmao...

Ok to the Asians that are putting down my Asianness or whatever because I talk the way I talk or blindly agreeing with the too PC black folk in here that aremore pissed bcuz I admitted I use the "n" word...shut the hell see how the black folk see my pic and see that I'm asian but as soon asthey saw the word swag they were laughing? What do u think was on their mind? They are thinking look at this "nerdy Chinese" swag...Asians don'thave swag and ur agreeing with them... Smfh

shaolin: my my my...there's nothing to say about u...ur hate seems to link towards resentment because I'm everyhing u want to be but can't be....ifu seen the beauty that I've seen with eyes in his world... Ud die with a permanent boner....don't write's pitiful how much ur on mysacs...if I ever lose one I'll call u up dawg...u could be the lost nut...ok?

To the one and only GUY who called me ur pics up a matter of fact post up pics of current, past girlfriends let's compare...let'ssee how much I care that a DUDE thinks I'm ugly...smh

My swag has nothing to do with Asian sex symbols being in Hollywood...Learn to friggen read people...I found it oddthat there were none...and as some of theposters added there are plenty on the way...hey I'm not gonna lie I didn't have much heroes to look up to that were the same race other than yeah naturally I questioned why...not because I my insecurity...

to the black ppl who call each other the "n" but have a problem with others saying it...smfh...if u rely want it with Don...come see me whenever u inMiami we can "chat" over a starbucks coffee...I'm not scared of yall like these other "N" word protecting punany asians in thisthread...not all the Asians in this thread just the ones justifying a word and protecting a word thatdoesnt even affect them...

And to te ones that actually gave insight and posted something positive thanks...maybe in the near future our kids can look at tv and not have to put thierhead down because they see a nerdy Asian misrepresenting thier culture or how they live life.
Originally Posted by Shadyo5o

to the black ppl who call each other the "n" but have a problem with others saying it...smfh...if u rely want it with Don...come see me whenever u in Miami we can "chat" over a starbucks coffee...I'm not scared of yall like these other "N" word protecting punany asians in this thread..
u gotta be kidding me

u mad?
Son should just stop, makin asian dudes look even worse, you cant even justify an argument so your making yourself look bad, if you actually came off positiveand sound good, maybe a few of us would agree with you.

Your a frekin minority in a minority, thats inside of a minority. How you gonna start a post on Asian guys getting no respect, when you come off as a douche. You dropping the N word like you got some street cred, you hang out with some suburban white boys in Miami
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